Strategic Plans
- Reshaping Care for Older People
- National Outcome: Our people are able to maintain their independence as they get older and are able to access appropriate support when they need it.
- We live longer healthier lives
Increase the number of older people who feel isolated to engage in social activities.
What are the key target groups for our area?
Isolation by place mobility and or vulnerability
Over 65’s
Social generic participation
What known assets do we have locally which support this outcome? / Planned /anticipated activity which will support outcome?
Are there additional resources/activities /interventions which would assist?
What methods will we adopt/support to achieve outcome?
BHWN Local activity/services sheet - Older People / Network knowledge of existing services- updates to members/links to other local partnerships
Argyll & Bute Choose Life Project
Signpost/Network knowledge and links to existing activities/partnerships
Safety forum, Trips and falls, Reshaping care for older people, Grey Matters.
Generic Counselling Activity which promotes positive Mental Health
Services/activity which supports maintenance of independent living
Is our outcome being achieved/progressed? (Numbers/ Case studies/ Monitoring reports)
What activity have we funded to support outcome?
Bute advice funded
Kidney leaflet
Mini bus maintenance and links to other grant funding specific for purpose
Asset / Contact Name / Email/Phone Number/ Website / Activity
Crossroads / Deby Rough / 01369 707700
/ Carer support workers provide respite care for carers of older people, people with disabilities or health problems
Carers support groups
Information sessions
Holistic therapies
Short breaks
Stress management techniques
Training on mindfulness based approach to caring
Wellness recovery Action planning
Counterweight programme
Carers support plans
Home Visits
Carers Conferences
Outings and festive celebrations
Energy efficiency information
Information provision on all aspects of carers rights and advocacy
Pass it on project / 01700 504446 /
recycling items of use
Reshaping care for older people / Steve Holliday /
01700 503509
Grey matters / Gwen Harrison /
07733 881710
Bute forum for older voices / Ellen Cromack / 01700 831302
Cowal & Bute elderly befrienders / Duncan Macleod /
01369 704985
07792 563687
Interloch community transport /
01369 840474
Exercise class
Victoria Hospital / 01700 503937 / Victoria Hospital
Dementia Helpline / Dot Gordon / 01369 703244
Alzheimer’s Group / Dot Gordon / 01369 703244
Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Services / Julie McNaughton /
Living Life to The Full LLTTF / Home Start / Dee Hancock
07887 511 022 / Supports people with low mood mild depression
Counselling & Support for recovery / 07551 353 112
Welfare rights
Bute advice centre budgeting / Julie Semple / 01700 502784
Ali Energy / Bute Advice centre
Julie Semple / 01700 502784
Survive and Thrive / Yvonne Brown / 07570536266
/ Support project for domestic abuse
Rape Crisis / Helen Lambertinni
Caroline Gorman / 01369 700800
/ Female helpline 0800 121 4685
Male helpline 0800 032 0399
Women’s Aid / Jan Obrien / Argyll.womensaid@bt
01700 504122
Red cross services /
01436 672507
Acha / Iona McPhail / 01546 605870
Fyne Homes / 0845 6077117
Occupational Therapy / 01700501682
Victoria Hospital / 01700 503937
Gps / The Bute Practice / 01700 502290
Survive and Thrive / Yvonne Brown / 07570536266
/ Support project for domestic abuse
Sane / 0845 767800 /
mental health support
Samaritans / 08457 90 90 90
feeling down struggling to cope
Breathing space / 0800 838587 /
low mood, depression, anxiety
Cruse Bereavement / 08444779400
bereavement support
Child Line / 0800 1111
Parents line Scotland / 0800028 22 33 / 7 days a week
365 days a year
National Missing persons / 116 000 national helpline
Macmillan cancer support / Deirdre Henderson /
01586 555937
Children 1st Trauma Recovery / 0131 446 2300
Living it up website / / A service to help you get and share information on a healthier lifestyle
Choose Life / Lorna Crawford /
01700 501681
Victim Support /
01546 605517
Know The score / 0800 587 5879 / 8am till 11pm 7 days a week facts about drugs
Talk to frank / 0300 123 6600 /
a-z of substances
Drink line Scotland /
Encompass / Mac Stevens
May McLachlan / 0170050585 / Substance Misuse advice
Bute advice centre / Julie Semple / 01700 502784
Job centre / Julie Johnston / 0845 604 3719
Home start volunteering / Dee Hancock /
07887 511 022 / Volunteer and share your valuable skills
Library / Patricia McArthur /
01700 503266
Keep well / Carole Muir/ Alison Hardman /
Cruse Bereavement / 08444779400
bereavement support
National Missing persons / 116 000 national helpline
Telecare Alarm services for the elderly / Heather Steele / 07876 355657
01700 501300 /
Mears / 0800 121 6525 / Home care and nursing agency
Long term condition alliance Scotland / 0141 404 0231 / / For people who are disabled or living with a long term condition
/ 0800 169 6565 /
Argyll Training / Fraser McCowan
Margaret Marshall / 07740201936
Local Charity shops volunteering
Callum's cabin, Oxfam, Marie cure, action for children, for Bute, Brianne Roberts
Job centre / Julie Johnstone / 0845 604 3719
Trinity / Andrew Barrie / 01700 502781
Baptist / Ron Rye / 01700 501997
St Andrews Catholic Church / Michael Hutson / 01700 502047
Kingdom hall of Jehovas witness / 01700 501997
07796 121 813
Rothesay Christian Fellowship / 07736 625090
The United church of Bute / Raymond Deans / 01700 204893
chiball / 3.45 -4.45 Mondays / Yennie Van Oosende
Fit 4 life
Lunch clubs
Health & Wellbeing network / Dee Hancock
Bute Produce / Reeni Kennedy Boyle /
01700 504636
Bute Forrest / Ben / 07707767178
Leisure centre/Swimming pool / John Digney / 01700 504300
Adult education / Carol Jones / 01700 501320
Adult literacy’s / Katherine Usher / 01700 503696
Oxfam Charity shop / 01700 502135
Cancer Research Charity shop / 01700 504897
Action Medical Research charity shop / 01403 210406
Brianne Roberts Charity shop / 01700 500399
Bute Oasis Charity shop / 01700502272
Callums Cabin Charity shop /
For Bute Charity shop