The Planning Committee will meet at 6.45pm pm on Monday 14th of September2015in the Council Chamber of Eye Town Hall.

  1. To consider the following applications for recommendation at Eye Town Council Meeting at

7.30 pm on Wednesday16th of September2015in the Council Chamber at Eye Town Hall.

Date Received / Number of Application / Location / Details / Response
17.8.2015 / 2740/15 / Land rear of, 37 Oak Crescent, Eye / Application for approval of details ('reserved matters') including the appearance, scale and layout, the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site, pursuant to outline planning permission 0248/13 (Erection of a one and a half storey, two bedroomed house with garage) / 7.9.2015
Extension only agreed to 14.9.15

25.8.2015 / 2861/15 / Wrightfield Ltd, 8 Progress Way, / Notification for Prior Approval for the Installation, Alteration or Replacement of other Solar Photovoltaics (PV) equipment on the Roofs of Non-domestic Buildings, up to a Capacity of 1 Megawatt / Extension agreed 17.9.2015

28.8.15 / 2949/15 / 17 Lambseth Street, Eye / Provision of new stair to access attic storage / 17.9.2015

27.8.2015 / 2813/15 / Town Farm Cottages, Cranley Road, / Erection of new front porch, first floor side and rear extension and rear extension / 17.9.2015

27.8.2015 / 2984/15 / Rook Hall, Yaxley Road / Installation of central heating system with flue to outbuilding. Internal alterations including removal of tiled fireplace and creation of additional bathroom. Insertion of new first floor window in north east elevation. / 17.9.2015

27.8.2015 / 2983/15 / Rook Hall, Yaxley Road, / Installation of flue to outbuilding. / 17.9.2015

4.9.2015 / 1588/15 / Cranley Road, Eye / Change of use of land to care farm and extension of fishery. Erection of single storey lodge, compost toilet and 2no.polytunnels. Construction of fishing pond. Extension to existing car park. Creation of earth bunds. / 25/9/2015

  1. Determinationsto note since last meeting.

Number of Application / Location / Details / Determination
1638/15 / The Old Vicarage, Church Street / Internal alterations to provide new ensuite facilities to bedrooms and removal of first floor family bathroom. / Listed Building Consent Granted 5 conditions 14.8.2015
1884/15 &
1885/15 / 34 Lambseth Street, Eye / Conversion of existing outbuilding into annex accommodation including new link to connect outbuildings and reconstruction of modern timber framed element to the rear. / Planning Permission Granted with 4 conditions 29.7.2015
Listed Building Consent Granted 29.7.2015
1172/15 / The Bank, 2 Castle Street, Eye / Replacement of existing goods lift with a passenger lift within the existing footprint, facilitating access to underground & first floor areas of the community building's meeting, learning and recording areas / Listed Building Consent Granted 16.7.2015
2203/15 / 39 Castle Street, / Erection of two storey rear extension. Erection of single storey rear garden room. Insertion of 2no. windows / Planning Permission Granted 3.8.2015
Listed Building Consent Granted 16.7.2015
2224/15 / Rookery House Eye /

Erection of 1detached dwelling and garage. -

/ Planning permission refused 2.9.2015
  1. To note the responses on 2710/15 and 2224/15 recorded on the planning log, which were considered over the summer recess.
  2. To consider any other planning matters.

Roz Barnett

Town Clerk, Eye Town Council

Email: Tel: 01379 651898