(This matrix was devised by Ralph Pirozzo in 1997 & updated in 2004)

UNIT OF STUDY: Tomorrow When the War Began - by John Marsden

YEAR LEVEL: 9A Teacher: Chrys Polack

Promoting Learning International /

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels

Knowing / Understanding / Applying / Analysing / Creating / Evaluating
I enjoy reading, writing & speaking / List the characters in the novel. Create a profile on each of the main characters. / Retell the events in the novel as a plot summary. / After reading each chapter of your novel, record what has happened in the novel & your reaction.
(3:2:1:RIQ) / Investigate the different locations used in the novel. Report your findings. / Common Assessment Task:
Write an epilogue (600words). (BROW)
I enjoy working with numbers & science / Draw & label a timeline of the events in the novel. (Mind map)
Research and list numbers of people killed since 2005 in terrorist attacks. → / List and Classify all the animals in the novel.
Choose one terrorist incident to explore in detail. / Make a word bank from a chapter in the novel and explain the meaning of the words. Provide 2 synonyms. / Devise a graph to show language devices and techniques used to create atmosphere and mood in one chapter OR
Create and show to your class a ppt. on a terrorist attack that has occurred in recent times. Evaluate it.
Picture smart
I enjoy painting, drawing & visualising / Collect some pictures of people in magazines that you think would match the characters in your novel. Explain why you think that is. OR
Find a scene from a TV show or movie that is similar to a scene in the novel. / Draw a detailed
picture of one of the places mentioned in the novel. / Analyse the book cover looking at colours, images, foreground/ background.
(3:2:1:RIQ) / Design a film poster that would promote the novel. (TAP) / Decide in what ways you are similar to one of the characters in the novel. (Venn diagram)
Body smart
I enjoy doing hands-on activities, sports & dance / Build a model of one or two of the places in the novel. / Perform a radio script or a dramatic presentation of the last chapter in small groups. / Write a review of your novel giving your evaluation of it and read it in front of the class. (BROW) / Interview with the author (or one of the main characters) of the novel. Play it in front of the class. / Devise and play a trivia game to measure knowledge of key parts of the novel.
Musical smart
I enjoy making & listening to music / Find a song that you think match the themes or story of the novel. à / Explain how the song relates to the themes or story of the novel. Play it to the class. / Create a CD soundtrack that would accompany a film based on your novel. / Compose a song that relates directly to the novel. (LEAP) / Justify your choice of songs for the soundtrack.
People smart
I enjoy working with others / List / survey 15 people on their response to the novel. / Complete an X-Chart on the
Hermit. What was his life like? (Guilty or innocent?) Explain / Design and perform an interview with one of the invaders. (Consider Robyn’s point of view.) / In pairs, write a story in which you meet one of the characters from the novel OR
Predict where you think the characters will be in 5-10 years time. (TAP) / Prepare a debate about whether or not terrorism is ever justified.
Self smart
I enjoy working by myself / .
Write an acrostic poem using the word ‘tomorrow’ / Describe in detail the setting of the novel.
(The Rake) / Write a poem about an event in the novel from a character’s point of view. / Imagine you are the director of a new movie version of the book. List stars and explain who would play the main parts and why? / Create a collage of images showing what you feel about terrorism and the issues raised in this novel. / Complete a self-evaluation of your effort throughout this unit of work. (LDC)
I enjoy keeping our environment safe / List the damages done by bombs to the environment. / Choose one of the main acts of terrorisms that have occurred in recent years and share with your group (TPSS) the impact that it has had on the surrounding areas. / What types of building materials are likely to reduce the impact of an exploding bomb? Are there any? Research. / Analyse the things that you can do to become much more environmentally friendly? (How does this action relate to the novel?) / How do you feel when you read about a suicide bomber? (X chart) OR Explain why someone becomes a suicide bomber. Do an X Chart / How does a film like, Paradise Now, shed any light on Tomorrow when the War began. Venn diagram

Thanks to Ralph Pirozzo for circulating all the units of work completed by the teachers who attended his workshops. I would like to thank Mike Fazio, Ken Riach and Mary Chapman as I modified and used some of their ideas. It certainly helped me knowing I did not have to start with a clean slate.

I have decided not to shade any of the boxes and I am allowing students to complete any five of the grid activities. The activities come after we have studied the novel together. The ESL students have listened to a audio of it. The rule is they complete one grid at a time and I assess each grid with them using a rubric before they attempt their next one. The time line is one grid activity to be completed, mainly at home, per week.

This unit has been created by Chrys Polack