IES Santa María de Alarcos

q  No se permite el uso de diccionario ni de ningún otro material didáctico.

q  Las preguntas deberán ser respondidas en Inglés.

q  Duración de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.

Esta hoja no se entrega.


March 21 is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It commemorates a tragedy that happened in the town of Sharpeville in South Africa on this day in 1960. Police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against the apartheid laws. The massacre shocked the world. For many years this day was known as Sharpeville Day in South Africa. In 1966, the UN General Assembly created this special day, calling on all countries to redouble their efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination, once and for all. Every March 21st, the offices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva and New York conduct activities to highlight the evil of racism and our duty to combat it.

This day perhaps played a role in the ending of apartheid in South Africa. Today the country is a multi-racial society where the government is promoting equality at all levels. The ending of apartheid and the discrimination that went with it opened up South Africa to greater economic development. UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon spoke of how racism affects human rights and becomes an obstacle to a nation’s development: "Racist practices hurt their victims, but they also limit the promise of entire societies where they are tolerated. They prevent individuals from realizing their potential and stop them from contributing fully to national progress." Racism is still a damaging force in today’s world. Try and make a difference on March 21.


I.READING COMPREHENSION. (2 POINTS)(0.5 points for each correct answer) Add TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support your answer. NO marks are given for only true or false.

1. On 21st March 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa, police killed 69 people who were protesting against apartheid in a violent way.

2. In 1966 the United Nations made this day special so that all countries tried to put an end to racism.

3. South African economy improved when the country eliminated racial discrimination.

4. According to Ban Ki-moon, racism lets the individual citizens develop fully but harms the development of their country.


A. LEXICON. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given.
a) emphasize b) responsibility, obligation
c) function, part d) bad, harmful,
B. PHONETICS. (1 POINT) (0.25 points for each correct answer)
a) Which of these sounds does “racial” contain in its second syllable? /s/ /T/ /S/
b) Write one word from the text containing whose plural ending is /Iz/
c) Write one word from the text containing the same diphthong sound as “there” /e@/
d) Write one word from the text containing the same diphthong sound as “no” /@U/

III. USE OF ENGLISH. (3 POINTS) (0.5 for each correct answer)

Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given.

1. Susan works for everybody. She is tired of that. / Susan is tired of....
2. Although he was very young he understood everything. / In spite of …
3. You should wear gloves when you manipulate that liquid. / It …
4. “When will you hand in your project?” Anne asked Phillip. / Anne asked …
5. “Could you give me a hand with this?” / Wouldyou mind …
6. Sam watches television when he has finished his homework. / …………?


Write a composition of between 100 and 125 words on the following topic.

It is possible to put an end to racism. Discuss.