Constitution Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S)
Incorporated Suggestions from IEEE Headquarters: March 8, 2017
Approved by the UFFC-S Bylaws and Constitution Review and Revision Committee with IEEE Suggested Changes: April 9, 2017
Approved by IEEE UFFC-S AdCom: June 21, 2017
Approved by IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities: July 10, 2017
Notice to Membership: July 17, 2017
Effective Date: August 16, 2017
CONSTITUTION(with Comments)
IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-S)
Table of Contents
Article 1.Name and Objectives
Section 1.1.UFFC Society
Section 1.2.Objectives
Section 1.3.Purpose
Section 1.4.Compliance
Article 2.Membership
Section 2.1.UFFC-S Membership
Section 2.2.UFFC-S Voting Members
Section 2.3.Categories, Rights, Privileges, and Dues
Article 3.Field of Interest
Section 3.1.Field of Interest
Section 3.2.Modification
Article 4.Finances
Section 4.1.Membership Dues
Section 4.2.Registration Fees
Section 4.3.Other Revenues
Section 4.4.Responsibility
Article 5.Administration of the Society
Section 5.1.AdCom Membership and Offices
5.1.1.Administrative Year
5.1.2.AdCom Members
5.1.3.UFFC-S Officers
5.1.4.Elected AdCom Members
5.1.5.Term of Office of President
5.1.6.Term of Office of President-Elect
5.1.7.Term of Office of Other Officers
Section 5.2.AdCom Duties and Responsibilities
5.2.1.Duties and Responsibilities of Officers
5.2.2.Duties and Responsibilities of the President
5.2.3.Representation to IEEE
Section 5.3.Committees of the Society
5.3.1.Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
5.3.2.Standing Committee Chairs
5.3.3.Ex-Officio Member
Section 5.4.Removal of Members and Vacancies
5.4.1.Removal of Appointed Member
5.4.2.Removal of Elected Officer
5.4.3.Removal of Elected AdCom Member
Article 6.Meetings
Section 6.1.General Meetings
6.1.1.General Meetings
6.1.2.Participants of General Meetings
Section 6.2.AdCom and Committee Meetings
6.2.1.AdCom Meetings
6.2.3.Voting at Meetings
6.2.4.Meetings via Telecommunication
6.2.5.E-mail Vote in Lieu of a Meeting
6.2.6.Voting of Presiding Officer
6.2.7.Voting of Individuals Holding Multiple Positions
6.2.8.Proxy Voting
Article 7.Publications
Section 7.1.Publications Program
Section 7.2.Editor-in-Chief of Transactions
Section 7.3.Other Editors-in-Chief
Article 8.Amendments and Bylaws
Section 8.1.Amendments of Constitution
8.1.2.AdCom Approval
8.1.3.IEEE Approval
8.1.4.General Comment
Section 8.2.Amendment of Bylaws
Note #1: The current composition of the UFFC-S Bylaws and Constitution Review and Revision Committee: Chair: Jian-yu Lu (); Members: (i) Jackie Hines,(ii) Clemens Ruppel,(iii) Jan Brown,(iv) Jafar Saniie,(v) Peter Lewin,(vi) Don Malocha,(vii) Mark Schafer, (viii) Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, (ix) Dragan Damjanovic, (x) Sidney Lang, (xi) Ronald G. Polcawich, (xii) Zuo-Guang Ye, (xiii) John Vig, (xiv) Mike Driscoll, (xv) Dan Stevens, and (xvi) Patrizia Tavella; Agreed to help: (i) Yook-Kong Yong, (ii) Lori Bridal, (iii) Keith Wear, (iv) Gerry Blessing, (v) Debra Coler; Ex Officio: Clark Nguyen.
Note #2: Tentative revisions (additions and deletions) to the Constitution are shown in pink color, excluding comments. The black color indicates the portion of the Constitution that is not changed from the current Constitution approved by IEEE on December 20, 2010.
Note #3: For comparison and convenience, the exact wording of the current Constitution approved by IEEE on December 20, 2010 are also shown but in a smaller text font.
Note #4: It would be beneficial for UFFC-S to save this document since it may be useful as a reference for future amendments of the Constitution. This document contains a collective wisdom and deliberation of the UFFC-S Bylaws and Constitution Review and Revision Committee, and gives reasons as to why each change was made. This could help not to overlook things in future revisions of the Constitution. The date on each comment, suggestion, or change provides the thought process of the Committee chronologically. Some changes may be eventually reversed after discussions but they were also documented.
Article 1.Name and Objectives
Section 1.1.UFFC Society
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]This organization is a unit of the IEEE and shall be known as the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, hereinafter referred to as the UFFC-S (or the Society). The governing body of the UFFC-S shall be The Administrative Committee (AdCom).
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i)Deleted “and shall be” for grammatical improvements.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added “(or the Society)” since both UFFC-S and Society may be used in the texts interchangeably.(ii) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 1.1This organization is a unit of the IEEE and shall be known as the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society, hereinafter referred to as the UFFC-S. The governing body of the UFFC-S shall be The Administrative Committee (AdCom).
Section 1.2.Objectives
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]UFFC-S objectives shall be scientific, professional, and educational in character. The UFFC-S shall promote the advancement of the theory and practice of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, frequency generation and control, and allied arts and sciences.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 1.2UFFC-S objectives shall be scientific, professional, and educational in character. The UFFC-S shall promote the advancement of the theory and practice of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, frequency generation and control, and allied arts and sciences.
Section 1.3.Purpose
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The purpose of the UFFC-S is to promote close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members and with the scientific community. To this end the UFFC-S shall publish technical papers and hold meetings for the presentation of papers and their discussion. The Bylaws shall establish the medium for publication shall be established in the Bylaws.
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i)Changed the passive sentence “The medium for publication shall be established in the Bylaws” to active “The Bylaws shall establish the medium for publication.”]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 1.3The purpose of the UFFC-S is to promote close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members and with the scientific community. To this end the UFFC-S shall publish technical papers and hold meetings for the presentation of papers and their discussion. The medium for publication shall be established in the Bylaws.
Section 1.4.Compliance
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The UFFC-S’s governing documents, including the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures, shall be in accordance with and subordinate to IEEE governing documents.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 1.4The UFFC-S’s governing documents, including the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures, shall be in accordance with and subordinate to IEEE governing documents.
Article 2.Membership
Section 2.1.UFFC-S Membership
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]Membership in the UFFC-S shall be open to IEEE members and Society Affiliates having a professional interest in any aspect of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, or frequency control.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017: (i)Added “Society” to be consistent with IEEE Bylaws: “I-103. Affiliates. 1. Definition. The designation ‘IEEE Society Affiliate’ refers to individuals who are not IEEE members but who are entitled to participate in certain activities of the Society. The Technical Activities Board shall establish the qualifications for Society Affiliates and the associated rights and privileges within the Society. Dues shall be established by the Board of Directors. Affiliates do not qualify for any special membership categories as defined in IEEE Bylaw I-102.1.”]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 2.1Membership in the UFFC-S shall be open to IEEE members and Affiliates having a professional interest in any aspect of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, or frequency control.
Section 2.2.UFFC-S Voting Members
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]UFFC-S Vvoting membership shall consist of IEEE voting members, andAffiliates, and Associate Members belonging to the Society.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Changed from “Voting membership shall consist of IEEE voting members and Affiliates belonging to the Society” to “UFFC-S voting membership shall consist of IEEE voting members, Affiliates, and Associate Members belonging to the Society” due to the comments from IEEE below. In February 2017 version of the IEEE Bylaws, it has: “I-104.5. Associate Member. The grade of Associate Member is designed for technical and non-technical applicants who do not meet the qualifications for Member grade, but who would benefit through membership and participation in IEEE, and for those who are progressing, through continuing education and work experience, towards the qualifications for Member grade” and “I-105.5. Associate Members. Associate Members shall be entitled to attend meetings of IEEE members, to vote only on matters presented to groups of members (such as Societies and Sections), and to be appointed on committees with the right to vote when specifically approved by the Board of Directors. (See Bylaw I-309.) Associate Members may use AMIEEE or ‘IEEE Associate Member’ in their signature blocks, and on business cards, letterheads and such.”]
[IEEE Headquarters’ suggested changes or comments on March 8, 2017: (i)This is not correct. Associate members cannot vote in IEEE elections but can vote in society elections.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 2.3Voting membership shall consist of IEEE voting members and Affiliates belonging to the Society.
Section 2.3.Categories, Rights, Privileges, and Dues
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The Bylaws shall specify the cCategories of membership, rights, privileges and associated feesdues related to membership will be specified in the Bylaws.
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i) Changed the passive sentence “Categories of membership, rights, privileges and associated dues related to membership shall be specified in the Bylaws” to active “The Bylaws shall specify the categories of membership, rights, privileges and associated dues related to membership.”]
[IEEE Headquarters’ suggested changes or comments on March 8, 2017: (i)In this context, “dues” is the more appropriate term. We recommend a global change to “dues” when referring to membership fees.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Changed “will” to “shall” since it is more appropriate.(ii) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 2.2Categories of membership, rights, privileges and associated fees related to membership will be specified in the Bylaws.
Article 3.Field of Interest
Section 3.1.Field of Interest
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The field of interest of the UFFC-S shall include theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to:
•The generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena.
•Medical ultrasound and associated technologies.
•Ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and piezomagnetic materials.
•Frequency generation and control, timing, and time coordination and distribution.
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]This interest ranges from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices, sensors, systems, and manufacturing technologies within the general scope defined above.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 3.1The field of interest of the UFFC-S shall include theory, technology, materials, and applications relating to:
•The generation, transmission, and detection of ultrasonic waves and related phenomena.
•Medical ultrasound and associated technologies.
•Ferroelectric, piezoelectric, and piezomagnetic materials.
•Frequency generation and control, timing, and time coordination and distribution.
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] This interest ranges from fundamental studies to the design and/or applications of devices, sensors, systems, and manufacturing technologies within the general scope defined above. Modification of the Field of Interest shall be in accordance with the procedures specified by the IEEE and amendments to this Constitution.
Section 3.2.Modification
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]Modification of the Field of Interest shall be in accordance with the procedures specified by the IEEE Technical Activities Board Operations Manual and Section 8 of this Constitution IEEE and amendments to this Constitution.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMay 21, 2017:(i) Added “IEEE” before “Technical Activities Board Operations Manual” to clarify.]
[IEEE Headquarters’ suggested changes or comments on March 8, 2017: (i)We suggest this language, as it is more specific: “TAB Operations Manual and Section 8 of this Constitution.”]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) This paragraph is separated out from the last one since it is not the “Field of Interest” itself.(ii) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
Article 4.Finances
Section 4.1.Membership Dues
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The UFFC-S may assess an annual membership dues fee.
[James Spicer’s suggested changes or comments on April 11, 2017: (i)Removed “an” for grammatical correctness.]
[IEEE Headquarters’ suggested changes or comments on March 8, 2017: (i)In this context, “dues” is the more appropriate term. We recommend a global change to “dues” when referring to membership fees.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 4.1The UFFC-S may assess an annual membership fee.
Section 4.2.Registration Fees
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The UFFC-S may charge registration fees at its sSociety meetings, symposia, conferences, and conventions.
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i) Changed “Society” to “society” since it is an adjective here.]
[IEEE Headquarters’ suggested changes or comments on March 8, 2017: (i)Fees is OK here.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 4.2The UFFC-S may charge registration fees at its Society meetings, symposia, conferences, and conventions.
Section 4.3.Other Revenues
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The UFFC-S may raise revenue by other means, such as sales of products, advertising, trade and technical shows, requests for contributions, and charges for sending out notices to non-UFFC-S members. Any new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE rules and regulations requiresmust be approvedal by the IEEE before being adoptedadoptionby the UFFC-S.
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i) Changed “Any new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE rules and regulations must be approved by the IEEE before being adopted by the UFFC-S” to “Any new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE rules and regulations requires approval by the IEEE before adoption by the UFFC-S” to read better.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 4.3The UFFC-S may raise revenue by other means, such as sales of products, advertising, trade and technical shows, requests for contributions, and charges for sending out notices to non-UFFC-S members. Any new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE rules and regulations must be approved by the IEEE before being adopted by the UFFC-S.
Section 4.4.Responsibility
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The finances of the UFFC-S shall be the responsibility of the AdCom, in accordance with IEEE guidelines.
[Clark Nguyen’s suggested changes or comments on June 8, 2017: (i)Removed the comma after “AdCom”.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMay 21, 2017:(i) Removed “the” before AdCom since “AdCom” has been defined as “The Administrative Committee” in Section 1.1 above.]
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added section title to allow bookmarks of documents and for clarity.]
[December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:] 4.4The finances of the UFFC-S shall be the responsibility of the AdCom, in accordance with IEEE guidelines.
Article 5.Administration of the Society
Section 5.1.AdCom Membership and Offices
5.1.1.Administrative Year
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The Administrative Year of the Society shall be January 1 through December 31 of the same year.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMarch 8, 2017:(i) Added this subsection to define the administrative year. This is modeled after the Bylaws of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). The definition could give us flexibility for our governing documents when needed and for clarifications.]
5.1.2.AdCom Members
[Tentative modifications (pink texts, if there is any) to the December 20, 2010 IEEE-approved version:]The AdCom shall consist of not more than 24 Voting Members, including 12 Elected AdCom Members defined laterin 5.1.3. below this section, plus not more than 12 UFFC-S Officers alsodefined laterin Section 5.1.2 below this section. There may be additional Non-Voting Members as specified in the Bylaws. Procedures for appointments, nominations, and elections shall be as prescribed in the Bylaws. The nomination procedure for Elected AdCom Members shall include provision for UFFC-S members to place names on the ballot.
[Jian-yu Lu’s explanation or changes onMay 21, 2017:(i) Removed “The” before AdCom since “AdCom” has been defined as “The Administrative Committee” in Section 1.1 above.]