Executive Committee


Date: / 23 May 2017
Time: / 6:45pm -
Venue: / QN Hotel
Attendees: / Kaylee Ilka, Deb Schultz, Cindy Hoare, Renee Carvolth, Rachel Hancock, Andria Cable
Apologies: / Amy Wadsworth
Invited Guests:
The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record of the previous meeting. Moved by Cindy Hoare, 2nd By Renee Carvolth
Item No.
/ Discussion / Action / Member
1. / Opening
1.1 / nil
2. / Actions arising from previous minutes
2.1 / a)Treasurer Report – Completed and attached to these minutes.
b)Stocktake – Kath counted Rep dresses for stocktake, we are missing heaps from last season, someone to follow up with previous girls from rep teams.
3. / Standing agenda items
3.1 / TBA
4. / New Business
4.1 / Shed Grant
  • Kaylee will be applying for an extension as we will not have the shed started before grant expires. Shed will not start until the end of 2017.
  • Rachel to contact council to do the acquittal.
  • Kaylee has received confirmation from soccer that they will definitely be paying their half of the storage shed.
  • Kaylee to organise extension
  • Rachel to contact council
  • Kaylee Ilka
  • Rachel Hancock

4.2 / Laidley Rep Carnival
  • Laidley Rep Carnival was cancelled due to wet weather prediction. Has now been moved to 11/6/17
  • Kaylee has already rebooked courts with council.
  • Someone to contact Gatton or hire places to price up large deep fryer to use for the day.
  • Andria to do up flyers for all parents and players to ask for volunteers to help at our carnival.
  • Rachel checking with Rotary Club if they can still help on this new date.
  • Kaylee to contact council to remind about marking lines for grass courts.
  • Kaylee to contact Thompson Cold room hire to confirm new date.
  • Kaylee to order double amount of meat for new carnival date.
Next Rep Carnival 4th June 2017 – Goondiwindi /
  • Kaylee calling council for grass court markings.
  • Andria flyers
  • Rachel Rotary Club
  • Kaylee calling Thompson Cold Room and ordering more meat
  • Kaylee Ilka
  • Rachel Hancock
  • Andria Cable

4.3 / Junior Season
  • Junior season will end 22nd June 2017. Semi Finals for Junior 1 and Junior 2 will be 8th June 2017, Grand Finals for junior 1 will be 15th June another Semi Final for Junior 2 on 15th June 2017 and then Grand Final for Junior 2 on 22nd June 2017.
  • Presentation will be held on 22nd June Junior 1 and Netta will be 4:30pm at netball courts. Junior 2 will same date after finals game approx. 5:40pm
  • First place receives large trophy, second place receives slightly smaller trophy and all other players receive medalions.
  • Each player will also receive a sausage sizzle, a popper and a lollipop.
  • Renee and Deb to order trophies for all juniors as well as best and fairest and most improved.
  • Lockyer to meet with Kaylee to discuss the weekend carnival.
  • Kaylee Ilka

6. / Future meetings
6.1 / Next exec meeting to be held on 28/3/2017 @ 6:00pm QN Hotel /
  • Cindy to book table at QN for this meeting
  • Cindy Hoare

All meeting minutes have been accepted and approved by:


Kaylee IlkaCindy Hoare
