Principal’s Report 10 March 2010
1. Staff news
2. Building programs
a. Primary School for the 21st Century $3000000
· Fortnightly progress meetings are held on Wednesdays at 9am with staff, parent and builder representatives in attendance.
· We have received the program for works from Hutchison which indicates a completion date – End of July.
b. Implementing the technology centres in classrooms
· We have installed data projectors in rooms 25 and 26.
3. Communications with parents
· BEST START- parents of students in Kindergarten will receive their BEST START report this week. The report provides advice to parents and supports the teaching programs in classes.
· Parent teacher interviews will be conducted during weeks 9-11. Case meetings for students with disabilities are conducted as part of the interviews.
4. Recent events in the last month
· The school photographer has taken students’ photographs.
· North Coast swimming carnival at Banora Point.
· Clean Up our School – Clean Up Australia Campaign
· Boys and girls cricket have moved into round 2 of the PSSA cricket competition
5. Coming events
· Sport 11/3 Rugby 7’s at Bangalow,11/3 FNC AFL Zone trials,21/3 NC PSSA Tennis ,23/3 Brunswick Valley winter sport trials,25/3 North Coast PSSA AFL trails,28/3 State swimming carnival,
· 11/3 SRC travelling to Brisbane for the Young Leaders Conference
· Parent/teacher meetings during last three weeks of term 1.
· 30/3 Choir performing at Bayside Retirement Village,
· 7/4 Nursery Rhyme Rap –Early Stage will perform nursery rhymes as part of their term 1 program.
6. School initiatives
· The vegetable and bush tucker garden project is underway with a team of interested parents and a green team from Stage 2. A meeting was held on Tuesday to establish some guidelines and directions.
· Strategies to address the mould problem in rooms 20, 1, 2, 3 and 4.
o We have several independent parents visit the classrooms before any treatment and after treatment.
o The contact cleaning service ISS and Powerclean have visited the school to investigate the smell and examine the cause of the smell. The service has identified the source of the mould in Room 20 and treated the mould. The service identified the source of the smell in rooms 1 and 2 in the store room under a leaking refrigerator.
o A representative from the Asset Management visited the school to discuss options to strategies to improve the class environment. Results included removal of mould from external walls, treat of floor in room 20 and new carpet, major trim of large trees in school to increase fresh air flow , remove building material from room 20 and metal dust to fill holes, remove carpet in store between rooms 1 and 2.
o The NR Health Department was approached by the P&C with a letter of support from the school.
7. Financial Notes
· Building Fund - $22584.66
§ A quote of $20340 to install air-conditioning units in rooms 22, 21, 5, 6, 7, 8 and the front administration offices was accepted.
§ The funds for this project were provided by benefactors who have made donations into our building fund.
· Library Fund balance – $26547.88
§ The Literacy team are working on a plan to increase the number of guided readers and home readers available to students.
8. Issues
· In conversations with staff and parents, the problem of the quality of sound in the COLA during assemblies, annual presentations, Education Week, school events and PE lessons has been a concern. After speaking to members of the P&C funding committee, I requested a quote from J&J Southon for supply and installation of a sound system that would benefit students, teachers and parents into the future. Attached is a quote for funding as a fund raising project for 2011. A quote was presented at $6490(GST inclusive)
· Secondly, to enhance the hall’s capabilities the installation of a data projector and a screen located on the stage would be a very positive addition to our facilities. $5550 (GST inclusive)
Geoff Spargo