Chapter 10 Study Guide

For #1 -9 look at the figure above and pick the corresponding part of a flower

1. A) Sepal B) Petal C) Style D) Stigma E) Anther

2. A) Sepal B) Petal C) Style D) Stigma E) Anther

3. A) Ovary B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Style E) Anther

4. A) Ovary B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Style E) Anther

5. A) Ovary B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Style E) Anther

6. A) Ovary B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Style E) Anther

7. A) Filament B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Stamen E) Anther

8. A) Filament B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Stamen E) Anther

9. A) Filament B) Pistil C) Stigma D) Stamen E) Anther

10. In plants, male sperm cells are contained in

A) Ovary B) Pollen Grain C) Petal D) Sepal

11. All plants are:

A) autotrophs B) unicellular C) heterotrophs D) prokayotes

12. What makes a leaf appear green?

A) accessory pigments B) chlorophyll C) vascular tissue D) cuticle

13. The raw materials of photosynthesis are:

A) sugar and water B) sugar and oxygen C) carbon dioxide and oxygen D) carbon dioxide and water

14. Which part of a leaf must light strike for photosynthesis to begin?

A) cell wall B) chlorophyll C) vacuole D) cuticle

15. The green leaf appear green because

A) Green light in absorbed B) Green light is reflected

C) All colors of light is absorbed D) All colors of light is reflected

16. Photosynthesis in plants produce

A) oxygen and carbon dioxide B) carbon dioxide and water C) sugar and oxygen D) water and sugar

17. Groups of similar cells that perform a specific function are called

A) gametes B) chloroplasts C) tissues D) vacuoles

18. Which of the following is(are) ways of dispersing seeds?

A) wind B) water C) large animal D) All of the above

19. Which of the following is NOT a part of a seed?

A) stored food B) the embryo C) the cotyledon D) the fruit

20. All angiosperms

A) produce cones B) produce fruits C) are seedless D) are tropical

21. A flower’s female reproductive parts are called

A) sepals B) anthers C) pistils D) filaments

22. What part of a flower becomes fruit?

A) ovary B) petal C) stamen D) pistil

23. A flower is pollinated when

A) pollen falls on the sepals B) pollen falls on the stigma

C) sperm fertilizes the egg D) pollen falls on the ovary

24. What is Germination?

A) Bacteria attacking plant B) Fertilization of egg

C) Pollination of flower D) early growth stage of plant embryo