RFI No. 900XXX

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Landscape and Miscellaneous Open Space Maintenance Services

Any Request for Proposal (RFP) issued as a result of this Request for Interest (RFI) will be issued electronically via e-mail. Please immediately update the County Contact noted below of any e-mail address changes. This RFI and any RFP issued as a result of this RFI will be posted on the General Services Agency Current Contracting Opportunities website located at: . Please visit the website for further information regarding this project, or contact the person listed below.

Contact Person:Lovell Laurente, Contracts Specialist I (Acting)

Phone Number: (510) 208-9621

E-mail Address:

To vendors registered or certified in the Small Local Emerging Business vendor database: Please maintain correct and accurate e-mail address information to ensure receipt of future RFIs.



2:00 p.m.


November 30, 2012

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DOCUMENTs/901064 RFI Landscape.doc


The intent of this Request for Interest (RFI) is to search for qualifiedvendors who are able to provide landscapingservices, waste disposal, and the maintenance and minor repair of irrigation systemsin and around residential areas.

The County intends to release a Request for Proposal (RFP) and award a three-year contractwith two (2) single-year options to renew to the bidder selected as the most qualifiedresponsible bidder whose response conforms to the RFP and meets the County’s minimum requirements.

The County of Alameda does not guarantee that a subsequent RFP will be issued. Should an RFP be issued, the terms and conditions described in this RFI are not guaranteed to remain exactly the same.

  1. SCOPE

The Alameda County Public Works Agency (PWA) maintains the infrastructure of Alameda County including County Service Areas (CSA). It is the responsibility of the PWA to plan, design, and to inspect construction of County road and flood projects; to assist in planning new subdivisions and commercial developments; and to respond to damaging storms and other emergencies.

In 1994, a CSA was established to fund and manage the landscape and miscellaneous open space maintenance services for the Five Canyons Area which encompasses approximately 718 acres and numerous developments extending southerly from Castro Valley to Fairview Avenue in the Hayward Hills. The CSA contains approximately 1,300 residences, 307 acres of East Bay Regional Park District lands, and two Hayward Area Recreation District parks. The landscape for this area is well established and has been well maintained. The services solicited from any RFP issued as a result of this RFI are for the continued maintenance and ongoing enhancement of the aesthetics of this area.


Vendor minimum qualification criteria include, but are not limited, to the following:

  1. Vendor shall be regularly and continuously engaged in the business ofproviding landscaping and open space maintenance services for at least the lastfive (5) years.
  2. Vendor shall have a valid California contractor’s license.
  3. Vendor shall have a valid California pest control operator’s license or access toa California licensed pest control operator through a valid subcontractingagreement.
  4. Vendor must have access to a certified arborist either on company staff orthrough a valid subcontracting agreement.
  5. Vendor is required to render and provide landscape maintenance services including, but not limited to, turf mowing, edging, trimming, overseeding, reseeding, fertilization, aeration, irrigation, hand watering and bleeding of valves (during emergencies when automatic systems are not functioning), pruning and renovation of turf and shrub areas as well as to provide weed control, disease control, tree maintenance, and maintenance of irrigation systems including backflow prevention devices, repair of pumps, and landscape lighting systems.
  6. Vendor must have all other permits, licenses and professional credentialsnecessary to perform the necessary services.
  1. Small Local Emerging Business Program: The County is vitally interested in promoting the growth of small and emerging local businesses by means of increasing the participation of these businesses in the County’s purchase of goods and services.

As a result of the County’s commitment to advance the economic opportunities of these businesses, Bidders must meet the County’s Small and Emerging Locally Owned Business requirements in order to be considered for the contract award. These requirements can be found online at:

For purposes of this bid, applicable industries include, but are not limited to, the following NAICS Code(s): 561730 and 541320 as having no more than$7 million in average annual gross receipts over the last three (3) years.

An emerging business, as defined by the County, is one that has less than one-half (1/2) of the preceding amount and has been in business less than five (5) years.

  1. First Source Program: Information regarding the County’s First Source Program can be found online at:

Questions regarding this RFI must be submitted in writing to:

Lovell Laurente, Contracts Specialist I (Acting)

Alameda County, GSA—Purchasing

1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907

Oakland, CA 94612

Phone: (510) 208-9621

Fax: 510-208-9626



Event / Date
Request for Interest (RFI) Issued / November 15, 2012
RFI Response Due / This RFI will remain open until the RFP is issued
Request for Proposal (RFP) Issued / November 30, 2012
RFP Response Due / January 16, 2013
Award Date / April 23, 2013
Contract Start Date / July 1, 2013

Note:Dates indicated are approximate.


Alameda County GSA–Purchasing intends to issue an RFP in order to establish a contract for the above-referenced service in the near future.

  1. Vendors that meet the Qualification Criteria and are interested in being included on the vendor list to receiveany subsequent bid documents (if issued), shouldsend an e-mail to by 2:00 p.m. on, November 30, 2012.

The subject of the e-mail must read:


The body of the e-mail must contain the following:

  • Business Name
  • Contact’s Name
  • Business Address (PO Box/Street Address, City, State)
  • Contact’s Telephone Number
  • Contact’s E-mail Address
  1. In addition, the County encourages any new vendors that are local to Alameda Countyto register and be added to the County SLEB database. More information on how to register can be found on the County’s website at:
  1. Both local and non-local can subscribe to any or all Contracting Opportunities Categories and/or Calendar of Events for automatic updates. Subscribers will receive an e-mail announcing when the latest information has been updated on our website. More information on how to Subscribe can be found on the County’s website at:

RFI No. 901064

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