Appendix No 5

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers

of the Republic of Uzbekistan

dated July 15, 2014 No 192

the List of

unused territories and redundunt production areas subject to transfer to the local State power bodies accordingly into their land reserves and under operational governance, including those intended for futher organization of the industrial parks

п/п / Name of a Facility / Location / Area of the buildings, facilities
(thousand square metres)* / Adjoining
(hectares)* / Proposals on further effective
usage of the facility
OJSC "Kommunallik Issiqlik Orayi" (communal heat-supply)
(Republic of Kaeakalpakstan)
1. / Unusedlandlotin the territory of the boiler-house RK-2 / Republic of Kaeakalpakstan,Nukus city / - / 0,28 / 1. tobetranferredinto the land reserveofNukus city Hokimiyat
2. tousetheacceptedlandlotsforconstructionoffacilitiesforrender of domestic services to population children’s playgroundas per the General Plan of Nukus city
2. / Guard-room of the boiler-house RK-2 / Republic of Kaeakalpakstan,Nukus city / 0,01 / 0,001 / 1. performsanceofdemolitionintheestablishedorderbased on the conclusion by the State Architectural and Constructional Supervision Commission datedApril 17, 2014 on unfitness for usage of the building and facilities.
2. to trnfer the released land lotsinto the land reserveofNukus city Hokimiyat
3. / Warehouse of the boiler-house RK-2 of the OJSC " Kommunallik Issiqlik Orayi " / Republic of Kaeakalpakstan,Nukus city / 0,18 / 0,018 / 1. performsanceofdemolitionintheestablishedorderbased on the conclusion by the State Architectural and Constructional Supervision Commission datedApril 17, 2014 on unfitness for usage of the building and facilities.
2. to trnfer the released land lotsinto the land reserveofNukus city Hokimiyat
Total: / 0,19 / 0,299
State Enterprise"Andijan specialized repair-
exploitation enterprise for maintenance of
thebridges’ sector"
4. / Unused land lot / Andijan Region, Andijan district / - / 0,46 / tobetranferredinto the land reserveofAndijan district Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 0,46
State Enterprise "Gizhduvan district contractual repair-
exploitation enterprise of the highways’ sector"
5. / Unused land lot / Bukhara Region,Gizhduvan district / - / 1 / tobetranferredinto the land reserveofGizhduvan district Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 1
State Enterprise "Karakul district contractual repair-
exploitation enterprise of the highways’ sector"
6. / Land lot subject to release of theasphalt-concrete coating plant / Bukhara Region,Karakul district / 0,12 / 2,03 / 1. relocation ofthe asphalt-concretecoatingplantandtransfer of the released land lots into the land reserveofKarakul district Hokimiyat.
2. useofthelandlotsby Karakul district Hokimiyatfor construction of the dwelling houses as per the General Plan of Karakul district.
Total: / 0,12 / 2,03
OJSC "Issiqlik Manba’i"(heat-supply)
(Bukhara Region)
7. / Building and facilities of a boiler-house / Bukhara Region,
Kagan city, (territory of the school No 2) / 0,07 / 0,007 / 1. performsanceofdemolitionintheestablishedorderbased on the conclusion by the State Architectural and Constructional Supervision Commission No 172 datedApril 4, 2014 on unfitness for usage of the building and facilities.
2. to trnfer the released land lotsinto the land reserveofKagan city Hokimiyat
8. / Building and facilities of a boiler-house / Bukhara Region,
Kagan city, (territory of the former hospital) / 0,11 / 0,011 / 1. performsanceofdemolitionintheestablishedorderbased on the conclusion by the State Architectural and Constructional Supervision Commission No 172 datedApril 4, 2014 on unfitness for usage of the building and facilities.
2. to transfer the released land lotsinto the land reserveofKagan city Hokimiyat
Total: / 0,18 / 0,018
OJSC "DjizzakhPlastmassa" (plastic items’ production)
9. / Unused land lot / Djizzakh Region, Djizzakh city,
5, Tashkentskaya str. / - / 3,98 / 1. tobetranferredinto the land reserveofDjizzakh city Hokimiyat.
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Djizzakh RegionHokimiyat with placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
10. / Water-cooling tower / Djizzakh Region, Djizzakh city,
5, Tashkentskaya str. / 0,12 / 0,01 / 1. write-offwithconsequentdemolition andas the scrap metal
2. to transfer the released land lotsinto the land reserveofDjizzakh city Hokimiyat.
Total: / 0,12 / 3,99
LLC "UzRuberoid"(tar paper, asphaltic felt, roofing felt, ruberoid production)
11. / Unused land lot / Namangan Region, Pap district, 19, Iskovur str. / - / 3,5 / 1. tobetranferredinto the land reserveofPap district Hokimiyat.
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Namangan RegionHokimiyat with placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 3,5
OJSC "SamarqandKimyo"
12. / Land lots handed over to Pastdarghom district Hokimiyat / SamarqandRegion,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / - / 34,7 / creationofanindustrialparkby Samarqand RegionHokimiyat with placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
13. / Storehouse for ammonia EFK-3 (tanks 20 pcs)*** / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / 3,05 / 0,91 / 1. saleofthegood-for-useelementswith dismantlingandtransfer of released land lots into the land reserveofPastdarghom district Hokimiyat.
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
14. / Smoke stack of the boiler-house No 3*** / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / 0,04 / 0,03 / 1. saleofthegood-for-useelementswith dismantling andtransfer of released land lots into the land reserveofPastdarghom district Hokimiyat.
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
15. / Building of the pump-house of the boiler-house No 3*** / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / 0,11 / 0,09 / 1. saleofthegood-for-useelementswith dismantling andtransfer of released land lots into the land reserveofPastdarghom district Hokimiyat.
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
16. / Building of a garage*** / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / 0,9 / 0,54 / 1. saleofthegood-for-useelementswith dismantling andtransfer of released land lots into the land reserveofPastdarghom district Hokimiyat.
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
17. / Empty land lots / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city, Khimikov settlement / - / 12,3 / creationofanindustrialparkby Samarqand RegionHokimiyat with placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 4,1 / 48,57
OJSC "Issiqlik Manba’i"
(Sanarqand Region)
18. / Unused territoryof a boiler-house / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand district, Ulugbek settlement / - / 0,65 / 1. tranferofthelandlotinto the land reserveofSamarqand district Hokimiyat.
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Samarqand Region Hokimiyat
19. / Unused territoryof a boiler-houseof SPTU No 2 / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city / - / 0,08 / Transferoftheemptylandlotвinto the land reserveofSamarqand city Hokimiyat for subsequent cinstruction of a dwelling house
20. / Unused territoryof a boiler-house located in the territory of the children’s hospital / Samarqand Region,
Koshrabat district / - / 0,01 / TransferofthelandlotвintothelandreserveofKoshrabatdistrictwith consequent hand-over to entrepreneurs in the established order
21. / Unused territoryof a boiler-house / Samarqand Region,
Samarqand city / - / 0,01 / Dismantlingofthesmokestackoftheboiler-house and tranferofthelandlotinto the land reserveofSamarqand city Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 0,75
OJSC "ShargunKumir" (coal-mining)
(Surkhandarya Region)
22. / Unusedlandlotofa mine-pit of the gypsum deposit / Surkhandarya Region Region, Saryasiya district,
Shargun city / - / 96 / tranferinto the land reserveofSaryasiya district Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 96
State Enterprise"Viloyat Issiqlik Manba’i" (heat-supply)
(Surkhandarya Region)
23. / Unused part of a territoryof a boiler-house / Surkhandarya Region,
Termez city,
“Yangi Hayot” rural citizens’ counsel / - / 0,08 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofTermez city Hokimiyat
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Surkhandarya Region Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 0,08
Unitary Enterprise "Kizirik SuvOqava"
24. / Unused territoryof a water distribution point / Surkhandarya Region,
Kizirik distrikt,
“Buston” rural citizens’ counsel / - / 0,75 / 1. tranferto Kizirik distrikt Hokimiyat
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Surkhandarya Region Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 0,75
OJSC "Sirdaryo IES"(thermal power station)
25. / Unused land lot / Sirdarya Region,
Shirin city / - / 1 / tranferinto the land reserveofShirin cityHokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 1
СПОАО "Chirchiq Transformator Zavodi"(transformer-making plant)
26. / First industrial ground including the existent buildings and facilities / Tashkent Region, Chirchiq city / 18,5 / 9,8 / 1. hand-overtoChirchiqcityHokimiyatatamarketpricedeterminedbyaappraisalorganization, in the established order, with write-off of a certain part of the debt before the State equal to the market price of the transferred buildings and facilities.
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Tashkent Region Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 18,5 / 9,8
State Enterprise "Quyichirchiq district contractual repair-
exploitation enterprise of the highways’ sector"
27. / Landlotof summer houses (built in 1976) / Tashkent Region, Quyichirchiq district, Chaqmaq village / - / 1,6 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofQuyichirchiq district Hokimiyat
2. hand-over in the established order of the land lots to entrepreneural entities by Tashkent Region Hokimiyat
Total: / 0 / 1,6
SubsidiaryEnterprise "Ferganskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod" (mechanical engineering works plant)
(OJSC "Tashkentskiy Mekhanicheskiy Zavod")**
28. / Landlots, free of building / development / Fergana Region, Fergana city,
2, Aviasozlar str. / - / 17,92 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofFergana city Hokimiyat
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Fergana Region Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 17,92
State Uniotary Enterprise "Viloyat Issiqlik Manba’i"
(Fergana Region)
29. / Unused territory of a depotof an enterprise / Fergana Region, Fergana city,
248, Quvasoy str. / - / 1 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofFergana city Hokimiyat
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Fergana Region Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 1
StateEnterprise "Khorezmskoye Trolleybusnoye Upravleniye"(trolleybus department)
30. / Unused land lot / Khorezm Region, Urgench city, Amudarya str. / - / 0,15 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofUrgench city Hokimiyat
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Khorezm Region Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 0,15
Air Company "SAR"
(Tashkent city)
31. / Unusedlandlotin the eastern part of the airfield / Tashkent city, Sergeli district, “Bahor” residential area / - / 20 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofTashkent city Hokimiyat
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Tashkent city Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 20
Subsidiary enterprise of a constructional company in Sergeli district
32. / Unusedlandlot / Tashkentcity, Sergelidistrict,
3, Obi-Hayotstr. (formerMasson str.) / - / 2,97 / 1. tranferinto the land reserveofTashkent city Hokimiyat
2. creationofanindustrialparkby Tashkent city Hokimiyatwith placement in it of the entrepreneural entities.
Total: / 0 / 2,97
In all: / 23,21 / 211,887


*) Subject to more precise definition on part of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Land and Cadastre.

**) Transfer of a facilitywill be performed in accordance with the proposals of the Work Group created by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers dated April 23, 2014 No 277-f.

***) obsolescent and physically depreciated equipment shall be subject to utilization with hand-over of the scrap metal made up as a result of utilization, in form of the scrap of ferrous and nonferrous metals by contractual prices accordingly to OJSC “UzMetCombinat” and OJSC “Tashkent plant for processing scrap of ferrous and nonferrous metals”, all that to be done in the established order

"Code of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan",

July 21 2014,No 29, page 361