
Section A: The Project Center is an FISD instructional facility; all FISD rules, policies, practices, and procedures are in force at all times. Only approved animal projects are permitted to be housed at the FISD Project Center.

Section B: All FISD FFA show projects shall be housed at the FISD Project Center, effective July 1, 2010. All animals housed at the FISD Project Center shall have the approval of an FISD agriculture science teacher.

Section C: The following rules are currently in force. Any new rules that may become necessary will be effective immediately upon notification of the agriculture science students by the agriculture science teachers. They will be posted in all pertinent publications.

1.  No equipment can be used unless under supervision of the agriculture teachers.

2.  The FISD Project Center shall be clean, neat, & organized at all times. Specific areas must be cleaned regularly, as deemed necessary by the specie sponsor.

3.  The FISD Project Center is not a permanent home for animals. Family domestic animals do not meet the required project criteria. The types of projects permitted to be housed are as follows: Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and Swine.

4.  The number of animals a student may raise at the FISD facility is limited to the available space as determined by the student’s agriculture science teacher in consultation with the appropriate specie sponsor. The specie sponsor will assign a stall or pen where the project animal will be kept. Students enrolled in an agriculture science class during the fall or spring semester (or both) shall be given priority for a pen assignment, as determined by the appropriate specie sponsor. In the event that more requests for stalls or pens have been made than spaces available, the pens may be assigned based on a plan established by the specie sponsor and the CTE Director.

5.  Violation forms may be issued for students failing to comply with project center rules. Family members who violate rules may also result in the student receiving a violation notice. Depending on the severity of the violation, three violation notices, verbal or written, may result in the removal of the project from the Project Center.

6.  Students are expected to provide their own transportation to and from the center.

7.  The primary responsibility for discipline and supervision rests with the student and/or parents when an instructor is not present after hours.

8.  Students will be held financially accountable for willful acts of vandalism.

9.  Use or possession of tobacco, alcohol, or weapons by persons on the premises shall result in removal of student and project in addition to any other consequences.

10.  Each student is responsible for the medical & general care including the feeding of his/her project. Students shall not feed animals that do not belong to them unless prior arrangements have been made with the owner or agriculture teacher.

11.  Each student who uses the FISD Project Center is expected to attend all workdays from start to finish. Failure to do so may result in a violation notice.

12.  Students should not be in another pen unless permission is given by the project owner of that particular pen.

13.  If it becomes necessary to remove a student’s animal, the owner will have five business days to remove the animal. If the animal is not removed in time, it will be removed and sold through the appropriate livestock commission at the owner’s expense. The remainder of the money from the sale of the animal will be sent to the owner through a valid student activity fund account.

14.  Only current FFA members are eligible to use the Project Center. Students not enrolled in the program should not loiter at the complex. Visitors with any member must have approval with the agriculture teacher prior to visit. FISD personnel have the right to remove and ban any visitors from the complex. Students who are present must be working with their animal or cleaning pens.

15.  No structures or equipment may be placed in pens without the specie sponsor’s approval.

16.  Students and parents must observe opening and closing times for the complex. Anyone entering the complex before/after hours will be issued a violation notice unless approved by teacher. The hours are 5:30 am to 10:30 pm.

17.  Students may be assigned regular duties at the center; any student failing to do so may be given a violation notice.

18.  Insurance for animals kept at the facility is not maintained by any entity of FISD, any of its personnel or affiliated organizations. The loss, injury, or illness of animals is not the responsibility of the FISD, its employees or any of its entities.

19.  The agriculture science teachers for each program / school / specie may create rules in additions to these rules that are specific to their program / school / specie. Any additional rules shall be approved by the campus principals of involved schools. The CTE Director shall be notified of any additions.

20.  All rules and feeding procedures apply to holidays and weekends.

21.  Storage may be provided by the student, upon a teacher’s approval. FISD or

any of its personnel or entities are not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of, or damages that may occur to, storage equipment

22.  Animal waste shall be disposed of properly and manure shall be placed in the

manure pit.

Section D: Depending on the severity of the offense, failure to comply with the rules of the FISD Project Center may be dealt with in the following manner:

1.  First offense: Teacher issues verbal or written warning to student.

2.  Second Offense or failure to heed first warning: a written violation notice is issued to parent, student, campus administration, and the CTE Director.

3.  Third offense: Project is removed from the facility within five business days. Written notice shall be given to the student, parent(s), campus administration, and the CTE Director. FISD will also be asked to issue a trespass notice barring student from coming onto complex property.

Section E: Project Supervision:

The STUDENT is responsible for:

1. The general and medical care of his/her project.

2. Informing the teacher regarding any problems and/or progress of the project.

3. The entry fees needed for all stock shows.

4. The payment of feed and animal costs.

5. Attendance of ALL mandatory barn clean ups from start to finish.

The PARENT is responsible for:

1.  The general supervision of the project on a day to day basis.

2.  Communication with the teacher should a question or problems arise concerning the project or student’s performance.

3.  The transportation of students to the complex for care of the animal.

4.  The transportation and accommodations of students at all stock shows.

5.  Making sure all payments are made by the student in a timely manner.

The AGRICULTURE TEACHER is responsible for:

1.  Any problems that may occur with the animal project during normal working hours. The teacher is not required to make emergency calls after hours for the purpose of treating sick or injured animals, but will make every effort to assist when needed with those problems.

2.  The teacher will visit all projects in accordance with FISD & FFA guidelines.

3.  Selecting the feeding programs for each animal project area. Feeding instructions for animals raised at the barn are to come from FISD agriculture teachers only. Any outside instruction may lead to dismissal from the barn.

4.  Livestock Show attendance will be determined by the specie advisor. Students may not attend a major stock show without an advisor.

5.  The teacher will assist in giving medications when possible. The teacher will NOT be held liable for injury to livestock while assisting the student with their project. This includes but is not limited to: giving medications, castration, dehorning, docking, worming, trimming or any other activity directly involving the teacher and animals.

6.  The FFA sponsor will provide transportation for all FFA projects to approved shows entered by the chapter.


This form is to be completed annually by each student that utilizes the center.

1. I have read and agree to abide by the FISD FFA Handbook. I clearly understand all

rules and regulations outlined regarding the project center.

2. I understand that space may be limited and each student may be limited to the types and quantity of animals allowed to be kept at the complex.

3. I understand that any one caught feeding unapproved feed/additives will be issued a violation and that medications shall not be given to animals without prior approval.

4. Problems that arise at the complex should be addressed with the student’s teacher or

5. I understand that all FISD policies, procedures, rules, practices, and regulations will be in effect and enforced at the Project Center.

I agree to the afore-mentioned rules and regulations, as well as those outlined in the FISD FFA Handbook.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Phone Number: ______

FISD FFA Sponsor Handbook


Frisco ISD Agricultural Science - Project Center

Frisco ISD maintains an educational facility and project center located on First Street in downtown Frisco. The center provides for all FFA members who wish to have an SAE Animal Project. This is an FISD facility overseen by the FISD CTE Director. All FISD rules, regulations, policies, practices, and procedures are in effect, and shall be enforced.

This center is currently open and available for housing swine, sheep, goats, lambs, and cattle. No male animals capable of reproduction will be allowed at the facility. Female animals capable of breeding may stay at the FISD facility provided they are eligible to show.

The following rules in addition to the ones listed in the FFA Handbook are currently in force. Any new rules that may become necessary will be effective immediately upon notification of the agriculture science students by the agriculture science teachers, and will be posted in all pertinent publications.

1.  All FISD FFA projects must be kept at the FISD project center and projects kept at the facility must be approved by the student’s agriculture science teacher and the appropriate specie sponsor (an FISD agriculture science teacher). The number of animals a student may raise at the FISD facility is limited to the available space as determined by the student’s agriculture science teacher in consultation with the appropriate specie sponsor. The specie sponsor will assign a stall or pen where the project animal will be kept. High school students that will be enrolled in an agriculture science class during the fall or spring semester (or both) shall be given priority for a pen assignment, as determined by the appropriate specie sponsor. In the event that more requests for stalls or pens have been made than spaces available, the pens may be assigned based on the written plan established by an agreement among all FISD agriculture science teachers. Rabbits are currently exempt from this requirement.

2.  Each student is responsible for the feeding, medical, and general care of his/her project on his/her own time and not during school time. Raising a project animal is to be a learning experience for the student. The student showing the project is to be the primary care provider for the animal.

3.  Each project must be cared for in a proper manner (i.e., daily and sufficient feeding and watering). In the event an animal is not fed or watered while at the facility, the student will be required to pay for all feed and other incidental items used for the animal’s care during the time of neglect. A student’s animal may be removed from the facility after the third documented incident of neglect.

4.  Students will be responsible for keeping their individual project stall or pen clean at all times. In addition, it is the individual student’s responsibility to keep his/her animal in the assigned pen. Animals may be turned out of their assigned pen for exercise provided someone is present at the facility to monitor the animal’s behavior.

5.  Persons responsible for intentional damage or vandalism to the property, equipment, or animals may be held financially responsible for repair of the damage and may have their project removed from the barn.

6.  Any visitor taken to the facility is the sole responsibility of the agriculture science student accompanying the visitor. Visitors must be pre-approved by an FISD agri-science teacher. All persons must follow all rules of the project center.

7.  Feed rooms, store rooms, wash rack, walkways, common areas, and any other facility grounds will be kept neat, clean, and organized by the students using the facility. Clean-up days may be arranged by the CTE Director as appropriate or by the specie sponsor responsible for their area of the project center.

8.  The Project Center is an educational facility for FISD. Only equipment necessary for instructional use by students can be maintained and kept at the Project Center.

9.  The abuse of any animal shall not be tolerated.

10.  State law prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages, or controlled substances, tobacco products, and the use of profane or abusive language at any school facility. In addition, all high school, FISD, and FFA policies, procedures, rules, practices, and regulations will be in effect and enforced at the Project Center.