T 3:20-6:00 PM Fall, 2011
Dr. J. Michael Shannon, Professor of Preaching
Office Phone: (513) 244-8620
Home Phone: (859) 384-2553
Cincinnati Bible Seminary exists to educate and train vocational and avocational church leaders. Effective leaders must develop the skills required to meet the needs of the local church.
1. To expose students to the practical methods used in the exercise of ministry
2. To develop in each student the attitudes and skills necessary for effective church leadership
3. This course will not deal in depth with aspects of ministry covered in detail in other classes (i.e., church finances, personal evangelism, counseling, church growth etc.). This course will deal in depth with material not covered in other ministry classes (i.e., baptisms, funerals, weddings etc.).
Class Agenda
August 23 Topics
The Call to Ministry
Concepts of Ministry
Unit One: Pastoral Care
30 Topics
Weddings (Counseling, Rehearsals and Ceremony)
Toler, Chap. 27
September 6 Topics
Funerals pt. 1
Wiersbe, Chapters 1-6
Toler, Chap. 26
13 Topics
Funerals ctd.
Hospital Visitation
Nursing Homes
Wiersbe, Chap. 7-Appendix)
Toler, Chap. 35
20 Topics
Dealing with the MIAs
Toler, Chap. 38, 24
Assignments Due:
Wiersbe Review due
Unit Two: Administration
27 Topics
Staff and Elder-Deacon Relationships
Leadership and Management
Toler, Chap. 40-55
October 4 Topics
Church Structures (Staff, Ministry Areas and Ministry Teams)
Toler, 56-65
11 Topics
Criticism and Conflict Management
Toler, Chap. 7, 11, 12
Unit Three: Evangelism
18 Test on Preliminaries through Unit 2
Evangelistic Programs (Personal and Corporate Strategies)
Toler, Chap. 25, 29, 30, 33
Shelly book review due
25 Topics
Baptisms (Theology and Practice)
Unit Four: Preaching/Teaching/Worship
November 1 Topics
The Minister’s Study and Devotional Life
Time Management
Toler Chapters 6, 14
8 Topics
The Sunday Morning Experience (Preaching and Worship)
Toler, Chap. 66-71, 28, 31
Miscellaneous Matters
15 Topics
Minister’s Self Care: Temptation and Depression
Temptation and Personal Integrity
Toler, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Assignments Due
Term Paper Due
22 No class-Thanksgiving Break
29 Topics
Ministerial Ethics and Etiquette
The Minister’s Family
Toler Chap. 13, 15-23
Dec 6 Topics
Job Hunting and Candidating
The Minister’s Taxes
Assignments Due
Toler review due
12 Final Exam: Unit Three through Misc.
Assignments and Tests:
1. Students will write a book review of each textbook. Due dates are listed in the course agenda. Students are expected to read all the textbooks. Certain passages relevant to the discussion of a particular topic are highlighted in the course plan.
2. Each student will write a term paper based on a personal interview with either a hospital chaplain or a funeral director. Most hospitals and funeral homes would be glad to help you make the arrangements. These interviews need to be in person. If the interview is with a hospital chaplain, the title of the paper should be, “The Minister in Times of Sickness.” If the interview is with a funeral director, the title will be, “The Minister in Times of Grief.” The paper should be ten to twelve pages.
3. There will be two tests. Dates are listed in the course plan.
Class Policies
1. Attendance is expected of all students. In this class, missing even one session can deprive the student of crucial information related to the effective practice of ministry. Regardless of the reason for an absence, the student is responsible to make up all work missed.
2. Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date, but will receive full credit if handed in any time on the due date. There will be a one-week grace period on all assignments, with late work receiving a letter grade penalty. After the grace period, no assignments will be accepted.
3. The professor reserves the right to alter or revise this plan.
4. Laptops may only be used for legitimate academic purposes. Ne emails. No IMs. No Facebook. No web surfing. Any violation and laptops will be banned from class.
Grades will be computed according to the following formula:
10% Wiersbe Book Review
10% Shelley Book Review
10% Toler Book Review
20% Interview/Term Paper
20% Mid-term Test
20% Final Exam
10% Class Participation
Stan Toler’s Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry by Stan Toler
Ministering to the Mourning by Warren & David Wiersbe
Well-Intentioned Dragons by Marshall Shelley