Fairfield Wrestling

1.  All wrestlers must attend all practices and team functions
If you are not able to attend, you must present a note BEFORE missing practice. It is difficult to get better if you are not at practice. If you are not at practice (excused or unexcused) you may be denied a wrestle off opportunity. Three unexcused absences may result in a wrestler being dismissed from the team.

2.  All wrestlers must record their weight before and after practice.
We do this to monitor your progress throughout the season.

3.  All wrestlers should conduct themselves in a positive manner. We want our athletes to represent their community, school, team, and family appropriately. This includes on and off the mat. ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY!

4.  Grades should be a priority for everyone on the team. Wrestlers should budget their time so that the two hours spent after school at practice will not impact their classroom performance. OHSAA eligibility requirements must be met to be eligible to compete.

5.  Injured wrestlers must still attend practice. Injuries are part of sports. Getting evaluated and treatment from our training department will help determine what you are able to do. Wrestlers skipping treatment and not attending practice will be considered to be un-excused. Wrestlers will abide by all rules / guidelines / procedures that training staff has provided for all athletes in the training room. (BE NICE!)

6.  Wrestle offs will help determine the team. Challenge matches will be used to determine who wins the spot for each weight class. Wrestlers will meet at agreed weight (usually scratch +5), Any close wrestle offs, may result in best of 3 matches. On rare occasions, coaches reserve the right to pick the team with no wrestle off.

7.  Wrestlers should lock up their belongings. Wrestlers simply need to pick a locker and place a lock on it to secure their belongings. The coaches and athletic department are NOT responsible for any items. (locked or unlocked).

8.  Wrestlers are responsible for their equipment. We are fortunate to have nice gear. Each wrestler is financially responsible for any and all school issued equipment.

Violation of any team rules will result in the following:
1. Mopping mats / Verbal warning
2. One match suspension
3. Dismissal from team.

Wrestler Signature