Information sheet for coaches – team participation in workload research study

Title: Internal and External Pitching Workload Associations with Overuse, Days Missed, and Injury Risk in High School Baseball Athletes

Investigators: Michael P. McNally (OSU), Dr. James A. Onate (OSU), Dr. Jingzhen G. Yang (NCH), Dr. Kevin E. Klingele (NCH), and Dr. Ajit M.W. Chaudhari (OSU)

This study aims to determine how pitching workload is related to overuse in high school baseball pitchers. To do this, we will measure game pitch counts (pulled from OSHAA data collection system) and daily rating of perceived exertion in approximately 100-200 high school baseball pitchers for one season. We will also collect a 5-question weekly overuse survey, which should take no more than a minute to complete. Some teams, if willing to do so, will also wear a throwing sleeve to track all throws during practices and games. With this study, we aim to assess current pitch count recommendations provide scientific evidence to improve pitch count recommendations, and determine how total throw count and daily throwing effort help to moderate overuse due to throwing workload.

What is needed from players:

  • Complete consent documentation once during the first week of the season.
  • 18 years of age: Informed consent and HIPAA Research Authorization forms
  • 17 years of age and under: Parental permission and HIPAA Research Authorization forms signed by parents, Assent form signed by player
  • Complete participant history survey once at initial enrollment (~10-15 minutes to complete)
  • Respond to a daily text message sent each evening
  • “On a scale from 0-10, please reply with your level of effort from all throwing activities during practice or competition relative to a normal day of throwing.”
  • “On a scale from 0-10, please rate your current level of arm soreness.”
  • Complete a short overuse survey once/week (~30-60 s. to complete)
  • If participating in the compression sleeve aim: Wear the compression sleeve for all practices (currently not allowed for in-game use)

What is needed from coaches:

  • Identify pitchers on the team who may participate in the study once at the start of the season.
  • Allow a member of the research staff to collect overuse surveys before practice once/week.
  • Encourage players to continue participation in the study.
  • If participating in the compression sleeve aim:
  • Keep sensors in a secure location (e.g. locker room, training room, coaches office) after each practice
  • Allow a member of the research staff to be at the school every 2-3 days to manage sensors

These activities are based on the current protocol, but may be modified prior to the start of the season to facilitate complete data collection for your specific team.

Time spent in the study: This is a one year study, which will take place during the 2017 high school baseball season. Most of the time will be spent up front with collection of consent documentation and initial intake surveys. Time is expected to be no more than a few seconds each day for players to respond to text messages, and no more than 1-2 minutes one day a week for overuse surveys.

Compensation:$250 to the team for a minimum of 5 pitchers enrolled (must pitch in at least one game), and tracked with 80% completion throughout the study. If you are willing to have your players wear the throwing compression sleeve throughout the season, all sleeves and sensors used will be donated to the team for your future use.

For any questions about the study, or for your team to participate, email the study coordinator, Mike McNally, at .