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Graduate Level – Procedures for Submitting Proposals for

New or Revised Courses

Revised May 20011 of 5




Key:AA=Administrative Assistant for Scheduling in the Dean’s Office

AD=Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (College)

CC=Committee Chair

FC=Full Committee

FS=Faculty Sponsor of Course

GC=Graduate Council (University)

GPC=Graduate Programs Committee (College)

ACC=Assistant to College Council (EDU 207N)

SUB=Subcommittee – College Council

Overview of the Process

1)New and Revised Graduate Course Proposals are submitted to the Assistant to the College Council (Ann McClard, EDU207N) who forwards them to the Committee Chair of the Graduate Programs Committee (GPC), for initial review by a subcommittee. Proposals must be submitted at least four (4) weeks in advance of the GPC meeting in which the proposal will be considered.

2)The subcommittee works with the Faculty Sponsor to ensure that the materials have been prepared as required.

3)On completion of review, the subcommittee notifies the Chair of the GPC that the proposal is ready to be placed on the agenda for the GPC.

4)The GPC Chair notifies the Faculty Sponsor of the GPC meeting date and time at which the course proposal will be considered. The Faculty Sponsor must be present at the GPC meeting.

5)At the GPC meeting, the Faculty Sponsor presents the proposal and answers questions from the full committee.

6)On approval by the GPC, the proposal is sent to the College Council. The proposal is placed on the Consent Agenda of the College Council at least two weeks before the College Council meeting. The Faculty Sponsor must be present at the Council meeting. If there are concerns about the proposal, members of the College Council can request that the proposal be removed from the Consent Agenda and be discussed at the College Council meeting. This request should be made prior to the College Council meeting to allow the opportunity to invite the Faculty Sponsor to be present at the College Council meeting.

7)On approval by College Council, the proposal is submitted to the Dean’s Office for sign-off from the Associate Dean. The Dean’s Office forwards the proposal to the University Graduate Council.

8)The course approval process through the College and the University Graduate Council will take a minimum of three (3) months.

Outlined below are the specific procedures for submitting a proposal.

At the College Level . . .



  • Picks up from the College Council Assistant (EDU 207N) a packet of materials containing the necessary forms (WHITE cover packet for new Graduate course; YELLOW cover packet for changes to a Graduate course) and a current list of names of College and University personnel involved in the course approval process (attached);
  • Asks the Administrative Assistant for Scheduling (AA) in the Dean's Office for assignment of a course number (for new courses). Questions about preparation of the course proposal or format should be directed to the Chair of the Graduate Programs Committee or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
  • For a New Course: Completes the New Course Proposal Form (white form), New Transmittal Form (Part I only), and Department Syllabus, including Attachment I. It is strongly recommended that FS receives input from the program faculty and consults with other program area(s), as is necessary.

For a Revised Course: Completes a Graduate Course Change Form (submit on yellow paper), Course Termination or Change Form (Parts I & II), and Department Syllabus, including Attachment I.

  • Submits five (5) sets of the required materials listed below to the Assistant to the College Council (EDU207N) at least one month in advance of the GPC meeting at which the course proposal will be considered. The sets should be stapled together in the order listed below:
  1. Cover memo - addressed to the COE Graduate Programs Committee and the University Graduate Council giving the name, mail point, and phone number of the person who will present the proposal to the GPC and the Graduate Council and providing any information in addition to that given in the required materials that will assist the Committee and Council in making a decision.
  1. a) For a New Course: New Course Proposal Form - typed, following outline on white course proposal sheet in packet, and signed by Department Chair and, if necessary, other units.

b) For a Revised Course: Course Change Form – typed, following outline on yellow course change proposal sheet in packet. Complete those sections of the Course Change Form where a change or changes to the course is being made; check “No Changes” where appropriate.

  1. a) For New Course: New Course Transmittal Form (State Form CE-034) – Part I completed. (NOTE: Institutional Code is 1537.)

b) For Revised Course: Course Termination or Change Form (State Form CE-037) – Parts I and II completed. (NOTE: Institutional Code is 1537.)

  1. Departmental Course Syllabus - provide information requested in Departmental Course Syllabus Requirements Outline and Attachment I in packet.


  • Keeps one (1) set of the materials
  • Gives one (1) set to the ACC for the Committee files
  • Gives two (2) sets to a GPC Subcommittee for initial review


  • Reviews materials using the “Suggestions for Reviewing Proposals for New or Revised Courses” form and consults, if necessary, with Faculty Sponsor to make changes before the materials are presented to the GPC as a whole.
  • Notifies Committee Chair when the proposal is ready to be placed on the agenda for the next GPC Committee meeting. It is not necessary that the SUB support the content of the proposal for it to be considered by the full Committee, only that the materials have been prepared according to directions.


  • Places the proposal on the agenda
  • Notifies the Faculty Sponsor (FS) of the date when the proposal will be placed on the agenda of the GPC. The FS must be present at the GPC meeting.
  • Requests Faculty Sponsor to provide the Assistant to the College Council,at least one week before the GPC meeting, one (1) set of the materials as approved by the SUB to be copied and distributed to Committee members.
  • Sends to the Faculty Sponsor a copy of the agenda showing date, time, and place for the Committee meeting at which the proposal will be considered, with a request that the Faculty Sponsor be present at the meeting. (NOTE: The meeting dates for GPC are indicated on the Schedule of Major Friday Meetings distributed to all COE faculty.)


  • Provides one (1) set of revised materials to the Assistant to the College Council at least one week in advance of the full Committee meeting at which proposal will be presented;
  • Attends GPC meeting to present course proposal, answer any questions, clarify any issues raised, and hear results of the vote. (NOTE: The Committee will not consider the proposal unless the FS is in attendance.)


  • Votes on the proposal at the meeting by secret ballot. Proposal may be rejected, postponed, tabled, approved with modifications, approved with contingencies, or approved as is. If the proposal is approved with modifications or with contingencies to be met, the FC may stipulate that the Committee Chair may determine that the necessary changes have been made, or the contingencies met, and approve the proposal for forwarding, without the necessity of bringing it back to the FC again.


  • Sends a draft of the meeting minutes reporting the results of the vote to the Faculty Sponsor within one week after the meeting. If the proposal was rejected, postponed, or tabled, the minutes should state the reason(s) why and the procedure(s) to be followed for resubmission (e.g., to the Committee Chair and then the Subcommittee like the original proposal, to the Committee Chair only, to the Subcommittee only, to the full Committee, etc.). The minutes should state any modifications to be made, or contingencies to be met, and who will make the final determination that the proposal is approved to go forward (i.e., the Committee Chair, the Subcommittee, the Full Committee).




  • Provides to the Assistant to the College Council one (1) set of the approved materials as outlined below:
  1. Cover memo
  1. Course Proposal - WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURE of the department chair and, if applicable, other units
  1. For a New Course: State New Course Transmittal Form - Section I only to be completed

For a Revised Course: State Course Termination or Change Form

  1. Departmental Course Syllabus
  • FS attends the College Council meeting to present the course proposal (if requested), answer any questions, clarify any issues raised, and hear results of the vote.


  • College Council Chair signs the proposal and forwards all materials to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.


  • Signs the proposal
  • Forwards completed proposal with all signatures to the AA in the Dean’s Office


  • The AA forwards the proposal (excluding Attachment I) with original signatures, and additional sets as directed by the Graduate Council’s guidelines, to the Office of Graduate Studies (Carol Hines-Cobb, FAO126) for processing to the Graduate Council.
  • The Administrative Assistant for Scheduling will make one (1) copy of all materials (including AttachmentI) to keep on file until an e-mail notification is sent by the University Graduate Council.
  • On formal notification of final approval by the University Graduate Council and receipt of the signed proposal from the Council, AA sends one copy of the signed proposal with Attachment I to a) the ACC for College Council files, b) the Director of Program Review for the NCATE files, and c) retains a copy for her files.
  • Notifies AD and ACC of receipt of formal approval from Tallahassee.

At the University Level . . .


  • The proposal is checked to ensure readiness for Council review and approval by the Coordinator in the Office of Graduate Studies (FAO 126). The course proposal is put on the agenda for the next Graduate Council Curriculum Subcommittee meeting. (See deadlines for receipt of course proposals on the website of the Office of Graduate Studies, Graduate Council.) Proposals must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies at least one month in advance of the Graduate Council meeting.
  • The Curriculum Subcommittee reviews the course proposal at its meeting. The FS may attend this meeting, but attendance is no longer required. If the Subcommittee has questions about the course, the FS will be contacted for clarification and perhaps be invited to attend the next meeting in order to address the Subcommittee’s concerns.
  • The Subcommittee recommends approval/disapproval to the Council where a full vote is taken. If the Council approves the course, it is taken back to the Office of Graduate Studies for the Graduate Dean’s approval. If the course was approved pending changes, the FS and the department must complete all conditions of approval before the proposal is submitted to the Graduate Dean for approval. The Coordinator will work with the FS and the department that has a proposal requiring revision.
  • If the Subcommittee tables or rejects the course, it is returned to the department/college for correction and resubmission. The course proposal must be resubmitted to the College of Education GPC and College Council. On approval, it is signed by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and resubmitted to the Graduate Council. Then steps 1-3 above will take place again. If the required revisions are minor, the Coordinator will work with the faculty sponsor to expedite processing.
  • Once the Graduate Studies Dean has approved the course proposal, the original is sent to the Registrar’s Office for processing to Tallahassee. An e-mail notification of approval of the Graduate Dean is sent to the College Associate Dean and all faculty listed as “contact” on the course proposal. Copies of the New Course Transmittal Form are forwarded to the Office of Undergraduate Studies for input into the Banner system. A copy of the Transmittal Form and course proposal are kept in the Office of Graduate Studies for one year, in order to update the next academic year’s Graduate Catalog.
  • Tallahassee sends a report to the Registrar once the course is finally approved. Sometimes the course prefix and/or reference number changes. Once approved, the Registrar releases the course for scheduling.


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