Michael Broadbent, Principal
Kim Dyer, Curriculum Specialist
Ben Johnson Elementary School
13598 South Highway 259
P.O. Box 51
McDaniels, KY 40152
Our Mission
Bringing all stakeholders together,
Joining for one common purpose,
Ensuring the success of all by
Striving to meet individual needs.
David Miller, Counselor
Sandy Johnson, Secretary
Ben Johnson Elementary School
Site Based Decision Making Council
Regular Called Meeting
November 15, 2011
The Ben Johnson Elementary School Site Based Decision Making Council met for a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 4:30 P.M. in Ben Johnson Elementary School Conference Room.
#027 Call to Order
Chairperson Michael Broadbent called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M.
1) Mission Statement
A) Michael Broadbent read the BJES Mission Statement aloud.
2) Recognition of Guests
A) Kim Dyer, Curriculum Specialist at BJES, was present.
3)Roll Call
A) Members present were as follows: Angela Taul, Michael Broadbent, Brendan Whitworth, Chris Woosley, Becky Thompson, and Tiffany Lucas.
4) Agenda additions and revisions
A) There were no additions or revisions to the agenda.
#028 Routine Consent Actions
1) A motion was made by Brendan Whitworth and seconded by Becky Thompson to approve the routine consent action items.
A) SBDM Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on October 25, 2011 was approved.
B) Budget Report was approved for the month of November.
2) All members voted aye, and the motion carried to accept the routine consent actions.
#029 Recognition
1) Mr. Broadbent recognized the leadership team, basketball teams, academic teams, chorus, cheerleading squads, etc. for their leadership, enthusiasm, sportsmanship for our school. Coaches, students, teachers, and parents all work together to make it fun and rewarding.
#030 Discussion and Action Items
a. Operations
1) Principal’s Report
A) Calendar Updates: Basketball practices continue to be held each week for boys and girls. Games are held every Thursday. November 17, 2011 BJES host St. Romuald. Midterms go out on November 17th. Thanksgiving dinner for students and their family members will be held at school on November 17th.
B) Upcoming Events: MAP testing will take place the week of November 28th. No school from November 23-27 in observance of Thanksgiving. December 13th is our annual Christmas Program. December 22nd-January 3rd is Christmas Break for the district. Staff PD day will be held on January 3, 2012.
C) Instructional rounds took place at BJES on November 15th. Visitors came to observe each classroom documenting what was seen and heard. They made suggestions on how we could improve. It was recommended teachers ask higher order level questions and demonstrate more student engagement. However, teachers and students were highly complimented. The Instructional Rounds Committee bragged about BJES students knowing their expectations and how students communicated with each other in groups. The Leadership Team welcomed the visitors and did a wonderful job of showcasing our school.
2) A motion was made by Angela Taul and seconded by Chris Woosley to approve the second reading of the revised exit criteria policy. All members voted aye, and the motion carried.
3) Kim Dyer reviewed the SIP. She stated the plan consist of areas the school as a whole will strive to improve. Some areas include a focus on written expression in all areas, higher level questions, leadership qualities, PLC’s, etc.
4) Kim Dyer discussed the Curriculum Policy. She stated there will be a draft developed for review at the next SBDM meeting held on December 20, 2011 at 4:30 P.M.
5) SBDM members read and discussed the Extra Curricular Policy. Several changes were made and will be revisited at next SBDM meeting held on December 20, 2011 at 4:30 P.M.
#031 Adjournment
1) A motion was made at 5:19 P.M. by Brendan Whitworth and seconded by Chris Woosley to adjourn the meeting.
2) All members voted aye, and the motion carried to adjourn the meeting.
Michael Broadbent, Chairperson Tiffany Lucas, Parent Representative
Becky Thompson, Teacher Representative Chris Woosley, Parent Representative
Vice Chairperson
Angela Taul, Teacher Representative Brendan Whitworth, Teacher Representative