
Please answer the following questions truthfully. False or inaccurate answers may result in inappropriate advice being given to you. Please read each question carefully before answering it.

1.(a)Approximately when do you begin to prepare yourself mentally for a forthcoming major competition (Weeks in advance? days? hours?) ______

(b)How do you begin this type of preparation?


(c)What do you think about most during this preparation stage?

(Performance? Results? Opponents? Pleasing your



2.Do you like people important to you (parents, friends, family etc.) to be present at competitions?


3.What do you usually look forward to most

(a)in the days leading up to the competition?


(b)in competition itself?


(c)About the time immediately following a competition?


4.What do you usually dread the most

(a)In the days leading up to a competition?


(b)In the competition itself?


(c)About the time immediately following the competition?


5.(a)How long before you set off for a competition do you pack your kit bag?


(b)How do you pack your kit bag? (Do you have a set procedure? a checklist?)


(c)Have you ever failed to pack an essential item of gear before an important competition? (please specify and state how recently)


6.Do you have a ‘favourite’ equipment you use for competitions? (If yes, please specify)


7.(a)What do you like most about the 24 hours immediately before an important competition?


(b)What do you dislike most about this same period of time?


8.Do you have a set procedure for when you arrive at the venue to begin your competition preparation? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If so, what precisely is your set procedure. (Indicate the order in which you carry this out.)


9.(a)Do you use any ‘special food’ or drink on the day of the competition? If ‘YES’ please specify.


(b)How close to competing do you eat or drink anything?


10.What do you look for in the competitive area and its surroundings that will be of relevance to you?


11.(a)What precisely do you do to warm up?


(b)When in relation to the beginning of the round do you begin to warm up?


(c)What precisely are your main objectives in the warm-up? (Please indicate in order of priority)


(d)What do you usually think about most during the warm-up?


12.(a)How long before an important contest do you like to go to the competition area?


(b)How do you react to the oppositions if you meet them them before an important competition/contest?


13.(a)Do you always begin a contest with an opponent with a clear strategy in mind?

Yes [ ]No [ ]

(b)If ‘yes’, is it the same strategy for each contest?

Yes [ ]No [ ]

(c)If ‘no’, then what kind of things make you change your strategy?


14.(a)What do you usually think of immediately before a contest? (please be as precise as possible)


(b)What do you usually think of during a contest?


15.(a)What do you usually think of in the time between contests?


(b)How do you think you could use these periods of time more effectively?


16.(a)What do you usually do immediately after finishing a contest?


(b)What do you usually do immediately after finishing a competition?


17.(a)What did you enjoy about your most recent competition?


(b)What did you enjoy about your most recent important competition?


(c)What did you dislike about your recent competition?


(d)What did you dislike about your recent important competition?


18.(a)What do you believe to be the strongest features of your game? (please indicate in order of priority i.e strongest first)


(b)What do you believe to be the weakest features of your game? (please indicate in order of priority i.e weakest first)


19.Before a very important contest/competition is there anything that

(a)You actively dislike?


(b)Usually makes you anxious?


20.(a)How would you describe your present level of physical fitness?


(b)Which aspects of your physical fitness (stamina, muscular strength, flexibility, etc.) do you think could be improved the most in order to improve your performance in serious competition?


21.(a)Which aspects of your sport do you think you perform most effectively?


(b)Which aspects of your sport do you think you need to practise the most?


22.(a)How do you rate your ability to concentrate during an important contest?

Excellent [ ]Very good [ ]Good [ ]Fair [ ]Poor [ ]

(b)What is most likely to disturb your concentration during an important contest?


23.(a)How do you rate your ability to control your emotions during an important contest?

Excellent [ ]Very good [ ]Good [ ]Fair [ ]Poor [ ]

(b)What is most likely to upset you emotionally during an important contest?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.