S.G.I.S. Meeting 05-09-06 Gumlingen


The meeting started at 10:10

Apologies-Ali Zerika-Brillamont, Geoff Stenson-Le Rosey


Linda Pujol – La Chat

Jean Paul Danko – NJC

Larry Ruch – NJC

Elisabeth Ruiz – IsoZ

Ethan Harris – LAS

Maryanne Bertazzo – KLAS

Thomas Skweres – ISL

Andy Park – Aiglon

Patrick Macazaga – Haut Lac IS

Marion Baliocchi – Haut Lac IS

Keith Rhodes – Nations

Mark Newman – Riverside

Bryce Lovell – JFK

Moana Whatarau – IS Basel

Elinor Osborne – ICSZ

Dean Topodas – TASIS

Pablo Lopez – LGB

Robert Brady – CDL

Jan Hill – St. Georges

Colin Walker – ZIS

John Robins – IS Berne

1. Welcome

John Robins announced his immediate retirement as chairperson of the S.G.I.S. sports committee after 14 years.

2. Introduction

All members present introduced themselves and the schools in which they teach.

3. Recognition of John Robins

Keith Rhodes thanked John Robins for all his hard work as chairperson during the last 14 years.

4.Replacement of Chairperson

As there is nothing written to say how the chairperson would be replaced the members discussed the various options. It was agreed that a volunteer from the Athletics Directors present could be put forward and voted in by the other members. If there was no volunteered then a special committee would meet as a group to replaceJohn Robins and create a constitution. The members were given a two minute break to reflect on the idea. John Robins then explained the role and duty as a chairperson. Keith Rhodes called for nominations. Linda Pujol nominated Colin Walker of the international school of Zurich. This was seconded by Elinor Osborne. At 10:33 Colin Walker accepted the position of chairperson and immediately replaced John Robins. Colin Walker stated that he was happy to take the post permanently.Colin said that a constitution was needed and there would be a special committee meeting to discuss the issue.This would then be presented to the S.G.I.S Directors for approval.

5.Sports Calendar 2006/2007

The members confirmed the tournaments which they will host during this school year.

Jan Hill will look at the possibility of a swim meet in Montreux for Category 3.

The organiser of the Ski Competition on March 3rd will change from LAS to Aiglon.

Robert Brady invited all present to the A.D.I.S.R Golf Tournament in Gruyere on May 12th.

Jan Hill stated that the Football Tournament on May 11th will be 7 a side instead of 6 a side.

Colin Walker reminded everyone to send all entry forms to him for the web site.

6.Review of Manual

John Robins suggested that the committee review the manual at their next meeting.All members would read the existing manual and send suggestions for change to Colin.

7.Age Categories

Colin said thatthe committee will discuss the results of the survey.Dates of birth with the names of players must be on a roster at registration in tournaments.

8.The Role Of A Coach At Tournaments

It was agreed that all coaches must be punctual and efficient.


John Robins will hand over the CHF4,500 in the account to Colin Walker.

10. AOB

Ethan Harris suggested putting the International rules in the Sports Policy document.

Elinor Osborne asked if we wanted to hand over a Tournament that we have run for a few years to another school what is the procedure to do so.

Dean Topodas will replace John Robins on the special committee.

The meeting ended at 12.25.