Newsletter, Sunday, May 25th 2014

Masses this weekend: Intentions

7.00p.m. John McGrath, R.I.P.

10.00a.m. Joe Kerley (A).

11.30a.m. Michael Treacy (A).

John Ryan (A).

Sympathy: We extend our sincere sympathy to:

  • John Finucane, daughters Orla, Triona, Áine, Sinéad and son James on the death of Ann Finucane late of Monaleen National School.
  • Eileen and David Fitzgerald and family of Milltown, Ballysimon on the death of Eileen’s mother, Bridget Stack of Newmarket-on-Fergus and formally of Glin.
  • Please pray for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Tribute to Ann Finucane: The whole school community in Monaleen National School was deeply saddened this week to learn of the death of Ann Finucane. Ann retired from her long career as Teacher and Principal of Monaleen N.S. in 1998. Ann taught all classes and excelled in the preparation of pupils for the sacraments. Ann took great pride in her work with the choir. She was a deeply committed teacher, her contribution to the education and welfare of all the children in Monaleen School was immeasurable. She was a wonderful colleague, a brilliant teacher, a great mentor and a true friend. We wish to extend our deepest sympathies to her husband John, her children and grandchildren, sisters, brothers and extended family on their great loss.

Weekday Mass Times: Monday to Friday – Mass at 9.45a.m. each morning.


Monday 9.45a.m. - Michael Dillane, R.I.P.

Tuesday 9.45a.m. - J.J. Shanahan (A).

Wednesday 9.45a.m.

Thursday 9.45a.m.

Friday 9.45a.m. - Eileen Moloney (A).

Mary Murphy (A).

Offertory Collection: €1,395.00. Sincere thanks.

Diocesan Needs Collection: €343.00.

Adoration: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue on Tuesday morning, May 27th after Mass until 12 noon.

Sacristan’s Collection: There will be a Collection at all Masses this weekend in appreciation of the work of our Sacristans. Your generous support would be greatly appreciated.

Pastoral Council: The Pastoral Council would like to invite all Eucharistic Ministers and those who might like to become one in the future, to an evening meeting in the Church and a cuppa afterwards in the Sacristy early in June – date to be advised next week. Pls give your name to Mgr Dan.

Serve: Sincere thanks for your generous support last weekend. Total raised from Church gate Collection amounted to a wonderful €497.80. SERVE work in partnership with the Redemptorists in the developing world. 100% of proceeds will directly support skills training for vulnerable communities. Further info from William Browne – 091 781231 or

Congratulations: To the children of Monaleen Parish, who were confirmed by Bishop Brendan Leahy in St. John’s Cathedral on Tuesday, May 20th. It was a lovely ceremony, well done to all involved.

Baptism: We welcome into the Parish Community those who were baptized recently:

  • Laura Hussey, daughter of Frank and Katherine of Riverbank, Annacotty.
  • Daniel Bourke, son of Conor and Mary of Beechwood, Golf Links Road.

Ciara McCarthy Memorial Cycle: In aid of Cliona’s Foundation – starting 7.00p.m. Sat. 7th June from Boher Community Centre Station House (sign in 6.15p.m.) 40km loop. Please support this worthy cause. Refreshments after the cycle. For more information and sponsor cards please contact Margaret on 087-6359456.

Newtown Pitch: If you own a shovel and would like some exercise on these lovely evenings we would be delighted to see you down at the Newtown Pitch to spread some gravel on the driveway. You could bring your neighbour too especially if they are retired as they could be tipping away at it during daytime. Gravel is arriving this evening and Ger Carew has kindly offered to oversee the project. > Many thanks in anticipation of your help. Mary Smith.

G.A.A. News: LOTTO: There was no winner of last week's jackpot of €8,100; numbers drawn were 6, 15, 30 and 32. The next jackpot will be €8,400. Our four lucky dip winners were: P. Glynn, B. Hyland, B. Gleeson and P. Kerley.

Next weekend: Intentions Readers

7.00p.m. Pro Populo. Eamon Stack

10.00a.m. Moira Ryan (A). Eileen Keane

11.30a.m. Rachel Hogan, R.I.P. Ena Fitzgibbon