Welcome to Mrs. Nobles’ Science Class

My goal is to help each student improve his/her understanding of the Earth and Space Science through the resources provided and the skills learned in this class. The following procedures will be used to keep things running smoothly so that each student can concentrate on learning.

Required Materials

Bring these items with you to class every day:

·  1 inch binder with loose-leaf paper (reinforced if possible) and 2 dividers

·  OMMS Assignment Pad-(Provided)

·  Colored pencils

·  Glue sticks

·  Scissors

·  Pencil with an eraser

·  One green or red pen for grading (I will take this up for class use)


A.  Daily Directions

1.  Enter quietly.

2.  Go to your assigned seat.

3.  Write down the homework assignment in your assignment pad (agenda).

4.  When you enter my classroom, a DSQ (Daily Science Question) will be written on the front board or displayed on the large screen. Copy the question into your binder, and write your response. Leave your binder open to this page.

5.  (Do not wait for the tardy bell to ring; class begins when you enter the room. All of the above should be started before the tardy bell rings. Failure to read and follow the directions on the board will result in a tardy.)

B.  During Class

1.  Every person in this class will be treated with respect.

2.  No chewing gum, eating, or drinking in class.

3.  It is your responsibility to make sure that your assignments and important dates are copied from my board every day. If I have not assigned homework on a particular day, I will write “No Homework” on my assignment board and you will do the same in your assignment pad.

4.  All of your work must be written neatly. If it is not, it will be returned to you for a “redo” for homework and you will receive partial credit if this becomes a habit.

C. End of Class

1.  No one is to leave when the bell rings.

2.  I will dismiss the class by saying, “Have a good day!”

3.  Check to make sure that you are not leaving anything behind.

4.  Walk out of the room.

D. Make-up Work

1.  You are responsible for making up work that was missed. The best way to get your work is to check my blog. There will also be a “Missed Assignments” folder for each day of the week located at the front table. After the week has ended, I will place the work in a binder that will also be on the front table. You must complete the work and turn it in within 2 days (2 days for each day missed). I will not ask you for your missed work. If the work is not turned in, it will result in an EAET notice.

2.  Tests will be made up in my classroom, A-19. If you are absent the day of a test, go directly to my classroom before school starts upon your return to school expecting to take that test.

E Textbooks

1.  Protect your textbook. You are responsible for any damage that occurs to it. You must pay for any damage to the book, even if you allow others to borrow it. Your textbook should remain at home since there is a class set of textbooks in the room at school.

F Homework Format

1.  Be neat. If I can not read it, you will have to do the work over for partial credit.

G Getting Help

1.  Ask questions in class.

2.  Review your notes.

3.  Read the book.

4.  Ask a friend.

5.  Make an appointment with me to get morning help. You must have a hall pass.

H Hall Pass

1.  No pass will be given during class except for an emergency or for something that I deem necessary. Each student has time between classes during which they are expected to use the restroom. You will use the last page of the assignment pad and it must be signed by a teacher.

I Discipline

1.  Follow all school and classroom rules. (See the Student Handbook.)

2.  The first offense results in their name on the board.

3.  A second offense during the same week results in a pink slip sent home. (Whether it is a warning or a detention depends on the severity and frequency of the offense.)

4.  A third offense during the same week results in an automatic detention and a call home.

5.  Any further offense results in removal from the classroom and administrative discipline.

6.  A detention may be given on the first offense for certain things such as, but not limited to, chewing gum, cursing, hitting others, or throwing something at someone.

J Experiments/Laboratory Experiences

1.  Anyone that does not follow the laboratory instructions or does something that is unsafe will be suspended from the experiment and receive a detention. If the lab is graded, you will receive a zero for the lab unless you come the following morning before school to make-up the lab. Repeat offenders will be suspended from all labs and will receive an alternate assignment. Your safety and the safety of your classmates are of most importance.

Nine-Weeks Grading Policy

Grades for this class will be determined through any or all of the following: binder checks, chapter tests, quizzes, class work, homework, and projects. The amount of points possible for each assignment will vary depending upon the length and the importance of the assignment.

Science Binder

Your science binder is extremely important in our class. It is important to keep it neat and organized! We will keep a table of contents that must be kept up to date. Your binder will be your primary resource in studying for tests and quizzes. Binders will be checked periodically and graded for completeness, organization, and neatness.

Progress Reports

I will enter grades into INOW weekly. This is a new system, and we have been told that you will be able to access your child’s grades at any time via INOW Home, available through the OMMS office beginning the 2nd nine week grading period. Students are also encouraged to keep a list of all the grades they earn during each nine-week grading period. This is part of the table of contents that will be in their binders. OMMS will send progress reports home periodically.

are vital components of the school support team.