The Gathering - Tabled Workshops – 1st November 2014

Thank you all for attending and contributing so fully to the Gathering on the 1st November. The workshop sessions were an opportunity for you, our membership, to reflect on how the organisation has developed over recent years and for us to look forward to 2020. We aimed to identify how we as an organisation may develop and what needs to happen to facilitate this. This discussion process forms an integral element of the development of our new 5 year Strategic Plan to which your input is be invaluable. In addition, the workshops were an opportunity for the Community Partnership Board to spend a little more time with each of you in a bid to understand your personal views on the future of the Partnership.

We hope that you find the attached summary of comments of interest and should you have any questions or clarifications please do not hesitate to get back in touch.

Kind Regards,

Tom Wallace

Workshop1 –Strategic Planning.

Our 2020 Vision is of: An active network of diverse, vibrant and sustainable National Park communities, working together to achieve their full potential.’

1. What role should the Community Partnership play, in relation to our Communities and the National Park Authority, in achieving our vision?
Clear statement on what the partnership is.
Emphasis on independant charity.
Develop Communication strategy & membership.
Network and dual support.
Bringing groups together from different communities. A pooling of knowledge.
Would prefer more network meetings to improve good communication.
Communication – engaging together via websites and Facebook. Different SM have different communication roles.
Identify specific issues within communities – CP can bring together to facilitate and signpost to support and funding.
Face to face meetings are good – if 2/3 different communities
Need more support from CP to ensure that CAP issues move and are monitored.
Communities should be reporting back to the CP on CAP progress to ensure the CAP actions are moving forward.
What influence does the CP have with Local Authorities? Perhaps more links with LA’s to ensure robust influence and connections - CP can signpost & support this.
Transport and issue for communities
CP should assist struggling CC’s and CDT’s.
CAP re-education – CP need to ensure that as part of the CAP process that CC’s see their importance in the role to achieve the objectives of the CAP.
CP has a unique role, avoiding duplication of existing service provision.
CP can raise awareness of activities that can be shared across communities.
Act as an impartial voice for ALL communities.
Act as a Skills and information hub.
Act as lobbyists for common issues eg: broadband upgrades.
What can the CP do about employment of locals?
Lobbying for funding mechanisms for local groups eg: Tourist Tax
Communication – Cowal Area Network meeting works well
Talking; what would benefit the communities? A meeting of minds.
Village Halls – identify VH’s that need improving/repairing – create a joint venture. Community Assets @ HIE *Feasibility of a business plan.
CAP’s now over for some communities, what happens beyond?
Area Network & Local directors are key to CP asssistng in the vision delivery.
The shore needs connecting – learn from the 3 Villages hall as an example.
Examples of joint communities where the distance can be a challenge:
Kilmun, Strone and Blantyre work together – sometimes.
Ardentinny – vibrant, diverse and sustainable
More networking opportunities, sharing of ‘best practice’
Networking with groups outwith the NP (eg Heritage Groups)
Advice & Signposting of funding
Facilitating communities to work together (in and out of the NP) – fundraising & large projects
CP to define and lobby the NP with new opportunities (eg: business support)
Helping to sponsor and encourage the arts, culture, and creative industries.
Peer group project evaluation and advice.
Internet web presence
Broadband in communities
Peripheral links with communities
Publicity and Internet forums
Communication / Notes:
2. How can the Community Partnership best ensure we represent all aspects of our diverse communities?
CP should be represented at Community Councils and Development Trusts as required.
Road map to allow access to clear information.
Reach out to existing Youth Groups (or individuals) to try and encourage them to join the board as they are the next generation.They need to feel valued.
D of E (Duke of Edinburgh) etc – could participants gain experience through being involved witht the CP?
Need to be clear about what opportunities the CP can be offer a young person and;what the CP expect in return – funding implication.
CC’s and CDTs have great difficulty involving everyone (not to be just invited to boring meetings but to issue delivery specifics/roles so then more people will get involved.
CC’s can often gain wider involvement with Trusts as they have a broader remit.
Volunteers – can only do so much as have other life interests. Volunteers mostly only get involved with something that they feel stronly about.
Apathy – younger families are busy and they don’t have the time to sit on groups.
Volunteers feel locked in to groups – but need to feel that they are kept up to date of the other issues and what groups are upto/actions are being taken forward.
Issue based engagement - Easier to target people to get involved on issues that they feel passionate about.
Find enough issue for diverse sets of people to get involved at different times and different ways.
Be aware of the groups that need to be engaged. Eg: Diverse groups can tackle diverse community issues.
Communication – as well as Social Media sites try advertising using libraries, newspapers and word of mouth.
More geographical pertinent representation.
community outreach improvement (eg: transport).
Greater awareness of communication media.
School Communication – to build sense of community cohesion with young people and tackle issues pertinent to them such as: Transport .
Note: The reality is that the population of the National Park is ageing and declining.
Limited ethnic diversity.
Amalgamation of CAPS into one large strategy. Use this to raise funds to drive a project forward.
Advice & Guidance to local trusts on how to manage projects.
Keep the partnership as vibrant and good as it is!
Ardentinny – The 50+ age group are active – have created a library for example, coronation woodland project is a success, focus on walled garden.
There is often a ‘burgh mentality’ that pervades through some areas, for eg: the notion that ‘the council should provide....’
Need to invigorate the 30+ age group.
Having face to face contact
Involvement with local A.P’s.
Networking with communities/groups outwith the Park
Capitilise on connections made with schools/youths to encourae younger participation.
Training in engagement of ‘hard to reach’ community members.
Presence on the ground by: engagement, specialise areas, website set up
Skills share – how to contact outsiders ‘engage’/sharing project reports

Workshop 2 –Membership Services


Core to the support that we offer our communities are our Membership Services. What services do you feel we should provide and How can we improve on those already offered? (Priorities in Red)
Training Opportunities
Create a programme of skills expertise, knowledge & support (so everyone knows what the CP can do and where we can point them)
Social Media
Accessing Funding
Argyll Vol Action – they help with training & development in committee skills, recruitment, evaluation skills, funding, legal & governing issues. Can help in workshops for FREE if in Argyll & Bute and will travel anywhere in the NP (with a donation towards travel costs).
The CP can sign post the to AVA (A&B)
CP can sign post to - West Dumbartonshire Council CVS can also provide some of these services – contact: Celina Ross
Stirling CVS can also offer help.
Where is the toolkit for supporting committees?
Local hubs need help with developing overarching management system.
CP could provide a ‘pack’ of info of support available.
Coordination with local authorities and other groups to share resources & prevent duplication.
Governance and meeting training.
Fundraising – opportunities and practice.
Training needs to be free, relevant and accessibility is essential.
Internet training.
Training in community engagement (hard to reach)
Training in event planning & project management.
Funding application training.
Help in dealing with difficult people.
Accessibility to training – distance
Advice & support for fundraising.
Website notice board to advertise training opportunities – eg. Accounting/Computer Training / Notes:
Website – forums for specific areas of interest.
Strengthen & develop area networks (area-forums)
Calendars with events marked
Interplay between board members – suggest visiting other area networks.
Area networks continue to be vital.
Directors roster to attend cc meetings/trusts/community groups.
Stimulation of failing area networks.
Providing links/hub for interest groups (Heritage/Arts etc)
Facilitate links between projects
Sharing experiences with communities.
Set up the website to ease communications between communities.
Restablish links with Local Authorities
Community Support
Accountancy Funding Secretarial Support
CP could act as a monitoring and coordination role checking what local hubs need – and what training organisations are offering.
Financial advice, procurement, project managment, Grant applications
Dedicated support for fundraising.
Support for the Action Planning process.
Block insurance.
Bulk energy supplies.
Centre – able to advise, support, inform, printing, stationary supplies, laminating etc.
Representation of councils in community partnership to avoid duplication.
Project development & delivery
Heritage centres – funding support
Create Heritage Trails
Income generating projects for communities
Consolidating existing small projects into larger ones
Signposting to funding
Need to know more about Comm Int Companies.....SCIO’s etc.
Ongoing Monitoring of CAP.
Help with funding applications.
Identify links between Action Plan’s & ensure implementation of Action Plans.
Advice, help with funding.
Identify new projects that are achievable.
Sustainability for the Skills Partnership.
Broadband & Mobile Reception – Lobbying
Appropriate Mediums of Communication
Signposting to existing support eg CVSS
Website Training
Newsletter v Social Media – benefits and how to make the most of them.
SM is good to encourage youngsters
New technology training.
Community Survey for Broadband provision – Now and future!
Improved transport – integrated approach.
Promotion of Community Partnership.
Directors out in the communities via specific roster.
Useful/practical news/information on website.
Developing Social Media. Blog/Newsletter – investigation.
Sharing experiences with communities and set up the website to ease communications between communities.
Healthcare issues – lobby
Understand exactly what communities want & communicate!
Should there be a core competency skill base for Directors & committee members?
The CP should monitor those & ensure training is provided consistently.
New people need support. CP could offer signposting to support
CP should be a conduit for communications & signposting – eg: funding, CVS support.
Is there grant funding for the CP to deliver this?
..or have a SLA between the CP and comm hubs about what CP should deliver? Perhaps they could pay for this via membership subscriptions.
Financial support for visitors presenting at local groups to allow visitors to make more of their visit to th area and potentially recommend it to others.
Group Insurance – accountancy.