A Matrix of Various Situations

December 17, 2001

Sebastian Bednarowski

Keiko Nakazawa


Strategies associated with each situation / Actions or activities associated with each strategy / Competencies required to implement each strategy / Structural drivers and resources / Executional drivers and resources
Strategies for varying environments (rate and direction of change)
(page 250-263) /
·  Emerging[1] / -  Be an industry leader in the early stage. / -  Take risks / -  Willingness to pioneer and to take risks / Plant/Equipment / -  Produce attractive, innovative, profitable, high quality products
-  Easily to change around (convertible)
-  Cell base production line
-  Efficient capacity to meet customers demand / Internal Business Process / -  Hire open-minded, team oriented employees with high risk tolerance
-  Retain key employees.
- Grant options to employees to motivate them.
- Encourage employees to innovate new processes and fulfill new ideas by creating corporate open management style.
-  Create broad or focused differentiation strategies. / -  Superior ability to create executes strategies.
-  Institute feel for what buyers will like
-  Opportunistic strategy making
-  Large capital to invest in resources, capabilities, and market recognition / Learning curve
Linkage / -  A firm’s position determines how costly a strategy will be relative to competitors.
-  Share manufacturing and operation processes with sister units. / Internal Business Process
Strategic Choice / -  Create flexible and learning organization.
-  A firm’s policy choice of new modes.
Push to perfect the technology / -  Innovate product quality and develop additional attractive performance feature. / -  High skill and knowledge of technology required
-  Idea to develop attractive feature / Linkage /

-  Share idea and knowledge with suppliers and distributors to develop attractive feature.

Adopt quickly to dominant emerging technology / -  Try to monitor new emerging technologies. (Do not bet too heavily on your own technological approach.) / -  Ability to gain the newest technology and to employ it to value chain activities. / Internal Business Process /

-  Invest on marketing research and R&D.

-  Share technology and know-how within firm activities.
-  Well communicate with suppliers to gain technical support.
-  Gain access to specialized skill
-  Gain technological experience
-  Gain critical materials or components / -  From strategic alliances with key suppliers. / -  Communication skill
-  Negotiation skill
-  Have attractive feature to suppliers, such as capability to purchase large lot and fast payment. / Learning curve / -  Establish better communication or network with other organizations. / Internal Business Process / -  Create flexible and learning organization.
-  Contact lawyer, mentor, or government agencies.
-  Send employees to seminar or academic institutions
Outcompete rivals on the basis of technological superiority / -  Acquire or form alliances with companies that have relative or complementary technological expertise. / -  Communication skill / -  Integrate operation methods with related companies to share technological experience.
Capture first mover advantages
(See first mover strategy section for more information) / -  Expand product selection
-  Allying with the most capable suppliers.
-  Pursue new customer groups and user applications.
-  Improve style.
-  Capture experience curve effect.
-  Get well positioned in new distribution channels. / -  Capability of quick response to new market.
-  Ability to define new market
-  Capability to produce the number of product models. / Production / -  Employ flexible manufacturing system to produce wide range of models.
-  Standardize parts and components across models and styles. / Internal Business Process / -  Research market to determine which segments are underserved.
-  Create flat organization structure for fast information flow and to react fast to the market.
Expand operations / -  Entry into new geographical areas.
-  Expand product lineup
-  Expand consumer target
-  Joint ventures / -  Capacity to expand business.
-  Ability to define new product lineup, customer target, distribution area, and company to joint. / Production / -  Share the production process and components across the various models.
-  Employ production design and manufacturing layout based on efficient production process. / Internal Business Process / -  Large capital required for expanding business.
-  Form horizontal linkage within a firm to share value chains activities.
-  Research market to determine target customers, goods, and area.
-  Establish customers’ acceptance of new products to gain more customers. / -  Make it easy and cheap for first-time buyers
-  Emphasize advertising
-  Build brand loyalty
-  Use price cuts strategy / -  Capability to reduce extra value added activities to lower prices.
-  Expertise in marketing and promotion. / Organization structure / -  Outsource the high margin activities. / Linkage
Internal Business Process / -  Form alliances with suppliers on price and shipping term.
-  Concentrate on buying power to secure high volume purchasing.
·  Turbulent and high velocity
The industry situation characterized by:
-  Rapid-fire technoligical change
-  Short product life cycle
-  Entry of important rivals
-  Rapidly evolving customer requirements and expextations
-  Personal computer hardware and software
-  Video games
-  Wireless telecommunications
-  Medical equipment
-  Biotechnology
-  Prescription drugs / React to change (Defensive)
-  React and respond as needed
-  Defend and protect the company’s position / -  Introduce better production in response to new offering of rivals. / -  Be sensitive to where the market and rivals are going not to be behind the trend
-  Quick response in changing process of manufacturing / Plant/manufacturing / -  Learning curve effects to improve plant layout and work flows
-  Cell based manufacturing process to quickly react to shifting market conditions
-  Develop new product based on economies of scale for available components and parts / Product quality
Process quality / -  Produce better, more attractive, and profitable product
-  Bypass the value chain
-  Associate costs of distribution allies
-  Marketing directly to end users
-  Respond to unexpected changes in buyer needs and preferences. / -  Adapt customers needs quickly
-  Ability to develop internal operation efficiently
-  Be tolerant toward change / Plant
Equipment / -  Simplify manufacture line to adapt to the change quickly
-  Redesign machinery and equipment to gain increased operating speed. / Internal business process / -  Coordinate information flow well between departments or from up to down
-  Modify business process flexibly
-  Adjust to new government policies. / -  Ability to reshape its strategy or create new strategy
-  Knowledge in laws and regulations / Organization structure / -  Reorganize its structure to fit the strategy / Internal business process / -  Hire people who have knowledge or train employees to keep updating government polices
Anticipate change
Plan ahead for expected future changes
-  Add/adapt resources and competitive capabilities
-  Improve product line
-  Strengthen distribution / -  Analyze the prospects for market globalization / -  High skill in seeking and analyzing new market
-  Superior ability to create executes strategies / Internal business process / -  Hire or train people that posses flexible thinking that can quickly switch gears and approaches to new market
- Research buyer needs, preferences, and expectations. / -  Skill to research its customers and market
-  Institute feel for what the market will be or buyers will like / Organization structure / -  Form cross functional teams to speed up the action of producing new product or quality to satisfy customer needs / Internal business process / - 
- Monitor new technological developments closely to predict future path / -  High skill in technology
-  Well-informed in technology trend / Internal business process / -  Hire technically skilled people or train superior intellectual employees
Lead change (Offensive)
-  Seize the offensive
-  Be the agent of industry change; set the pace
-  Influence the rules of the game
-  Force rivals to follow / - Pioneer new and better technologies / -  Be creative
-  Ability to realize new ideas
-  Superior skill in technological development
-  Invest large capital in R&D
-  Strong motivation to lead the industry / Organization structure
Technology requirement / -  Form teams or work groups to facilitate an exchange of ideas and foster a climate of support
-  Invest in e-commerce / Process quality
Internal business process / -  Empower employees to motivate them in innovating new process and fulfilling new idea
-  Collaborate with suppliers to share the latest technology
-  Share sense of being a leader in the industry
- Introduce innovative products that open new markets and spur the creation of whole new industries. / -  Be creative
-  Idea to add attractive feature to products
-  Knowledge to start up in new market
-  Long-term business sight
-  Manage a diversified group of business / Organization structure / -  Corporate restructuring and turnaround / Working with buyers and suppliers
Process quality / -  Innovate new product or process with suppliers and distributors
-  Create unique mission
- Seek to set industry standards. / -  Ability to act more quickly than rivals
-  Large capital required to invest in resources, capacities, and market recognition
-  High skill and knowledge in technology
-  Patent, copyright / Facility
Technology requirement / -  Locate its facilities based on economies of scale for available resource and market to set up standard faster than rivals
-  / Process quality / -  High capacity utilization
·  Maturing
-  Industry that is moving from rapid growth to significantly slower growth.
-  When nearly all potential buyers are already users of the industry’s products.
-  Market demand consists mainly of replacement sales to existing users
-  With growth hinging on the industry’s ability to attract new buyers and convince existing buyers to up their usage.
-  Typical growth rate is under 5% (roughly equal to the growth of the customer base or economy as a whole)
Strategic pitfalls in maturing industies / Pruning marginal products and models / -  Maintain many product versions at the manufacturing level to increase inventory-stocking costs for distributors and retailers. / -  Ability to achieve design, parts, inventory, and production economies. / Plant
Design / -  Simplify the manufacturing process or employ cell-based manufacturing process to reduce production time
-  Producing various models with sharing the manufacturing process
-  Employee production design and layout based on efficient manufacturing process. / Alliance / -  Make agreements with suppliers on price and shipping term.
-  Concentrate on buying power to secure high volume purchasing.
-  Prune marginal products from the line. / -  Ability to select right products to prune based on margins and firm’s competitive advantages. / Learning curve effect / -  Select the lowest margin or obsolete items.
-  Keep up being on the edge of the trend. / Marketing / -  Research customer needs, wants, preference, and trend.
-  Permit more concentration on items whose margins are highest and/or where a firm has a competitive advantage. / -  Ability to choose right products to concentrate on.
-  Capital capability to invest on improvement of manufacturing layout for the concentrating items. / Learning curve effect / -  Improve production layouts efficiently. / -  Create new product features.
-  Find further uses for the product.
-  Sustain buyer excitement.
More emphasis on value chain innovation / -  Lower costs
-  Better product or service quality
-  Greater capability to turn out multiple or customize product version
-  Shorter design-to-market cycles / -  Ability to define a firm’s value chains, to assign operating cost and assets to value activities.[2] / Technology / -  Manufacturing system mechanizes high-cost-activities.
-  Redesign production lines to improve labor efficiency.
-  Build flexibility into the assembly processes so that customized product versions can be easily produced.
-  Increase use of advanced technology. / Alliances / -  Collaborate on the use of Internet technology and e-commerce techniques with suppliers and distributors to streamline value chain activities and implement cost-saving innovations.
A stronger focus on cost reduction / -  Push suppliers for better prices. / -  Strong market position.
-  Ability to negotiate with suppliers. / Scale economies / -  Purchase large volume of inventories at discount prices. / Linkage / -  Secure long term relationship with suppliers.
-  Implement tighter supply chain management practices. / -  Ability to communicate with suppliers. / Location / -  Locate close to suppliers to shorten the shipping time. / Linkage / -  Make agreements with suppliers on shipping time.
-  Cut low-value activities out of the value chain. / -  Ability to define a firm’s value chains, to assign operating cost activities. / Learning curve / -  Find firm’s value activities in production, design, inventory, R&D, advertising, and inbound and outbound logistics. / Interrelationship / -  Integrate with suppliers and buyers to avoid bargaining power and reduce procurement and transportation costs.[3]
-  Develop more economical product designs. / -  Large capital on R&D with new ideas and technologies. / Learning curve / -  Keep recording new ideas and up with new innovation and technologies. / Internal business process / Human resources:
-  Hire or train employee to develop cost effective products.
-  Reengineer internal processes using e-commerce technology. / -  Technical capabilities / Internal business processes / -  Commitment to continuously improve employee’s technical skill in order to use e-commerce effectively in the workplace.
-  Shift to more economical distribution arrangements. / -  Large capacity of available stock items. / Scale economies / -  Schedule longer production runs for fewer models.
-  Sell the standard products worldwide to avoid lost time in model changeover, shorter production runs. / Linkage / -  Coordinate inbound logistics with suppliers on order size.
Increasing sales to present customers / -  Provide customers complementary items and ancillary services. / -  Production and operation capability to offer additional items and services. / Interrelationship / -  Share know-how or production lines within products and services. / Process quality / -  Linkage activities of procurement and assembly between items and services to reduce the number of value activities.