Connecting Learning to Life
Annual Plan
Our students are on the path! States worked with educators, business leaders, and colleges to define the skills needed for students to graduate college and be career-ready. We have shifted our focus to teaching these higher level skills, and regularly check progress to ensure our students are moving toward their learning goals. Now, with the new and better test, we have the information we need to adjust teaching and improve learning, increasing each student’s opportunity to succeed.
Annual Plan: Second Quarter Progress Reports
Email to Students
Sample Email Text
To: Students at Smarter Valley High School
From: Trish Stevens, Teacher
Re: Second Quarter Progress Reports
As we complete the second quarter of the school year, it is a good time for reflection on your successes in learning. When preparing progress reports for the second quarter, teachers think about your current status on the learning progressions and note the amount of growth that you have made since the beginning of school. It is helpful for you to collect examples of your work to show where you started and your progress to date. In class we will look at the model products for the expected ending point on the content-area learning progressions. Here are some guiding questions for you to consider as you self-assess your status:
· Have you moved forward on the learning progressions? Is the progress on the learning progression where
you expected it to be?
· Which examples of your work meet the success criteria for the learning goals this quarter?
· Have you participated in self-assessment and adjusted your learning practices to make more progress?
· What is your most successful learning event from the quarter?
· What change(s) will you need to make in your learning practices in order to learn new knowledge and skills?
· Have you been a positive contributor to the classroom climate? What are your strengths and challenges?
· Have there been opportunities to extend your learning to home-based performance tasks?
· What are the strengths and challenges of the home/school collaboration?
I would like to meet with you to review your progress and collaborate with you on how best to meet your needs to maintain your progress. Please complete the Self-Assessment Progress Report in advance of our conversation.
Annual Plan: Second Quarter Progress Reports
Handout for Students
Handout for Students
Annual Plan: Second Quarter Progress Reports
Handout for Students
Interpret Evidence to Assess Progress: Progress reports after 16–18 weeks of school provide the opportunity for you and me to reflect on your progress on the learning progression and in understanding and applying the knowledge and skills of the Common Core State Standards addressed by the learning goals. By comparing evidence collected at different times during the quarter with the success criteria for the learning goals, we can see how well you have met the success criteria for the learning goals and increased your ability to apply the understandings of the standards. Using evidence, we can set a new starting point on the learning progression for the third quarter.
Student Self-Assessment Progress Report (Example): The knowledge and skills from the Common Core State Standards were addressed in the following learning goals for the second quarter:
The student and teacher collaborated on collecting at least four pieces of evidence from learning-event tasks, classroom assessments, and extended learning tasks for each learning goal and compared the evidence to the success criteria. We gave more weight to the most recent and best demonstrations of your understanding and application of the standards. We also worked together to plan the next steps for improving your progress toward the annual learning goals.
Choose the statement below that best describes your performance on the combined learning goals.
· I thoroughly understand and am able to fully apply the knowledge and skills of the Common Core State Standards addressed in the learning goals for the second quarter.
· I adequately understand and am able to apply the knowledge and skills of the Common Core State Standards addressed in the learning goals for the second quarter.
· I partially understand and am able to partially apply the knowledge and skills of the Common Core State Standards addressed in the learning goals for the second quarter.
· I minimally understand and am able to minimally apply the knowledge and skills of the Common Core State Standards addressed in the learning goals for the second quarter.
I look forward to discussing your progress and collaborating with you to celebrate your success and address your challenges to continue your learning progress.
Annual Plan: Second Quarter Progress Reports
Resources for Students
Resources for Students
Smarter Balanced Website
· Achievement Level Descriptors (PDF)
· ELA/literacy ALDs and College Content-Readiness Policy (PDF)
· Mathematics ALDs and College Content-Readiness Policy (PDF)
· Achievement Level Descriptors Glossary of Terms (PDF)
· Scoring Guide for Selected Short-Text Mathematics Items (PDF)
· Scoring Guide for ELA Full Writes (PDF)
· Scoring Guides for the Practice Test (under “Resources and Documentation”)
· Performance Task Writing Rubrics (under “Resources and Documentation”)
Common Core Website
· ELA Appendix C: Samples of Student Writing
· Mathematics: Designing High School Math Courses Based on the Common Core State Standards Appendix A