Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Lesson Plan Outline

1. Lesson Title: Mechanics Review Lab

2. Date of Implementation: Given upon completion of the mechanics portion of Advanced Physics.

3. Lesson Author(s): Mike Dunkle

4. Subject Area(s): Advanced Physics

5. Grade Level: 12

6. Approximate Time Needed: 2-3 blocks

7. PA Content Standard(s): 3.4.10.C & 3.4.12.C Distinguish and apply the principles of force and motion

8. Objectives/Lesson Outcomes: The students will fully understand how all the concepts of mechanics are related. From only their collected data of displacement and time the students will find and graph acceleration, velocity, momentum, kinetic energy, potential energy, impulse, and work. From this they will write a conclusion describing the connections between all of their data.

9. Materials and Resources Required:

A. Technology (include location and equipment):

We will be using an air track, collision carts, mobile laptop lab, spark timers and spark tape or motion sensors with computer interface (I ordered the computer interface this past year), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Equation Editor, and Microsoft Excel.

B. Printed Materials: Attached

C. Other Supplies:Protractors and meter sticks

10. LessonProcedures: The lesson procedures are provided on the attached handout.

11. Modifications for Differentiated Instruction:

A. Remediation: There is no remediated lesson or lab for this particular class.

B. Enrichment: The lab itself is the enrichment to the entire first semester class and the beginning of the Advanced Class. We will have covered every topic that they are going to working with in this lab. This is their opportunity to bring it all together.

12. Student Assessment: I will be collecting the lab from the students and grading it for accuracy and completion. They will be in lab groups to allow them to collaborate with one another and each lab group will hand in their lab write-up for their grade.