/ Form 2:
Proposal for New Course(s)
Proposed New Course(s):
List Course Prefix(es), Number(s) and Title(s)
College/School/Center or Department Initiating Proposal:
Originator of this Proposal:
Delivery Format: / Resident Online Both / Requested Start Date:

Answer only those items that pertain to the proposed request.

A.Background Information

1.Description of the proposed new course(s), include historical background of development.

2.Was the proposed course(s) offered as a Pilot Course? Yes No

3.Projected number of students.

Projected Enrollment
Delivery Format / Fall 20__ / Fall 20__ / Fall 20_
Distance Education (Online)

4.Describe primary target audience. Who will be attracted to this course?

B.Assessment of Need/Program Planning/Approval (Include Department and School Minutes)

1.Discuss rationale for offering new course(s), including an assessment of need.

2.Documentation that faculty and other groups were involved in review and approval of new course(s) (include minutes recording approval).

C.Curriculum Proposal (Include Syllabus,CGS and/or CASAS Endorsement)

1.Using the table format below, list the course numbers and titles of all new courses in this proposal; indicate if course is an elective course. Indicate delivery format for each course. Include a catalog description for new course withhours, and prerequisites.

New Course
Prefix and Number / Format / Resident Online Both / Elective
Course Title / Hours
Catalog Description:
Repeatable Course? / Yes No / Can this course be repeated for credit towards the completion of a degree program?
Course Fee? / Yes No / Reminder: Once new course is approved, Dean must generate request to have the fee applied to the course.

2.Include copy of the course syllabi[1]for each new course. Note: Course descriptions in catalog and syllabi must be in agreement.

3.Online Course(s): Has the LUO Course Development Proposal been submitted to the CCD? Yes No

4.General Education or Integrative Course Approval: If requesting an undergraduate course be considered for approval as a general education or integrative course, list all course information below and include an endorsement from the Dean of the College of General Studies (CGS) and the Dean of the College of Applied Studies & Academic Success(CASAS). Include minutes from the General Education Committee, if available.

General Education Course? / Integrative Course? / Format / Resident Online Both
Course Prefix and Number / Course Title / Hours
Catalog Description:
Endorsed by the Dean, College of General Studies / Date
Endorsed by the Dean, College of Applied Studies & Academic Success / Date
Approved by the General Education Committee / Date

5.Provide a detailed curriculum development plan for new course(s). What will faculty need to do to prepare to teach these courses?

D.Faculty Needs (Include Faculty Roster)

1.Provide names of faculty who will teach the new course(s).

2.Using the “Faculty Roster” form, indicate qualifications of faculty assigned to teach the new course(s). Please note that faculty must have the required teaching credentials for course assignments. If a faculty does not have the required teaching credential, justify the course assignment using the “Alternative Justification to Teach a Course” form. (Provide Roster and signed completed Justification Form (if needed) as Appendix)

A.Library and Learning Resources (Include Library Endorsement)[Allow three weeks for this endorsement]

1.Submit the following information to the Dean of the Jerry Falwell Library () and copy Mr. Rusty Tryon ():

  1. Course titles and descriptions
  2. Syllabi1(new courses only)(include course learning outcomes, and course assignments information)
  1. To allow sufficient time for the library to complete an appropriate analysis, requests should be submitted to the library at least three (3) weeksprior to submission of the proposal to the Curriculum Committee.

3.The library will analyze available library resources and prepare the Library Endorsement with appropriate recommendations signed by the Dean of the Jerry Falwell Library.

E.Physical Resources: (Residential Programs Only)Classroom Space, Materials, Equipment Needs (Include Registrar’s Endorsementonly when special facilities or technology are required.)

1.Regular classrooms needed, projected through first three years.

2.Labs needed, projected through first three years.

3.Teaching materials, projected through first three years.

Approval to Submit Proposal:
Associate Dean, Department Chair,or Director / Date
Dean of School/College / Date


Revised 9/21/2015

Faculty Roster Form

Qualifications of Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty

Name of PrimaryDepartment, Academic Program, or Discipline:

Date Form Completed:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Course Number & Title, Credit Hours
Indicate for each course: D=Developmental; UN=Undergraduate Nontransferable; UT=Undergraduate Transferable; G=Graduate / ACADEMIC DEGREES& COURSEWORK
Relevant to Courses Taught: Include Institution, Major/Discipline
List specific graduate coursework, if needed to justify assignment / OTHER QUALIFICATIONS
Related to Courses Taught
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:
New Course Assignment:
Current Course Assignments:

[1]Syllabi (new courses only) are required for Library Endorsement. Provide Course Name and Description, Course Learning Outcomes, and Course Assignments; bibliographies are not necessary.