We acknowledge the Burramattagalpeople, a clan of the Darug, in our suburb of Dundas where we gather as the traditional custodians of our land. We recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first people of Australia.

Dundas Public School OOSH

85 Kissing Point Road, Dundas NSW 2117

9638 0983 / 0438 382 813

(Red text for Manager’s use only) Approval ID# SE 00012190

Child Enrolment Details
Given Names: / Surname:
Other / former names of the child:
Date of Birth: / Place of Birth:
Sex: / Ethnicity:
Language(s) at home: / Religion:
Court Order/Parenting Order/Parenting Plan (if any): Copy on file: Y / N
Intended start date:
Preferred Days / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Before School Care
After School Care
Is your child attending another centre in the same week? Y / N If yes, please advise of hours:
- Do you wish to claim maximum CCB hours at this centre if your child exceeds their CCB limit?
Are you in the process of applying for JET with Centrelink?
Child’s CRN: / Linked Parent’s CRN:
General Health Questions
Is your child fully immunised?
Child’s present health status:
Does your child have any medical condition? (Anaphylactic, Asthma, Diabetes, Seizures, Allergies, Etc.)
If yes, please provide brief details here, then complete a Medical Conditions Management Package:
Records sighted & copied?: Manager Initial:
Permission for this info to be displayed around the centre for risk management purposes? Y / N
You can attach extra pages for the below information if necessary
Does your child take prescribed medication or treatment on a regular basis? Please provide details
Does your child have a disability or special needs/behavioural condition? Please provide details
Does your child have any special dietary requirements? Please provide details
Has your child had any serious illness requiring hospitalisation? Please provide details
Has your child ever had a convulsion with a high temperature? Please provide details
I understand that in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease at the centre, the management must notify the Department of Health of any unimmunised children in the centre and that they will be excluded from attendance for such time as the Department deems necessary and that the daily fee is still applicable during this time.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Family / Cultural details
Sibling name / DOB / CRN / Already Claiming CCB?
Sibling name / DOB / CRN / Already Claiming CCB?
Sibling name / DOB / CRN / Already Claiming CCB?
Does your child have any behavioural concerns we should know about?
Does your child participate in calendar, cultural, religious festivals/celebrations and activities?
If you do not want your child to participate in certain festivals/celebrations and activities, please give details.
Is your child of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? If yes, please indicate which one
Medical Details
Doctor: / Medicare #:
Phone: / Healthcare fund #:
General Needs
Does your child have any fears that we should know about?
Food likes: / Food dislikes:
Does your family have any skills or talents to contribute to our centre/programs?
Parent Enrolment Details
Parent 1 (CCB/CCR Linked parent) / Parent 2
First name: / First name:
Last name: / Last name:
Preferred name: / Preferred name:
Other/former names: / Other/former names:
Gender : M F / Marital status: / Gender : M F / Marital status:
Mobile number: / Mobile number:
Home number: / Home number:
Date of Birth: / Date of Birth:
Driver’s licence number: / Driver’s licence number:
Home address: / Home address:
Email address: / Email address:
Ethnicity: / Ethnicity:
Language spoken: / Language spoken:
Relationship to child: / Relationship to child:
Employment Details
Occupation: / Occupation:
Work name: / Work name:
Work address: / Work address:
Work number: / Work number:
Authorised Persons
These authorised persons are defined as:
- a person who is to be notified of an emergency involving the child if the parent/guardian cannot be contacted
- a person whom you give permission to, to collect your child from the service with no further notice necessary
- a person whom you give permission to, to consent to administration of medication to your child
- a person whom you give permission to, to consent to medical treatment of your child
- a person whom you give permission to, to authorise an educator to take the child outside the service premises
They will be contacted in the order listed below.
Please ensure these contacts are willing and able to collect your child if necessary.
You must provide at least 2 contacts, over 18 years old, before enrolment commences.
All details must be completed.
Contact 1
First name: / Last name:
Mobile number: / Home number:
Relationship to child: / Work number:
Contact 2
First name: / Last name:
Mobile number: / Home number:
Relationship to child: / Work number:
Persons not authorised to collect your child
Please notify the centre if there are any custodial arrangements, which specifically states who has access to your child. Although all efforts will be made to ensure your child’s safety, no natural parent can legally be refused the right to collect their child unless there is a court order in place.
Is there a court order Yes / No
If yes a copy of the order stating who cannot have access to the child, must be attached to this form.
Name of any person who is not to collect your child…………………………………………………. ….
Name of natural parent who is not to collect your child………………………………………………
I understand that staff at Dundas Public School OOSH will not allow my child to leave the premises with anyone other than Parent 1, Parent 2 & those listed above, without appropriate authorisation from a parent/guardian.
Appropriate authorisation consists of either:
-  adding to the authorised person list above; or
-  completing an ‘Unauthorised person to collect form’ or by verbally informing staff members via phone call who will then complete the form mentioned. This form states the identification of the person who will collect my child for that day only if the person is not to be added to the list. This person will be asked for identification upon arrival by the staff, to check against name & address information given by the parent.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Enrolment Agreement
I understand: (Please tick)
□  I will be charged for any days that my child is enrolled and falls on a Public Holiday or my child is enrolled and is absent. Each family is allowed 42 absent days per financial year whereby CCB will continue to be paid. I must contact the centre if my child will be absent on a booked day ($10.00 non-notification fee applies) After School Care only.
□  The non-refundable administration fee of $30 is payable upon enrolment. The refundable bond of $150 is also payable upon enrolment and will only be returned once my child has started in the centre and after 2 weeks written notice is given of leaving; 1 week notice for reduction of days also
□  All fees must be paid in advance (the balance at the end of the current billing week plus one week), and kept up to date or my child’s position at the centre may be terminated. I understand the fee structure and agree to pay all fees by the due date
□  I must cover all and any costs actually incurred by OOSH in the recovery of any monies/fees owed under this agreement including but not limited to costs associated with recovery agents, repossession, location searches, process servers, solicitors, etc.
□  A late fee occurs if my child is picked up from the centre after 6pm. By law, we are not to have any children on the premises after 6pm. Late collection of a child will result in:
o  $20 for 1 – 15 minutes, or part thereof
o  $40 for 16 – 30 minutes, or part thereof
o  $60 for 31 – 45 minutes, or part thereof
o  $120 for 46 – 60 minutes, or part thereof
o  Anything over 60 minutes is $120 plus $20 for every further 15 minutes or part thereof
□  I must inform OOSH immediately of any changes that occur regarding child, parent, medical, contact detail information and current immunisation status
□  A child suspected of having an infectious illness will not be accepted at the centre as part of our exclusion policy to limit the spread of infection; this includes having a fever the night before and/or on the day of attendance. I understand that if my child is suspected of having an infectious illness, I (or an authorised person) will be contacted to pick him/her up immediately
□  In the event of an emergency, I authorise educators of OOSH to take immediate steps in securing appropriate medical, dental or hospital treatment from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service (including transportation by an ambulance service). I am aware I am responsible for all costs. I also understand that the centre will provide the ambulance/medical staff with a copy of my child’s medical details supplied in this enrolment form along with my contact details & authorised person’s details
□  My child will be observed by educators of OOSH for the purpose of programming. This requires documented observation recordings, checklists and photographs. Photos may be displayed around the centre and on the centre TV, which other parents have access to. All other written information individual to the child will be kept confidential with this form (medical condition information will be displayed as necessary for risk management purposes)
□  My child may be photographed for the OOSH website, social media sites and/or for marketing material in print (newspapers, flyers, etc.) or online, or by other parents during special occasions/events. My child’s name or photo may also be included in another child’s observation or portfolio
□  Educators at OOSH will apply sunscreen to my child before outdoor experiences
□  I agree to follow and abide by the Centre’s rules, policies and procedures.
□  The information I have given is true and correct. I understand that any false and/or misleading information will result in my child’s place being terminated. I will notify the Centre of any changes to information I have given on this form.
I have read, understood and agree to all conditions of booking as stated above.
Relation with the child

Behaviour Management Agreement

Child’s name/s…………………………………………………………………………

Dundas Public School OOSH Centre’s behaviour management procedures are in place to ensure all children attending the Centre have positive experiences and are happy to participate in the Centre’s program. When Centre Educators have to manage incidences of unacceptable behaviour, they cannot focus on creating and supervising positive activities and experiences for the other children.

Negative behaviour from individual children leads to unhappy Educators, parents, carers and children. Centre Educators strive for a successful program - by following behaviour management procedures so they will have more opportunity to achieve successful and enjoyable sessions of care.

Aggressive and violent behaviour from parents/carers children or Educators will not be tolerated.

The centre has a Cultural Relevance/ Anti-bias Policy; all persons on the premises will be treated with respect regardless of their age, gender, race, culture or religious beliefs.

Offensive language and or gestures are not to be used in front of the children or within the school grounds

OOSH Rules and School Rules will be discussed regularly with the children attending the program and posters are on display. OOSH Rules and School Rules are listed within the Family Handbook.

Management of Unacceptable Behaviour - Current Procedure

1.  Verbal warning to child

2.  1st written notification/phone call to Parent/Carer

3.  2nd written notification/phone call to Parent/Carer

4.  Exclusion from OOSH for a given period

Parent/Carer Agreement:

I, ...... , understand that my child will be expected to follow OOSH and School Rules during Before School Care, After School Care and Vacation Care at the OOSH Centre. I agree to co-operate with this process and accept any consequences that arise due to my child displaying any unacceptable behaviour during their enrolment at the Centre. I understand that, if my child displays unacceptable behaviour, they may be excluded from the Centre. If my child or I have a problem with another child that is at the Centre and in the Centre’s care, I am not to approach the child or their parent. I must speak to the Centre Manager and let them assess the situation. I will be informed of the outcome.

I have read and understood this page. I agree to the Behaviour Management Agreement of Dundas Public School OOSH and will abide by them at all times. I have discussed the OOSH Rules, School Rules and the Centre’s Behaviour Management Procedure with my child. I understand that failure to sign this agreement means that my application for enrolment at the OOSH Centre will not be accepted.

Parent to sign

Print Name……………………………...... Signature………………...... Date ……../……./…....

Child Agreement:

I, ...... ,…… agree to follow the OOSH Rules and School Rules whenever I am attending OOSH. I understand that if I break OOSH Rules or School Rules, my parent/carer will be contacted and I may no longer be allowed to attend.

Child to sign or Parent on behalf of the Child if they understand

Print Name……………………………...... Signature………………...... Date ……../……./…....