Port Hope Heritage Business Improvement Area

Minutes of HBIA held on May 4, 2016 at 5:30pmat the Port Hope Town Hall Committee Room 56 Queen Street, Port Hope, ON

  1. Attendees:

Present: Micheline Kerswell, Gary Knight, Robert Polutnik, Kendra Simmons, Bree Nixon

Guests:Simon & Jennifer (Sword and the Scone)

Staff present:Jamie Byers,

Absent with regrets: Karen Henricks, Karen O’Hara, Kevin NarrawayMelissa Sherwin,

Delegations Will Lambert Canadian Firefighters Museum

5:35 Welcome

Approval of Agenda – WednesdayMay 4, 2016

MOVED BY Robert Polutnik

SECONDED BY Kendra Simmons


Presentation from William Lambert of the history of the Canadian Firefighters Museum and updates for future development of the museum.

  1. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the Nature Thereof– none
  1. Approval Previous Minutes –April 2016

MOVED BY Robert Polutnik

SECONDED Gary Knight

Be it resolved that this Committee approve the minutes of [April, 2016 minutes],


Business Arising –Hero’s Highway Ride overview and progress, they have obtained local food vendors.

  1. Board Reportsand/or Committee Business

Treasurer Report see attached

MOVED BYRobert Polutnik

SECONDED Kendra Simmons


Council report

Strategic plan is complete good to have a plan. This is a 10 year plan broken down to yearly goals with dollar amounts for some small projects such as interlock along the river. The budget has been approved. Micheline asked about the quarterly report for John Street. Once it comes out Robert will provide to us. 7 issues were discussed John to Augusta if remains one way the beautification plan would be different. Works will be painting the lamp-posts from top to bottom the money will come from the beautification reserve fund. Two visitor staff has been hired. Barrett street one lane wooden covered bridge possible. CP rail speed limit increase turned down. An addition to the signage at the 401 to state Port Hope the best preserved Main Street, would like to see a billboard on CN tracks. Would like to have counts on our website Robert/Kendra to show Jamie how to do this.

Marketing report N/A

Chamber/young professionals

June 17thBreakfast with OPG 7:30-9:30 Knights of Columbus regarding Darlington Refurbishment. May 31 Women’s Breakfast at Crawford’s 7:30-8:30. So far have 30 participants for the China trip.

Heritage Port Hope

It was decided at the April 18th Heritage Port Hope Meeting that we will not be sending a Representative to the monthly HBIA meeting any longer. However we will be sending a report as needed, thank you. (Was received via email)


Ladies night is coming along many merchants have sent in their promotions make sure to like and share our fb page.

HHR update many local food vendors are participating they will be working with Jeannie to get Health Unit approval they will be expanding into Rotary Park with vendors OPP will be helping with the road closure will be coming off highway at 12pm.

Susan Dewhurst party will be on May 16, 2016 4-6.


Flags are ready to go had some students put them on the poles for us. Kinsmen will be putting up on May 15th need volunteers that can climb ladders 8am start time.

Chair report

Johnathan Racine has resigned from the HBIA board for personal reasons we will send out a request for new board members. We had our last OMAFRA training session for our Strat Plan. Overall was membership have given us positive input. This will be put together and presented.


New BusinessJamie had some banners designed they were liked was suggested we get the Marketing department to give us some pictures that they will be using to unify Jamie will contact Kevin.

8.Next Meeting – June1, 2016 5:30 Town Hall
Committee Room

9.Adjournment–adjourned at 7:00.



Chair Person Name [Printed]Recording Secretary [Printed]