Constitution and Bylaws


Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Muskegon Community College Student Nurses’ Club.

Article II – Purposes and Functions

Section A.Purpose

The purpose of the Club shall be to promote the personal and professional growth of its members.

Section B.Functions

1.Retention of students through

  1. peer support.

(familiarize with students of other levels, informal relationships,

possible big sib program).

  1. improved access to information for students (scholarship information

seminars, volunteer opportunities).

2.Development of professionalism among students (role development, accessto local, state, and regional nursing organizations).

3.Enculturation of students into the MCC Nursing Program (assist to breakdown perceived barriers to success).

4.Provide a forum for development of work groups (e.g., fund raising, graduation recognition, community service opportunities).

5.Bring concerns of the student body to the faculty/Program Director.

6.Provide a 1st level and a 2nd level representative to the MCC Nursing Advisory Committee.


Section A. Membership

The Club shall consist of active and associate student members and 2faculty advisors.

  1. Active Members

The active members of the Club shall be students in good standingin the Nursing Program, currentlyenrolled in nursing courses, or waiting for re-entry into a nursingcourse in the Muskegon Community College Nursing Program.

  1. Associate Members

The associate members of the Club shall be students in good standing, enrolled in MCC courses, and on the ready list (pre-nursing) for the Muskegon Community College Nursing Program.

  1. Ex-officio Members

The ex-officio members are the faculty advisors and the Director of the Nursing Program.

Section B. Membership Fee

In order to be a Club member in good standing or active associate, a membership fee of $10.00 ($5.00 off set by membership fundraisers) must be paid by the second meeting of the Fall semester. Any partial year member will be assessed the full membership fee.

Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.


Section A.Officers

1.The officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary; all shall be active members of the Student Nurses’ Club.

2.One faculty advisor shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

Section B. Duties of Officers

  1. President

The duties of the President of the Club shall be to

  1. prepare a written agenda for all Club and Executive Committee meetings and submit to advisor for review one week in advance.
  2. call and preside at all Club and Executive Committee meetings.
  3. put to vote all questions moved, seconded, and discussed, and to decide all questions of order in all Club and Executive Committee meetings.
  4. appoint ad hoc committees of the Club as warranted.
  5. appoint the chairpersons of all ad hoc and standing committees of the Club and coordinate the activities of such committees.
  6. submit a summary of Club activities during term of office to the designated advisor.


  1. Shall be actively enrolled in a nursing course, a member of the MCC Student Nurse Club for at least one semester, AND a
  2. Shall be a nursing student in good standing.

2.Vice President

The duties of the Vice-President shall be to

  1. assist the President of the Club in the performance of duties of the office.
  2. assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  3. bring a copy of Club Constitution and Bylaws to all Club and Executive Committee meetings.
  4. promote Student Nurses Club membership.


  1. Shall be a nursing student in good standing.


The duties of the Secretary of the Club shall be to

a.record the minutes of all Club and Executive Committee meetingsand maintain them in a notebook.

  1. read the minutes of the previous meetings.
  2. maintain a current list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Club members.
  3. handle all Club correspondence and keep a copy of same.
  4. notify the Executive Committee members of the meetings called by the President and prepare and post the approved agenda.


  1. Shall be a nursing student who is in good standing.
  1. Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer of the Club shall be to

  1. receive all funds belonging to the Club.
  2. collect dues.
  3. pay all bills for Club expenditures as authorized by the majority vote of the Executive Committee.
  4. report the state of the Club treasury at each regular Club meeting.
  5. maintain a written account of all Club receipts and expenditures, and submit a written summary of same to designated faculty advisor.
  6. deposit all monies to the Student Nurses’ Club account at MCC via the faculty advisor.


a. Shall be a nursing student in good standing.

Section C.Election of Officers

1.The election of officers shall take place once a year during the regular Club meeting during the first regular Student Nurse Club meeting of the Fall semester. Term of office to be held one year.

2.Any active Club member in good standing according to theMuskegonCommunity Collegeguidelines shall be eligible for election to any office as specified above.

3.Nominations for office shall be made from the floor, with the consent of the nominee.

4.The officers shall be elected from the nominees by a simple majority vote of the active members present and voting.

5.A vacancy occurring in any office other than the President shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee; the appointee to hold office until the next election.

6.A vacancy occurring in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice President until the first regular Student Nurse Club meeting of the Fall semester when elections will be held.


Section A.Standing Committee

The Club shall have the following standing committees:

a.Executive Committee

b.Other committees shall be ad hoc by presidential appointment.

Section B.Duties of the Committees

1.Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall have the power to direct the operation of the Club in the intervals between regular Club meetings. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Club officers.

a.The Executive Committee will plan a calendar of meeting dates in September of the academic year.


Section A.Meetings

1.The Club shall hold its meetings on the first and third Monday of eachmonth during the academic year.

  1. The Executive Committee may meet on alternate weeks from the Club meetings.

Section B.Order of Business

The order of business at the meetings shall be

a.Call to Order

b.Report of the Secretary

c.Report of the Treasurer

d.Report of the Ad hoc Committee Chairs

e.Unfinished Business

f.New Business



Section C.All meetings of the Club shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, revised.


Any active member may cast one vote per motion made. A simple majority of the members present vote will rule on each motion brought to the floor in a club meeting. Associate members will not be extended voting privileges.


The Club Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any regular Club meeting by a simple majority vote of the active members present and voting. Any proposed amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee and posted on the nursing bulletin board at least one week prior to the regular Club meeting in which it is to be considered.

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updated 10/3/05