Academic Program/Major Assessment


Assessment Plan (Three Year)

Academic Department:

Academic Program:

Completed by: Date:

Each program/major is required to assess, at a higher than foundational level, the four Morningside Student Learning Outcomes (M-SLOs) below. In addition, each program/major has several Student Learning Outcomes (D-SLOs) specific to that program/major. Please be aware that there may be overlap between the Morningside SLOs and the program/major SLOs. In addition, departments with several majors will have considerable overlap across majors in the program/major SLOs.

What you will measure refers to the actual performance/behavior you will use to determine the proficiency of students. Examples include papers, tests, course artifacts, presentations, projects, to name a few.

When will you measure refers to the time or course frame. Examples include, during the Capstone course, at sophomore juries, through an artifact when a particular course is taken, when students complete their theses, to name a few.

How will you measure refers to the steps and instruments that will be used to determine proficiency. Examples include scoring rubrics, test scores, a team of jurors (faculty), students’ self-assessments, to name a few.

Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information refers to specific individual(s) that will do the actual collection. Examples include Capstone instructor, students’ advisors, instructor of a particular course, entire departmental faculty, to name a few.

Do you consider this a direct or indirect measure refers to whether or not the measure is based upon student performance or behavior or if it is more a matter of perception of opinion. Realize the boundary in between can be a little fuzzy. In general, examples of direct measurement of SLO include test performance, writing samples, and proficiency demonstrations, while indirect examples include student perceptions and opinions of their learning.

A. Morningside Student Learning Outcomes

M-SLO1. Morningside graduates demonstrate analytic, synthetic, creative, evaluative, and quantitative thinking (outcome may be thought of as ‘critical thinking’, which may have different aspects for different programs/majors).

Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?

M-SLO2. Morningside graduates communicate effectively.

Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?

M-SLO3. Morningside graduates behave ethically and responsibly.

Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?

M-SLO6. Morningside graduates exhibit a passion for life-long learning.

Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?

B. Discipline Specific Student LearningOutcomes


Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?


Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?


Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?


Assessment Methodology

a) What will you measure?

b) When will you measure?

c) How will you measure?

d) Who will be responsible for collecting and sharing information?

e) Do you consider this a direct or indirect assessment method?

Assessment Plan Summary