Reviewed January 2012


Welcome to Rowan Unit, Susan Carnegie Centre, Stracathro Hospital. We can be reached on 01356 692823. Our Senior Charge Nurse is Alison Richardson. You will need to contact the ward prior to commencement of your placement to confirm your shifts. Our dress code is for all staff to wear uniforms.

Our shift patterns are:

Early 7am – 2.30pm

Late 1.30pm – 9pm

There may be occasional 9am – 4.30pm shifts during your placement.

We recommend you be on the same shifts as your mentor for at least 3 shifts per week. Staff will do their best to ensure this happens.

There are a number of learning objectives we can offer for example:

  • Representing patients at Doctor’s meetings
  • Attend Case Reviews
  • Keyworking
  • Dispensing medication
  • Preparation and observation of ECT
  • One to one interviews with patients
  • Activities

We encourage you to to download this pack and bring it along with you on your first day with us. If you are unable to do so please ask your mentor for a copy.

We look forward to meeting you and hope your time with us is fulfilling and enjoyable.


The aim of this booklet is to give you an idea of what Rowan Unit can offer, enabling you to further develop your experience, education and confidence. We hope your placement in the ward is both enjoyable and rewarding.

Rowan Unit Philosophy of Care

Appropriate assessment and treatment of the older person experiencing various mental health issues is the primary function of Rowan Unit. To achieve this Rowan Unit has adopted a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency approach to patient care. This promotes quality individualised care for each individual. Patients are afforded dignity and respect in an environment that offers minimal restrictions, minimal risk and which is also therapeutic. Individuals are encouraged to be independent and maintain their own strengths and skills and take an active part in their own recovery care planning and treatment.

Overview of Rowan Unit

We are a 12-15 bedded mixed sex ward for the assessment and treatment of older people who are experiencing various mental health problems. We receive patients from three consultants, who together with their team cover Angus. We have in total 26 members of staff who together with the Doctors and the rest of the multi-disciplinary team – Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Medical Staff, Dietetic Service, Physiotherapy, Social Therapy work collectively to review medication, provide care, promote healthy living and use a recovery based approach.

We work closely with the Munro Day Service/Unit who offer various weekly groups i.e. Relaxation, Lifestyle, Staying Well and programs of Anxiety Management, Coping with Depression. They can provide support and treatment to prevent hospital admission and on discharge through outreach.

Patients are encouraged and enabled to occupy themselves whilst in the ward, taking account of individual abilities, interests and needs. There are a variety of activities available such as crafts, games, light exercise, reiki, reflexology and mental stimulation. The Social Therapy team also visit the ward on a regular basis and can offer recreational and diversion activities including outings. Volunteers can also offer opportunities for activities on the ward.

Shift Patterns and Attendance

You will be supernumerary mainly Monday to Friday but may be expected to work occasional weekends, staff will do their best to accommodate any requests. In order for you to get a real taste of the day-to-day running of the ward it is advisable for you to adhere to this rota.

You will be expected to be on duty with your mentor for at least 3 shifts per week. Sometimes it may not be possible to be initially on with your mentor due to other work commitments etc. Should your mentor be off sick or on holiday an interim mentor will be appointed to you.

There may be times when your absence is unavoidable, be it due to sickness or emergency situations at home. In the event of sickness/absence you are required to contact the ward (phone number 01356 692823). It is essential that you keep the ward up-to-date as to further absences and inform us of a possible return date.

Please remember it is essential for you to keep staff updated, otherwise you will be marked as absent and the College will be required to be informed. Regular attendance is important to your learning objectives and for you to achieve your OAR booklet outcomes.

Local Information

Rowan Unit is situated within the Susan Carnegie Centre, Stracathro Hospital, by Brechin. Once in the building directions to Rowan Unit are clearly signposted.

Parking is available to both the front and side of the hospital.

If travelling by bus – times can be made available by contacting 0870 608 2608.

Canteen facilities are available. Opening times are 9am – 4pm. Sandwiches, drinks and hot meals are available. The canteen is closed for teatime staff meals therefore you will need to bring your own meal.

Assessment and OAR Booklet

It is important to remember that completion of the OAR Booklet and Essential Skills Booklet is the joint responsibility of the student and the mentor, but the overall safety is the student’s responsibility. Ideally it should be made available to your mentor or other staff at all times in order to review your progress.

This booklet will run in conjunction with your OAR Booklet. Learning objectives and opportunities will be discussed when you meet with your mentor. These meetings will be arranged between yourself and your mentor and will take place at once a week for approximately an half an hour. Both parties are encouraged to plan this. Allowing you to discuss your progress or worries/concerns you may have.

Learning Opportunities Available within Rowan Unit

There are a number of learning opportunities for you within Rowan Unit such as:

  • Representing patients at the Doctors meeting.
  • Attending Case Reviews.
  • Being appointed as a keyworker to a patient.
  • One to one interviews with patients.
  • Dispensing medication under supervision.
  • Should opportunity arise, attend sessions with Occupational Therapy and the Social Therapy to gain a clear understanding of their roles within Rowan Unit.
  • Attend ECT and be involved in the pre and post treatment plan.
  • Liaise with outside agencies and possible work shadowing opportunities i.e. Munro Day Service, CMHT.
  • Be involved in the day-to-day managerial running of the ward.
  • The process of admission and discharge, care planning.

You will be encouraged to participate as a member of the multi-disciplinary team. All staff will be supportive and encourage you to achieve your learning contract. However, staff will expect you to show a degree of initiative and enthusiasm towards your role within Rowan Unit.

The role of the Mentor is defined on page 11 in the Guide for Mentors folder CPPSU.

Philosophy of Education

We encourage students to ask questions and will always try to answer them. However, we will expect the students to assist with their own learning by developing a questioning approach. We look forward to hearing your views and suggestions about how we can improve the learning experience for our students. We will ask you to complete an evaluation form at the end of your placement.

We will:-

  • Treat students as individuals acknowledging their needs and encouraging their participation in formulating care management plans.
  • Encourage students to feel part of the care team by involving them in assisting and directing healthcare professionals in providing patient care.
  • Recognise and value the contribution of all students in the process of planning and carrying out patient care and assist them to achieve/maintain knowledge and skills in order to provide safe and effective care.

Practice Education Facilitators

There are nine Practice Education Facilitators (PEFS) across NHS Tayside with responsibilities for all NHS clinical placements. Your local PEF is Laura Rew, contact details (01382) 660111, ext 27512,

Their role includes supporting the mentor, facilitating communication and improving links between the clinical areas and the Universities and Colleges. They also aim to ensure that the students experience in the clinical placement is of the highest quality and greatest benefit. The PEF’s can be contacted about issues regarding the clinical placement, however we suggest you follow protocol as per student handbook.

Student Induction

Date / Signature of Staff
Introduce to Mentor
Discuss Philosophy of Care
Discuss hours of working
Identify off duty folder
Dress code and appearance
Student procedure for sickness/absence
Practice Education Facilitator
Link Lecturer
Layout of ward
Emergency equipment location
Fire procedure
Phone system
Page system
Introduce to staff
Location of policies/procedures/guidelines

Mentor Guide

Signature of Staff
Mentor reporting procedure for sickness/absence
Mentor to arrange weekly reflective sessions
Mentor set date for
mid-way assessment
Mentor set date for final assessment
Develop learning contract if applicable

As afore mentioned this booklet will run in conjunction with your OAR booklet providing guidance to you and your mentor. Student to fill in dates when completed. Mentor to sign and review these at weekly reflection sessions.

1. Communication / Record Keeping
Verbal / Non verbal
Completion of all documentation
Multi-disciplinary team meeting
Relatives / significant others
1-1 interviews with patients
Ordering non-stock medication
Communication with staff
Telephone skills and message taking
Admission and discharge procedures
2. Health Promotion
Taking into account lifestyle
Health education
Multi-disciplinary meetings
Cultural sensitivities
3. Nursing Assessment
Assessment on admission
Assessment of physical health
Level of observation
1-1 interviews
Interviews with patients
Assessment tools –
Mini Mental State Examination
Geriatric Depression Scale
Mental Health Assessment
Care Plans
4. Management
Prioritising workload
Time management
Accurate Documentation
Admission / Discharge Documentation
5. Essential Care in a Variety of Settings
Patient / Client comfort – including toileting, personal hygiene etc.
Moving and Handling
Therapeutic Interventions
Medication (Administration and Knowledge)
Formulating goals (short and long term)
6. Safety
Recognising and dealing with emergency situations
Risk Assessments
Infection Control
De-escalation strategies
Awareness of personal limitations
Safe administration of therapeutic interventions
7. Professional / Ethical
Practice within NMC Code of Conduct i.e. –
Patients rights respected and upheld
Non-judgemental attitude
Self awareness of own accountability
Reflection on own practice
8. Other Relevant Experience Options
Work shadow –
Munro Day Service
ECT coordinator

All of these and other learning outcomes will be discussed with your mentor. You will receive constructive feedback throughout your placement. As well as receiving your mid-way and final assessments.


  • At the end of your placement you will have achieved all of your required objectives.
  • You will show that you can prioritise and manage your workload.
  • You will have the opportunity to assess and plan care, setting appropriate review dates.
  • Show that you are able to reflect on your performance.
  • By the time your placement is completed you will have liaised with the multi-disciplinary team.
  • Finally you will have a clear understanding of how Ward 5 operates.