Important Classroom and School Information

STAAR Test Dates

Please do not schedule doctors’

appointments on the following dates:

Writing(April 1 and 3)

Math (April 22)

Reading (April 23)

Billie Planner and Binder

  • The Billie Planner and the binder are important tools that we use all day long. All papers are stored in the binder in the appropriate section and the homework is written in the Billie Planner. Please check the Billie Planner EVERY night and sign or initial when homework is complete. Getting this taken care of is your child’s responsibility and is part of becoming a “Self-Manager.”
  • Homework that is not completed or is left at home will result in your child staying in at study hall to complete or redo the assignment. Student hall takes place during our recess time.


  • If your child is NOT going home his/her usual way, send a note to school or call the school office informing us of the change. Please do not just tell your child. They will receive a note, which is a notification for all campus staff (including bus drivers) that they are in the right place. This helps eliminate any confusion or misplaced children at the end of the day.
  • You may use the Billie Planner to communicate transportation changes.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • We will be scheduling conferences today for those who are here.
  • A note will be sent home for those not present.
  • We will be conferencing with our own homeroom students.
  • Conferences will discuss information about your child’s progress, areas of strength and needs for improvement.
  • Conferences can be scheduled on an “as needed” basis all year.


  • Please have your child here every day. Students arrive in the classrooms at 8:00. Pledges and announcements begin at 8:10.
  • If your child must miss a day of school due to illness or family emergency, you are required to send a note stating the reason for the absence in order for it to be excused.
  • All absences and tardies are recorded throughout the school year in the registrar’s office.


  • If your child needs to take medication at school, it must be in the original bottle and turned in to the nurse. She will administer it in the nurse’s office.
  • During cough and cold season, your child may bring cough drops.

Parties and Birthdays

  • We have 2 parties this year – Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
  • You may send a treat for birthdays, however, it must be store bought and will be served after 3:00. Cookies and cupcakes are great for this.
  • Party invitations must include all students if passed out at school.

Field Trips

  • We take two field trips in 4th grade. The fall trip is to The Alamo in San Antonio and the spring trip is Ag Day at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds. More information will follow when those days get closer.
  • Parents are welcome to attend and must be V*I*C*E* approved prior to the trip. This form was available at the beginning of the year. Let us know if you need one. It takes several days to get approved.
  • All students MUST ride the bus to and from the field trip. They can NOT be signed out. Parents may NOT ride the bus.

Support Our School

  • Cash for College: Every Wednesday is “College Day” where students and faculty are encouraged to wear a college t-shirt and bring coins or cash for the “Billie Bank.” At the end of the year all of the money collected is awarded as scholarships to graduating seniors at FHS. In the past years we have been able to award 2 to 3 scholarships.
  • Box Tops for Education: Box Tops are collected through the year and get turned in to earn school equipment. Try to cut out and collect as many as you can. Get the family involved – including grandparents, aunts/uncles, even the neighbors!

Contact Information

  • Conference Time: 9:30 – 10:30
  • School Phone: 997-9595
  • Mrs.Sifford’s Email:
  • Miss Uecker’s Email: