KiwiSport Investment – Expressions of Interest

KiwiSport is a government funding initiative administered by Sport Wellington to increase participation in sport for school-aged children. The 2015 – 2018 Wellington Regional Partnership Fund plan was recently approved by Sport NZ with the following identified priorities:

•Coaching – quality and quantity

•Quality intra and inter-school sport

•Skill development and confidence building

•Family and Community Engagement (particularly in low participation groups)

•Females (10 – 18 years)

Sport Wellington welcomes expressions of interest from organisations that can impact on the ‘Coaching – Quality and Quantity’priority.

Through the KiwiSport consultation process the importance of a quality experience, which is significantly influenced by the coach, was reiterated i.e. the need for “good coaches that can build a young person up through sport” and “coaches with better attitudes”.

The ‘Coaching – Quality and Quantity’ priority aims to achieve the KiwiSport objectives of:

  • Increase the number of school-age children participating in organised sport,
  • Support children in developing skills that will enable them to participate effectively in sport at both primary and secondary level,
  • Increase the availability and accessibility of sport opportunities for all school-aged children,

while trying to reduce the particular barriers to participation identified during the recent KiwiSport consultation.

Coaches are enablers for school aged children to participate in organised sport. Coaches include parents, teachers, volunteers, other students and paid staff who contributes to the positive experience that children have. As identified in the New Zealand Coaching Strategy, all coaching should focus first and foremost on the needs of the participant or athlete being coached.

Critically, coaches working with children will;

  • Nurture a love of multiple sports & active recreation,
  • Understand the needs of their participants according to their stage in the Athlete Pathway,
  • Focus on fun, participation & skill development,
  • Understand that they are in the business of creating not only better athletes, but better people.

Sport Wellington will expect an increasing consideration of physical literacy to be included in KiwiSport applications. In the context of children’s development, Physical Literacy describes the development of fundamental movement and fundamental sport skills in tandem with critical thinking and communication skills. Successful and rewarding participation in sport and physical activity, whether for enjoyment or competition, relies on the development of all four skill areas.

Please complete the form below and send to Sunday 13 August 2017. An additional project plan can be submitted but is not necessary at this stage. An invitation to apply for funding and submit a full project plan (on a provided template) will be notified to successful EOI applicants.

All applicants will be contacted directly regarding the next stage in the EOI process by Monday21August 2017.

A1 / Name of organisation / Enter here /
A2 / First Name / Enter here / Last Name / Enter here /
A3 / Email / Enter here /
A4 / Phone (work) / Enter here / Mobile / Enter here /
B1 / Name project / Enter here /
B2 / Start date / Enter start date here / End date / Enter end date here /
B3 / Wellington KiwiSport RPF Priorities / Coaching - quality and quantity
B4 / PROJECT OVERVIEW: Please provide a brief description and overview of your project
Enter project overview here
B5 / PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS: What new or existing partnerships have or will be been formed as part of this project?
Enter project partnerships here
B6 / PROJECT MILESTONES: Indicate your key milestones, measures and success factors for this proposed project
Enter project milestones here
B7 / PROJECT DELIVERY (coaches directly if applicable):
Number of
Coaches / # of interventions per coach / Total number of interventions
(e.g. coaching courses) / Geographical
Location / Coach
Enter here / Enter here / Enter here / ☐ Kapiti
☐ Lower Hutt
☐ Porirua
☐ Upper Hutt
☐ Wairarapa
☐ Wellington / ☐ Secondary School
Enter here / Enter here / Enter here / ☐ Kapiti
☐ Lower Hutt
☐ Porirua
☐ Upper Hutt
☐ Wairarapa
☐ Wellington / ☐ Secondary School
B8 / PROJECT TARGET/REACH: Indicate your KiwiSport impact
Group / Geographical
Location / Gender / When will it be delivered / Which period
(i.e. Term 1-4) / Total No. children / No. sessions per child
☐ Primary Age
☐ Intermediate age
☐ Secondary age / ☐ Kapiti
☐ Lower Hutt
☐ Porirua
☐ Upper Hutt
☐ Wairarapa
☐ Wellington / ☐ Males
☐ Females / ☐ Before/after school
☐ In curriculum time
☐ During lunch time
☐ School holidays
☐ Weekends / Enter here / Enter here / Enter here /
☐ Primary Age
☐ Intermediate age
☐ Secondary age / ☐ Kapiti
☐ Lower Hutt
☐ Porirua
☐ Upper Hutt
☐ Wairarapa
☐ Wellington / ☐ Males
☐ Females / ☐ Before/after school
☐ In curriculum time
☐ During lunch time
☐ School holidays
☐ Weekends / Enter here / Enter here / Enter here /
B9 / Please provide evidence of demand or need for this project in the community and explain how it will increase participation, skills or opportunities for your targeted participants
Enter evidence of demand or need here
B10 / Please indicate you are willing to meet the following conditions which are a requirement for KiwiSport funding:
☐ Provide a strategic plan
☐ Delivery quality will be evaluated / ☐ Complete volunteer plan
☐ Show national and /or regional alignment
C1 / Project Expenditure
Enter budgeted expenditure here / $ Enter amount here
Enter budgeted expenditure here / $ Enter amount here
Enter budgeted expenditure here / $ Enter amount here
Enter budgeted expenditure here / $ Enter amount here
Enter budgeted expenditure here / $ Enter amount here
Total project expenditure / $ Enter amount here
C2 / Project Income
Enter sources of income here / $ Enter amount here
Enter sources of income here / $ Enter amount here
Enter sources of income here / $ Enter amount here
Enter sources of income here / $ Enter amount here
Enter sources of income here / $ Enter amount here
In-kind contribution (if applicable) / $ Enter amount here
Total project income (excluding request for KiwiSport funding) / $ Enter amount here
C3 / KiwiSport Regional Partnership Fund funding request / $ Enter amount here