Nonfiction Book Project


Chalk Outline

This project is a creative alternative to a standard book report or book review. It allows a reader to express what he/she has learned through reading their nonfiction selection. There are a few items that I will be looking for specifically in each outline; however, the overall appearance and end product are up to you.

Required items:

**Chalk outline of your body: Trace the outline of your body onto a piece of craft paper, freezer paper, or construction paper. This paper can be purchased at Wal-Mart, or any craft store. Please keep in mind that the outline must be school appropriate. It should be an outline of your body, not a detailed anatomical sketch. (5 pts.)

**Head of person: Find and print out a colored picture of the person which is SIZE appropriate. DO NOT attach it the body, but turn it in with the finished outline. (5 pts.)

**Informational tidbits: This is where your outline becomes a reflection of your creativity. Your nonfiction book gave you much information on a specific topic. Through words and pictures from magazines, newspapers, drawn, or hand written, you will “show what you know.” Ask yourself what you learned from your book; what was interesting; what was surprising, etc. The answers to those questions should be visually evident to me and to your classmates through viewing your outline. DO NOT INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE PERSON ANYWHERE ON THE OUTLINE.

You must include at least 6 of these tidbits on your outline. (5 pts/each)

**Thumbs up/down: On a 3x5 index card, you are to give your book a rating; a thumbs up or a thumbs down. You must include reasons for your rating. This rating should be no longer than 5 sentences in length. Make sure your thumbs up/down is visually evident at the top of your card. (10 pts)

**Creativity: I will be grading your outline according to creativity and effort. Some tips to remember: everything on your outline should be clearly visible from any point in the room, COLOR/COLOR/COLOR, school appropriateness, but most importantly--INDIVIDUALITY! I want to see how the book affected you through what you have included on your chalk outline. I will use the following grading system:

Visually appealing layout, optimal sizing of letters and drawings, color, no visible pencil lines/erasure marks, maximum time and effort evident: (15 pts)

Visually appealing layout, letters and drawings too small to be seen from any vantage point in room, color, minimal pencil lines/erasure marks, sufficient time and effort evident: (10 pts)

Visually non-appealing layout, letters and drawings too small to be seen from any vantage point in the room, lack of color, pencil line/erasure marks, lack of time and effort evident: (5 pts.)