Annual Report on the Faculty Senate International Education Committee, 2005-06.


Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Michael Leitner (Geo/Anthro), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu(Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin,

Ex officio: Jane Chandler (International Development), Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Harald Leder (Academic Programs Abroad), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Pauline Rankin (Continuing Ed.), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Program-Ag Center).

Student Senate observer: C.C. DuBois

IEC’s Charge from the Faculty Senate:

-To select tuition exemption scholarships for international students;

-To screen prospective LSU student Fulbright applicants;

-To act in advisory capacity to administrative units of LSU in areas which affect international students and LSU students studying abroad;

-To develop and promote international exchange programs (study, research, service) between LSU and universities, colleges, and institutes in other countries.

The committee met in July, September, October, November, December, February, March, and April. In the fall we invited Harald Leder (Director of Academic Programs Abroad), Jane Chandler (Interim Director of International Development), Maureen Hewitt (Director of the International Cultural Center), and Stephen Lucas (Director of International Programs ) to join the committee as ex officio members. The IEC benefits enormously from the active participation of its ex officio membership.

Much of our time this year was devoted to investigating the state of international education at LSU. What we found was troubling. The attached document, “Internationalizing the Campus: A Report of the Faculty Senate International Education Committee,” spells out our concerns. The IEC intends to spend 2006-07 devising a set of recommendations to accelerate LSU’s development as a truly international campus.

The chair of the IEC for 2006-07 will be Professor Patt O’Neill.

Faculty Senate International Education Committee

July 20, 2005, Himes 221C

Present: Tao Fang, Louay Mohammad, Patt O’Neill, Pauline Rankin, Natalie Rigby, Milton (Chuck) Rush, Ogunbaki Tolulope, Meredith Veldman, Lakshman Velupillai, Y. Jun Xu.

Excused: Moises Arce, Christine Day, CC DuBois, Jack Malone

Not attending: Tao Fang, Boryung Ju, Harald Leder, Jeannine Nelson, , Mary Parker.

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am.

Selection of recipients for Undergraduate International Honor Award (non-resident tuition waivers):

The committee members reviewed 22 applications and the supporting documents for the Undergraduate International Honor Award. Nine students including one alternate were selected for the Award, as shown below:

Name / Major / Citizenship
Abraham, Mariham / Chemistry / Ethiopia
Awarun, Olufemi / Electrical Engineering / Nigeria
Biswas, Sumi / Accounting / Bangladesh
Cadwallader, Lucy / Environmental Systems / United Kingdom
Dibra, Besart / Civil Engineering / Albania
Goulart, Venancio / International Trade & Finance / Brazil
Meke, Daniel Uchenna / Mechanical Engineering / Nigeria
Osisioma, Amara / Electrical & Computer Engineering / Nigeria
Raoufi, Kambiz / Civil Engineering / Iran

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Y. Jun Xu



Faculty Senate International Education Committee

September 16, 2005, Himes 221B

Present*: Christine Day (Student Aid & Scholarships), C.C. DuBois (Student Representative), Maureen Hewitt (ICC), Boryung Ju, Harald Leder (International Development), Jack Malone, Louay Mohammad, Munir Nazal (Graduate Student Representative), Patt O’Neill, Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Pauline Rankin, Milton (Chuck) Rush, Tolulope Ogunbakin (Student Representative), Meredith Veldman, Lakshman Velupillai, Y. Jun Xu.

Excused*: Moises Arce, Natalie Rigby (ISO), Jessica Vargas (Admissions)

Not attending*: Stephen Lucas (International Programs)

*Faculty member, unless indicated otherwise

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 am.

I. The “State of Affairs” in international education at LSU

The committee discussed the current status of international education activities and was made aware of:

§  LSU international students: ~1700 or 5% of the entire university enrollment.

§  LSU students abroad: ~50, mainly in western European countries.

§  LSU has admitted international students from hurricane-affected areas.

§  Director position for the University Office of International Development still not filled.

§  Director position of Study Abroad Programs now vacant.

§  Overall, lack of commitment for international programs at the University

II. Chair’s Proposal: international education survey of peer institutions as defined in Flagship Agenda)

The committee discussed Chair’s proposal (see attached) to collect data on international education at our peer institutions as defined by the flagship agenda as a first step toward presenting a report to the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor on the current lack of university commitments for and the lack of awareness of various activities relating to international education.

Committee members are asked to send ideas to the chair. Committee members willing to assist in data collection and report preparation are also asked to contact the chair.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Y. Jun Xu and Meredith Veldman

Secretary and Chair, respectively

Faculty Senate International Education Committee

October 21, 2005


New Business

I. Clarification RE membership

Old Business

I. Review of scholarship selection process

–survey of procedures followed at peer institutions: Jeannine Nelson

–report on scholarship winners’ academic success at LSU: Christine Day

II. Devising a survey of international students to assess the impact of the International Cultural Center and the International Students’ Office.

III. Preparing a position paper on the state of affairs in International Education at LSU



Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu(Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin,

Ex officio: Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Harald Leder (International Development), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Pauline Rankin (Continuing Ed.), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Program-Ag Center).

Student observer: C.C. DuBois

Faculty Senate International Education Committee

Dec. 16, 2005


I. Selection of Tiger Scholarship award winners:

three X653 ($7500 per year for four years to be applied to nonresident tuition fee; for incoming freshmen only)

twelve X652 ($5,000 per year for four years to be applied to nonresident tuition fee; for incoming freshmen only)

II. Review and evaluation of Tiger Scholarship award process

III. Discussion of the formation of the Graduate Council Committee on International Studies and Programs and its relation to the FSIEC

IV. Progress report: “Internationalizing the Campus: A Proposal”


Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu(Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin,

Ex officio: Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Harald Leder (International Development), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Pauline Rankin (Continuing Ed.), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Program-Ag Center).

Student observer: C.C. DuBois
Faculty Senate International Education Committee

Feb. 1, 2006


Members attending are in bold:

Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu(Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin; Student observer: C.C. DuBois

Ex officio: Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Harald Leder (APA), Jane Chandler (International Development), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Programs-Ag Center).

I. New Business:

Rigby reported that a Global Studies Residential College will be up and running by next fall. Leder and Chandler reported on changes in the International Programs offices: Chandler is now the Interim Director of International Development and Leder is directing Academic Programs Abroad. Heather Lambert has been hired as a new coordinator within International Programs; she will be responsible primarily for recruiting and advising students who wish to study abroad. Stephen Lucas will be retiring and a search for a new Executive Director of International Programs is underway.

II. “Internationalizing the Campus: A Proposal”:

After a wide-ranging discussion, committtee members agreed to the following:

–to aim for a final draft by next month so that we can proceed to present the proposal to the Faculty Senate;

–to emphasize in the proposal the need for a balanced, global approach: while applauding the new Chinese Commerce and Culture program, the committee will urge that LSU’s international curriculum not be restricted to one region or area. Velupillai pointed out the central Asia is a rapidly developing area and Leder noted that 80% of foreign investment in Louisiana comes from Europe.

–to strengthen the academic focus of the proposal. Ideas included:

--designing a program whereby students would earn a “Global Certificate” through a combination of coursework, study abroad, and involvement with international affairs on campus;

--adding an introductory course in globalization to the General Education requirements;

–working within the framework of the new Global Studies Residential College and the existing International Studies program

III. Working with the Graduate Council Committee on International Studies and Programs: Veldman will be attending the CISP meeting on Feb. 7 as a representative of FSIEC with an aim toward ensuring coordination rather than duplication of efforts.

IV. Changes in membership:

Veldman reported that Pauline Rankin has retired. Mohammed reported that Chuck Rush, Meredith Veldman, and Boryung Jun will all be rotating off the committee after this semester. Charles Teddlie resigned last year and has not been replaced. Veldman is willing to serve on the committee for another term but we are looking for three new faculty members. We have no members from Basic Sciences, Mass Communications, Business or Coastal Environment. If you know anyone interested, have them contact Louay Mohammed.

Faculty Senate International Education Committee

March 8, 2006

8:00 am, 221B Himes Hall

Members attending are in bold:

Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Michael Leitner (Geo/Anthro), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu(Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin; Student observer: C.C. DuBois

Ex officio: Jane Chandler (International Development), Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Maureen Hewitt (ICC), Harald Leder (APA), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Program-Ag Center).

I. Selection of international scholarship recipients.

Jeannine Nelson presented the international students’ admissions list for Fall, 2006. The Committee awarded ten Gold Oaks scholarships (full tuition and nonresident’s fee rebate) to incoming freshmen. The Committee also awarded seven of the twenty available $7500 Tiger scholarships ($7500 to be applied to the nonresident’s fee) for incoming freshmen and six of the fifteen available $2500 Tiger scholarships for transfer students. The Committee agreed to meet again in April, review the updated list of admissions, and decide on the distribution of the remaining scholarships.

II. Report on Committee on International Studies and Programs.

Meredith Veldman noted the ongoing work of this newly formed College of Arts and Sciences committee. She is chairing a CISP sub-committee exploring the obstacles that exist for students who wish to study abroad.

III. Discussion of latest draft of “Internationalizing the Campus: A Proposal of the Faculty Senate International Education Committee.”

The Committee agreed the following:

-- that the draft is a report, but not a proposal or resolution;

–that we should delay presenting a resolution to the Faculty Senate until next fall;

–that such a resolution should be much more succinct and pointed;

–that the section on “The Problem of Credit Transfers” in endnote 3 needs to be revised, based on further research

Minutes of the Faculty Senate International Education Committee

April 25, 2006

3:00 pm, 129 Himes Hall

Those attending are in bold:

Faculty: Moises Arce (Political Science), Boryung Ju (LIS), Michael Leitner (Geo/Anthro), Jack Malone (Vet. Med.), Louay Mohammed (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Patt O’Neill (Music), Chuck Rush (Plant Pathology), Meredith Veldman (History), Y Jun Xu (Renewable Natural Resources-Ag).

Students: Munir Nazal, Tolulope Ogunbakin; Student observer: C.C. DuBois

Ex officio: Jane Chandler (International Development), Christine Day (Student Aid and Scholarships), Maureen Hewitt (ICC), Harald Leder (APA), Stephen Lucas (International Programs), Jeannine Nelson (International Admissions), Deborah Parker (International Admissions), Mary Parker (Student Aid), Natalie Rigby (ISO), Lakshman Velupillai (International Program-Ag Center).

Brian Buckner from Student Aid also attended the meeting.

I. The meeting began with a short description by Professor William Boelhower (Dept. of English) of a proposed Atlantic Studies program and exchange. Boelhower was for many years Professor of Atlantic Studies at the University of Padua, which hosts a multi-national M.A. program with the University of Birmingham (UK) and the University of Dublin. He would like to start a similar program here. He has applied for a Faculty Collaborative Research Summer Grant and plans to apply for an NEH to get the program off the ground. Committee members supported Boelhower’s goals, and suggested he begin with a small program, focusing perhaps on one department and one foreign university. Boelhower pointed out that because of the interdisciplinary nature of Atlantic Studies, an MA program would have to involve a number of departments.

Both Boelhower and Leder noted that the EU is now standardizing the awarding of credits across all EU universities, which will streamline the process of credit transfer within EU institutions–and make it much less attractive for European students to study in the U.S. Strengthening LSU’s connections with EU universities is vital if we wish to continue to attract European students.

II. Selection of international students’ awards recipients: The Committee awarded 13 $7500 and 27 $5000 tuition rebate awards to incoming international freshmen. The Committee awarded ten $2500 awards to international transfer students.

Nelson requested that in the future, Admissions be given a two-week advance notice of scholarship award meetings. Admissions will then be able to provide Committee members with the applicants’ list several days before the meeting.