
Unit B Chapter 10 Study Sheet

1.  Natural resources- Living or nonliving supplies that nature provides, such as plants, fungi, animals, water, minerals, sunlight, soil, air, petroleum…

2.  Solar energy- energy from the Sun.

3.  Renewable resources- resources that can be “renewed” or replaced- water, air, plants, and soil.

4.  Soil is renewed when rocks are weathered and deposited in a new place and when decaying plants and animals add nutrients to the soil.

5.  Soil covers most of Earth’s “land” surface.

6.  Humus- rich, dark brown soil made up of decomposing materials.

7.  Bacteria and fungi help break down plant and animal remains in soil.

8.  Layers of soil from the surface down are:

·  Topsoil- contains rotting plant and animal remains

·  Subsoil

·  Bedrock-mostly solid rock

9.  Clay- made mostly of the very smallest particles. Red= iron in the clay. Clay holds water but is too hard for plant’s roots to spread out and live well.

10.  Silt- Slightly larger particles than clay- feels very smooth.

11.  Sand- larger particles- most common mineral in sand is quartz. Water runs right through sand, so it alone is not good for growing plants.

12.  Plants grow best in soil with many nutrients and that has a good mixture of clay, silt, sand, and humus.

13.  Uses for soil:

·  Clay=tile, brick, pottery, and paper

·  Sand= concrete and glass…

14.  Sun is needed for photosynthesis- plants making their food.

15.  Sun supplies energy for the food chain- Plants take in sunlight for make food- herbivores eat plants- omnivores eat herbivores and/ or plants—carnivores eat herbivores- decomposers break down all of the dead things and add nutrients to the soil so it can all start again.

16.  Sun gives light and heat.

17.  Wind happens because of the heating and cooling of air. (Sun is needed for wind to happen)

18.  Sun powers the water cycle by warming the water to cause evaporation

19.  Solar cell- a device that changes energy from the Sun into electrical energy.

20.  Solar panels can be used for electrical energy or heating. (Water running through solar panels can be heated)

21.  Water moves from a high place to a low place because of gravity.

22.  Nonrenewable resources- resources that exist in limited supplies or are used faster than they can be replaces in nature. (coal, natural gas, oil…)

23.  Ore- a rock rich in minerals that can be removed from the Earth.

24.  Fossil fuel- fuels made from organisms that lived long ago—ALL are traced to the Sun.

25.  Petroleum- oil- made from organisms that lived in the sea long ago.

26.  Mining fossil fuels CAN HARM the environment.

27.  When fossil fuels burn, substances are released into the air—ash/smoke and carbon dioxide (adds to global warming)

28.  Conservation- using only what you need as efficiently as possible.

29.  Paper is easier to recycle than many other materials.

30.  Ways to conserve energy:

·  Walk or ride a bike instead of driving

·  Share rides/carpool

·  Turn off lights, water, heat, air when not needed.

·  Use energy efficient cars and appliances.

·  Insulate buildings.

·  Recycle and reuse things when possible.

31.  Recycling- saving, collecting, or reusing material again instead of treating them as waste.

32.  Items that can be recycled:

·  Glass

·  Cardboard

·  Newspaper

·  Paper

·  Aluminum

·  Tin

·  Steel

·  Some plastics

·  Rubber


Pages 302-303 1-8, 14-18 Due:

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