Landfill Project PowerPoint

The following information should be included in your project. You should produced one or two slides to address each of the following bullets:

Information gathered during FIELDTRIP to Bartholomew County Sanitary Landfill.

·  Describe where the old landfill (that closed in 1999) is in Bartholomew County and what is being done with it.

·  List possible uses for former landfills as well as restrictions of the uses of former landfill sites.

·  Explain how landfills are constructed, why it matters how landfills are constructed and what federal regulations there are about landfill construction.

·  Describe how full our current landfill is, how fast it is filling, how it is filled, and how long it should last.

·  List the regulations and fees associated with who may dump trash into the Bartholomew County Sanitary Landfill.

·  Describe the type of trash deposited into the Bartholomew County Sanitary Landfill - how much of it is recyclable, compostable, toxic, etc.

·  Explain what NIMBY means and how it applies to Bartholomew County.

Information produced during HIP MATH AND SCIENCE lesson following the visit to the landfill.

·  Describe what happened with the Mobro and the issues that this incident raised.

·  Using 1993 - 1998 data, calculate a linear model for the rate at which the old landfill was being filled. State the linear equation and explain the meaning of each of your constants and variables.

·  Using 1999 - 2003 data, calculate a linear model for the rate at which the new landfill is being filled. State the linear equation and explain the meaning of each of your constants and variables.

·  Compare the equation for the old landfill and the new landfill. Account for any differences in usage between the two landfills.

·  Using the information gathered from your visit and the data in the table above, determine the total tonnage of waste that the landfill will hold.

·  Make at least one proposal on how the life of the Bartholomew County Sanitary Landfill could be extended. SUPPORT THESE PROPOSALS WITH APPROPRAIATE DATA AND MATHEMATIC MANIPULATION OF THE DATA!!

Information produced during THE MINI LANDFILL project.

·  State the purpose of building a mini landfill at youth camp.

·  Include a design of your mini landfill.

·  List the steps of your procedure necessary to build the mini landfill.

·  Describe problems encountered while actually constructing your mini landfill.

·  Include a picture of your landfill and list the materials and trash in it.

·  Make a data table containing the data collected from you mini landfill.

·  Describe the state of the various types of trash in your mini landfill when you dug it up.

·  Describe how you restored the area where your mini landfill was built.

·  Write conclusions about what you learned from the mini landfill project.

Conclusions from the LANDFILL PROJECT

·  State at least three of the core concepts central to the landfill project.

·  List ways in which this project was impacted your behaviors.

·  Brainstorm and list ways in which trash could be more effectively handled in Bartholomew County.