GRADE 12 Students Applying to POST-SECONDARY
The answer depends on which Post-Secondary institution you’re applying to.
British Columbia
-If you wish to use your VLN course in the calculation of your competitiveadmission average, the course must be 100% complete by February 1, 2016. VLN (or your Home School) will submit the final grade to the Ministry of Education so that you can self-report these grades in March/April.
-VLN courses completed by June 3, 2016 can be used to meet pre-requisites but will not be used in the calculation of your competitive admission average.
/ Simon Fraser University-If you wish to use your VLN course in the calculation of your competitiveadmission average, the course must be 100% complete by March 1, 2016. VLN (or your Home School) will submit the final grade to the Ministry of Education so that you can self-report these grades in March/April.
-VLN courses completed by June 3, 2016 can be used to meet pre-requisites but will not be used in the calculation of your competitive admission average.
- / University of TorontoNew for 2016
-The University of Toronto requires you to submit documentation showing completed courses as well as those in progress by February 16, 2016.
-If you require a report card showing VLN courses in progress, please notify your teacher by February 1, 2016.
-The report card will be ready for you to pick up by February 10, 2016.
-If you would like the report card to be emailed to you, please contact your VLN counsellor.
/ BCONTARIO Universities/Colleges (e.g. UVic, Langara, Capilano,etc…)(EXCEPT UBC, SFU, and U of Toronto)
BC and ONTARIO Universities/Colleges:
-If you require an Interim mark for the purpose of applying to a Post-Secondary institution, you must notify your VLN teacher BEFORE April 1, 2016.
- Please note that VLN will ONLY report Interim marks for courses that are MORE than 50% complete (that means you must finish at least 50% of your VLN course by April 1, 2016 if you’d like the mark to be reported).In addition to completing 50% of your assignments, you will need to have written and PASSED the midterm exam.
-We will send your Interim mark directly to the Ministry of Education. The University/College you’re applying to will be able to access your VLN interim mark (along with all your other School’s Interim marks) directly from the Ministry on MAY 6, 2016as long as you have completed the Post Secondary Institutions (PSI) Choices form (available online at:
- It is very important that you meet this April 1 deadline if you want to be considered for EARLY ADMISSION. Sometimes, universities will fill up ALL of their seats in the early admission process and will NOT offer late admission.
- If you do not finish 50% of your VLN course by April 1, you may still be eligible for some Universities/Colleges who will review your FINAL marks in July. If you’re unsure as to whether or not the University/College you’re applying to will accept students AFTER EARLY ADMISSION offers are made, please contact them directly.
- If you have already GRADUATED from high school, some universities will expect a FINAL mark earlier than June – please check with the universities directly.
/ Universities/Colleges OUTSIDE of BC & OntarioUniversities/Colleges outside of BC & ONTARIO
-If you require an Interim Transcript, please request one from your VLN teacher. Note that it may take up to 2 weeks to process your request.
-VLN will ONLY prepare Interim Transcripts for courses that are MORE than 50% complete
Updated December 17, 2015