Texas SET Event Summary
Event Description: Texas SET/TTPT Meeting / Date: Thursday, June 1 and 2, 2010 / Completed by: David Hanks
Jennifer Frederick (Direct Energy), Kathryn Thurman (ERCOT), Johnny Robertson (TXUE), Becky Taylor (CNP), Ed Echols (Oncor), Kathy Scott (CNP),Gene Cervenka (ERCOT), Jonathan Landry (Gexa), Jim Lee (Direct Energy), Cary Reed (AEP- WebEx),
Day 2
Gricelda Calzada (AEP – WebEx), Jennifer Frederick (Direct Energy), Kathryn Thurman (ERCOT), Johnny Robertson (TXUE), Ed Echols (Oncor), Kathy Scott (CNP),Gene Cervenka (ERCOT), Jonathan Landry (Gexa), Becky Taylor (CNP), Kyle Patrick (Reliant)
Texas SET Meeting
Antitrust Admonition
ERCOT strictly prohibits market participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, subcommittees and working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each market participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, please send an email to Sheila Letkeman at to receive a copy.
All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure.
ERCOT MET Center – Austin, TX
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
WebEx Meeting: Meeting # 359 790 296
J.Frederick reviewed Slides for presented at RMS
TX SET Issues to Update:
· I087: Puct substantive rule §25.493 (e) states that ERCOT “shall develop procedures to facilitate the expeditious transfer of large numbers of customers from one rep to another.”
· K.Thurman is writing the change control for the new code AQ.
· J.Robertson asked if a RMGRR will be submitted to RMS. J.Frederick responded that this will not be submitted at the next RMS meeting.
· I104: Add additional SAC04 Codes for Transition Charges, Transition Charge Off Allowance, Credits and Weather Events
· E.Echols completed the Charge Code Matrix. There are some codes that still need to be added to his lists. J.Frederick suggested adding all of the codes that are going to be used.
· MSCO41 was agreed to be used as the “Energy Efficiency Cost Recovery Factor” that will need to be added to the list.
· Each TDSP will need to submit a list of request for new codes to J.Frederick or K.Thurman so that these can be reviewed and codes can be assigned at the next TX SET Meeting.
· I105: Support processes related to PUCT Project 37291 – Meter Tampering and Disconnection and Reconnection of service for customers with Advanced Meters
Direction from Meter Tampering Task Force:
· ERCOT to populate Switch Hold on TML
· ERCOT will not remove the Switch Hold without TDSP approval
TX SET Drafted the following outlines for Switch Hold. There will be a conference call on Thursday, June 17th at 1:00 to decide if we will use Existing Transactions (814_20 and 650_01/650_02) or a New Transaction (888)
Transactional Switch Hold Communication Solutions
for Texas SET 4.0
Using Existing Transactions for Tampering
Addition of Flag
1. TDSP discovers Tampering and sends 814_20 to ERCOT requesting addition of the Switch Hold Flag
a. ERCOT will post flag to TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
b. ERCOT will forward 814_20 to the ROR and any pending ROR
Removal of the Flag
1. ROR sends 650_01 to TDSP requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
a. TDSP sends 650_02 response to ROR acknowledging receipt of the Service Order Request
2. TDSP sends 814_20 to ERCOT requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
a. ERCOT will remove flag from TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
b. ERCOT will forward 814_20 to the ROR and any pending ROR
Using New Transactions for Tampering
Addition of Flag for Tampering
1. TDSP discovers Tampering and sends 888 to ERCOT requesting addition of the Switch Hold Flag
a. ERCOT will post flag to TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
b. ERCOT will forward 888 to the ROR
Removal of the Flag
1. ROR will send 888 to ERCOT requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
2. ERCOT will forward 888 to the TDSP
3. TDSP will respond to ERCOT with approve/decline removal of the Switch Hold Flag
c. If approved ERCOT will remove flag from TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
a. If declined Switch Hold Flag will stay
b. ERCOT will forward response to the ROR
Deferred Payment
· This rulemaking is still in progress at the PUCT
Using Existing Transactions for Deferred Payment
Addition of the Flag
1. CR sends 650_01 to TDSP requesting addition of the Switch Hold Flag
a. TDSP sends 650_02 response to ROR acknowledging receipt of the Service Order Request
2. TDSP sends 814_20 to ERCOT requesting addition of the Switch Hold Flag
a. ERCOT will add flag to TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
b. ERCOT will forward 814_20 to the ROR and any pending ROR
Removal of the Flag
3. CR sends 650_01 to TDSP requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
a. TDSP sends 650_02 response to ROR acknowledging receipt of the Service Order Request
4. TDSP sends 814_20 to ERCOT requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
a. ERCOT will remove flag from TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
b. ERCOT will forward 814_20 to the ROR and any pending ROR
Using New Transactions
Removal of the Flag
1. ROR will send 888 to ERCOT requesting removal of the Switch Hold Flag
2. ERCOT will forward 888 to the TDSP
3. TDSP will respond to ERCOT with approve removal of the Switch Hold Flag
c. ERCOT will remove flag from TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
a. ERCOT will forward response to the ROR
Addition of the Flag
1. ROR will send 888 to ERCOT requesting addition of the Switch Hold Flag
2. ERCOT will forward 888 to the TDSP
3. TDSP will respond to ERCOT with appropriate code
d. If approved ERCOT will add flag from TML Find ESI ID and TDSP ESI ID Extract
a. If declined Switch Hold Flag will stay
b. ERCOT will forward response to the ROR
· Transactional Solution to implement with SET 4.0
· Request for removal of a Switch Hold Flag for purpose of a MVI will stay within MarkeTrak and will not be impacted by SET 4.0
o A new MT flow will be implemented in the next MarkeTrak release
· When looking at existing transactions we would not make change to the flow. i.e.- we would not suggest 650 going through ERCOT
· Creating a new transaction will most likely be more costly to all Market Participants than adding new segments/codes to existing transactions
· SET Changes Needed:
o Using Existing:
§ Add Switch Hold Removal and Addition codes to the 650_01
§ Add Switch Hold Request acknowledgement to the 650_02
§ Add Switch Hold Removal and Addition to the 814_20
o Creating New:
§ Implementing use of the 888 transaction and documenting all data for that transaction
· I106: With the new functionality provided by AMS meters to detect power outages and power restoration and to allow customers to request power outage/restoration notifications via Smart Meter Texas there is need for TDSPs to receive customer contact information via the 814_PC transaction.
K.Thurman and K.Scott are working on the Change Control.
· I107: PUCT Project 37622proposes new Critical Care Status designations that would add new identification requirements to all affected TX SET Implementation Guides.
K.Thurman and K.Scott are writing the Change Control
· I108: Texas SET Guides should be updated to reflect correct information
K.Thurman walked through redlines that are part of 3.0A.
· I109: With the changes to the PUCT rules around disconnect timelines for AMS meters we just want to verify what each TDSP will expect in regards to date requested
J.Frederick stated that are no necessary changes to the RMG. I109 will be closed.
Documentation for SET 3.0A:
· Review examples document drafts
· Determine what document changes are still outstanding for 3.0A Implementation Guide Release
o Final Redlines will be brought by K.Thurman after the June 30th change control call. This will be the last change control for the 3.0A Release.
o 810_02 and 810_03 change controls for removing the SAC 04
o Update for 867_02 and 867_03 for the REF~JHI
o SAC04 Codes from the Matrix (The Matrix will be submitted to K.Thurman on June 7, 2010.)
o Approval from Suzette to remove change control 717
Documentation for SET 4.0:
· Review outline for SET 4.0 to determine what documentation is needed to provide enough information to ERCOT for development of cost estimation
o What is still needed?
o Are all draft Change Controls, RMGRRs and PRRs ready?
Texas SET will have a follow up call on the June 17, 2010.
The Tampering Task Force might have a RMGRR with regards to the meter tampering changes. K.Thurman stated that high level requirements are good on moving forward to get in during 4.0.
The CBCI file template will need to be updated to incorporate the new fields .
There will be RMGRR and/or NPRR for Project 5.
Add ability to complete Unexecutable a switch
Switches – TDSP proposed using non response TDSP 814_08. ERCOT will have to look at the impact to their system because they do not take 814 08s currently form the TDSPs. TDSP currently use 814_28(09) non-responsive driven transaction.
Everyone will take back and get feedback from their company on how it will affect them and bring that information back on the June 17, 2010 call.
TTPT Issues:
· Discuss any outstanding TTPT Issues
There were no outstanding issues from TTPT today.
Other Business
· D.Hanks setup the WebEx for June 17, 2010.
· K.Thurman submitted I110 in order for TX SET to discuss and review of the I110. (814_07, 814_15, 814_23)
o J.Frederick reviewed the I110 and K.Thurman will draft a Change Control.
· J.Frederick reviewed the Acquisition Requirements Document.
Change Control: I110 – 727 was reviewed by TX SET.
K.Scott asked if removing these will affect the Performance Measures that are reported. M.McCarty informed K.Thurman that if TX SET wants to get rid of them, then ERCOT would just not report on them.
Right now, ERCOT is only reporting on the 814_07 at this time.
J.Robertson stated that we can take them out and if there was ever a need to bring them back we cam since the transactions will be in an archive.
Also discussed was removing the 814_09, 814_13 and 814_29 for CRs.
Discuss on the June 17th Conference Call if we should remove the transactions or not.
SAC04 Matrix
TX SET reviewed the new SAC04 Matrix that was updated by E.Echols and J.Robertson.
K.Scott would like a change control column in the matrix. TX SET is agreeing to add the change control to the matrix.
Check gray boxes within the Retail Market Guide to see what needs to be cleaned up in the SET 4.0 Release.
K.Scott made changes to the 650_01 and 650_02 by adding the codes added for disconnect and reconnect for tampering.
814_PC was updated and reviewed by TX SET.
This will use a new PER~PO (Production Representative) segment for Power Outage information (phone number, call phone, and email contact information)
Add new segment to the 814_04 to pass to the 814_14 to show in case of POLR event that the ESI ID had a Switch Hold, TDSP is responsible to let the ROR that a switch hold was placed on the premises. 814_14 and only with a TS
K.Patrick asked about the options for the switch hold with either a new transaction (888) or updating a segment within the 650_01 and 814_20 transactions.
J.Robertson and J.Frederick both agreed that it was better to use existing transactions.
Do CRs expect to batch on the 650s on the switch hold? Not any more that it happens today, every 10 -15 minutes.
Deferred Payment and Switch Hold might be an issue at some point with regards to numbers which would cause some issues on the 814_20s being sent to ERCOT.
Do we really need the TDSP to do an 814_08, why would not have ERCOT do it? It was talked about that last meeting that the TDSP would be owners of that flag.
Action Items / Next Steps
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