Name: Brenda Jackson Date: November 16

Department: Behavioral and Social Sciences

FIPP Partner: Octavia Hyacinth

Class title & section # HD 8/ #2457

Name of Activity/Strategy: Grade Tracker

Category: (please select only one) Reminder: you will submit one report from each of the categories)

Classroom Activity Classroom Environment X Classroom Expectations

Feedback & Evaluation Homework & Out-of-Classroom Learning Experiences

Student Empowerment

Briefly describe the activity/strategy, providing enough detail so that a colleague can replicate the activity/strategy.

  1. Introduction:Many students have a difficulttime keeping up with course requirements. To empower students to stay on task in completing their assignments, I utilized a one sheet Grade Tracker which lists all assignments in order of the due date.
  1. Set-up & Supplies: Createa Grade Tracker form on the computer to meet the assignment criteria for your course. For my course, I utilized a grid which included the following information:
  • listing of due dates and assignments
  • Blank box to enter actual date assignment was submitted
  • Listing of points for each assignment
  • Blank box on grid to enter actual points received
  • Total points for all assignments
  • Total points needed to pass course
  • A reminder that you only receive half of the points for late assignments
  • A Quote or statement which says” You have the power to control the grade that you receive”
  1. Directions: On the first day of class, I discussed the purpose and importance of utilizing the Grade Tracker. Assignments are due weekly in my course. I shared with my class that each week I would grade and return their assignments. After passing out their assignments, I would announce to the class to record their points on their Grade Tracker. This announcement would assist them in utilizing the Grade Tracker and assist them in staying on task.

What worked well?Making regular announcements to students to enter their points on the Grade Tracker was a great idea!! This motivated students to complete their coursework so they could enter their points on the Grade Tracker when I made the announcement to the class. Students stop asking those familiar questions of “Can you tell me how many points I have for your class? When is this assignment due? Do you think I will pass your class? “If this question was asked by one or two students, I referred them to review their Grade Tracker.

What would you change? Presently, I’m pleased with the student outcome of utilizing the Grade Tracker. However, in the future I may pair students to utilize the Grade Tracker as a team effort to monitor each student’s progress. In the future, I plan to update the Grade Tracker by using another format with the same information.

Would you use this activity/strategy again? Why or Why not? I feel theGrade Tracker is a motivational tool which assists students in passing mycourse.

Please describe any student learning and/or changes that you observed after the implementation of the activity/strategy.At the end of my course, I asked students to write down their opinion about the Grade Tracker (I should have utilized surveys for the class responses). Students felt that the Grade Tracker assisted them in staying on task and passing my course. The following is a list of student comments regarding the Grade Tracker:

  • The grade tracker was helpful because I was able to figure out my grade without bugging the teacher. I feel like every class should use this grade tracker to help a student be successful.
  • The grade tracker helped me to maintain my points received. Consequently, I knew how I was progressing in class.
  • The grade tracker was extremely helpful…especially to map out my success. It helped me to stay on the right track. It also keeps you on top of where you are. This isa plus for confused and unorganized students…..that’s a big help. If you keep using the grade tracker Ms. Jackson, I believe that you will have positive grades and more successful students. Thank you Ms. Jackson
  • The Tracker guide broke down every assignment that was needed to be turned in to get credit for the class. The dates for which the assignments were due was really well organized. Everything was basically clear on the tracker guide
  • My feelings about the tracker guide is that it helps a student stay organize and stay sharp on your studies, also it makes you feel good as a student.
  • The grade tracker helps me notice how I was doing in class. Am I succeeding? Failing? The grade tracker was helpful to me.
  • I think the tracker guide really helped me to keep my grades up and stay within the required point range…when I didn’t get full points on an assignment, I could calculate how close I was to not passing.
  • The tracker guide is an excellent tool and I think more professors should use it. It gives the student (myself) a view on how they are doing academically. Also sometimes some teachers are very overwhelmed with students, they miss some points or overlook some coursework; in other words it benefits the student as well as the teacher. Personal note for me, it feels as though I have accomplished work to my best ability and it is reflected each time I added my points. It’s motivational for me to continue.

I will continue to utilize the Grade Tracker in my Human Development 8 course to assist students in staying on task. When students feel good about their individual progress, it builds their self esteem and motivates the student to do their best work.