Quarterly Financial Report

...... Project

Quarter Ending: <Date>

Quarterly Project Status Report

Northern Transformation Project

Quarter Ending:

Project Status

Reporting Period / From: / April 1, 2015 / To: / June 30, 2015
Prepared By / Trudy McCormick and Jim Arenburg


Green – everything going as planned – no sponsor intervention required
Yellow – some challenges/issues – but are being handled by project team
Red– major problems/threats exist – sponsor intervention required

Project Status / Previous Status / Current Status / Comments
Overall / Work proceeding well but with some elements taking longer than original timelines / On schedule, with preliminary draft report done. Timelines remain very challenging / See comments after Risks Log below
Schedule / Some components slightly behind / On schedule, but major challenges remain / Same
Budget / Within budget / Within budget / Same
Scope / Within scope / Within scope / Same
Resources / Adequate / Adequate / Same
Issues/Risks / Aggressive timelines a challenge for consultant and clinics
Potential for lack of engagement in some clinics / Aggressive timelines a challenge for consultant and clinics
Potential for lack of engagement in some clinics / Same
General Comments
Clinics are now considering the preliminary draft report that the consultant has prepared.

Milestones & Key Activities Completed

The first column is for the name of the Milestone or Activity as it is in the project plan. Scheduled Due Date is the planned date according to the approved project plan, and Actual Completion s the actual date the milestone or activity was met. The status and comments is a short status or comment such as; completed, on schedule, behind schedule, accepted, etc.

Milestones &
Key Activities / Scheduled
Due Date / Actual Completion / Status & Comments
Best practices literature review / Mid- October / December / Completed
Inventory of data sources / December 31 / January / Completed
Community profile template / October 3 / October 3 / Completed on schedule
First model community profile (Keewaytinok CLC) / October 3 / Draft October 2, Finalized October 17 / Completed
Community profiles for all clinic catchment areas / December 31 / Early February / Completed
Finalize KI Interview questions / Early October / October 30 / Completed
Complete First 25 KI interviews / Mid-October / Mid -December / Completed
Complete all KI interviews / February / March / Completed, including some 2nd interviews for answers on specifics
Create and launch project web portal / October 31 / November 3 – introduced
November 26 – formal launch / Completed
Launch client and clinic surveys / Mid-October / January / Completed
Complete survey analysis / Early November / February / Completed
Meetings with Clinic EDs and staff members / Early November / Early
November / Completed on schedule
Community visits to all 11 clinic catchment areas / March / Early March / Completed on schedule
Best Practices Review / December / January / Completed
Capacity and Gap Analysis / April / April / Completed on schedule
SubmitPreliminary Draft Report (PDR) to Clinics / End of April / April 30 / Completed on schedule
PDR Presented at NRT training session meetings of ED’s, caseworkers and support staff / Meetings May 4,5,14 / Meetings May 4,5,14 / Completed, with clinics to provide feedback to consultant by May 20
Design Workshop Meeting for Steering Committee to review/prioritize PDR recommendations / May 28 / May 28 / Completed
Final Draft Report to LAO / June 30

Key Project Decisions

Decision / Description / Status / Action Plan
KI interview questions / Finalize questions for key informant interviews / Completed in October / Questions were utilized
Community profile template / Approve template for preparation of individual community profiles / Completed October 3 / 3-part template was utilized (map, qualitative profile, quantitative profile)
Adjust timelines / Consultant and Working Group recognized need to change original timelines for KI interviews and clinic and client surveys / New timelines in place / Consultant worked to achieve new timelines, with Working Group and project manager monitoring
Approve information packages / Information packages prepared and approved for meetings with clinic EDs and staff members in early Nov., and with EDs, caseworkers and support staff at training events in May, also for Steering Committee meetingsin early Dec., early Feb. and early April / Packages presented / Information was disseminated and utilized
Finalize NRTP Consulting Contract / Resolve wording issues as per draft provided from consultant’s lawyer / Completed / Fully resolved
Seek LAO statistics / Inquire as to statistical information available from LAO and request useful information / Inquiry complete and 2012-13 information received / Statistics were reviewed in preparing project report
Set date and location for Design Workshop Meeting / Challenging scheduling issue for Steering Committee members within the tight timeframes allowed for this project, given other commitments / Completed / DWM set for May 28, 2015 in Sudbury

Issues Log

Issue / Comment
Time pressures / The project was behind in some components and key activities, but the consultant was able to complete all components and deliver the preliminary draft report on schedule. Given the widely dispersed and diverse nature of clinic catchment areas in the north, the report contains a massive amount of local and regional information to consider.
There is a short timelinethat clinics are working with now to provide input to the consultant on the PDR, and another short timeline approaching, with not much time between the consideration of the PDR recommendations by the Steering Committee on May 28 and the June 30 target for delivery of a final report to LAO.

Risks Log

Risk / Probability (H-M-L) / Mitigation
Time pressures for consultant, Working Group and clinics / H / The PDR was delivered on schedule. Status reportswere provided regularly to Working Group and project manager with progress monitored. This continues.
Burnout for Working Group / M / Project manager continues to assist.The current stage of the project is particularly intense and demanding.
Lack of engagement for some clinics / M / Meetings with clinic EDs and staff were held at training conferences in early November and early May.
Steering Committee teleconferenceswereheld Dec. 4, Feb. 12 and April 8.
The web portalcontinues to provide another means of communication for board and staff members.
Project manager is assisting consultant with information requests and communicationsto clinics.


The budget and resources engaged for the project appear to be adequate; however the tight timeframes remain a serious challenge.
The duties for the Working Group remain challenging, to date have beenmanageable.
We believe that the potential for lack of engagement in some clinics will remain a risk that requires attention as the project proceeds.



Estimated Budget and Actual YTD as at [insert date]

Item / Estimate / Actual YTD
Total cost of project to date
Variance to Budget