33Rotary District 9455Aboriginal Reference Group

DRAFTMINUTES 30January2018

Time and date: 4.30pm – Tuesday28November 2017 (1/2018). Venue: Dawn Brodie’s Home, Shenton Park

Present: Bruce Dufty (BD), Phillip Skelton (PhS), Leonie Dobrowolski (LeD)and Dawn Brodie (DB)

(Chair): Bruce Dufty

Invited Guests:Nil

Apologies: Charles Johnson (CJ) – in San Diego attending DGE Symposium, Sylvia Byers (SB), Gary Slee (GS), Andrew Turk (AT) - ill, Jane Boxall (JB), Lindsay Dry DG (LiD), Peter Stone (PeS) – work commitments, Taliah Payne (TP) – transferred from Breirty to WALGA, Colin Hughes (CH), Sam Mesiti (SM), Sheryl Bryan (SB), Karen Jacobs (KJ), Gordon Cole (GC)and Noel Nannup (NN)

# / Item Description / Discussion
Minutes from Meeting 1/2018: 30January2018. / Action / Person
1. / Welcome
Meeting commenced at4.35pm / The Chair welcomed committee members.
He then acknowledged the Whadjuk Noongar people as follow: “We wish to acknowledge the Whadjuk Noongar ancestors, present day people and Elders who have been the custodians of this land for 60,000 years. May the Whadjuk Noongar people and Rotary walk together toward a better future for all West Australians”.
Apologies were noted. / Nil
2. / Approval of Minutes for 24October 2017. / The Minutes were approved as an accurate record of the meeting held 24October 2017. MovedLeD, Seconded PhS
. / Nil
3. / Appointment of an Aboriginal Consultant to the ARG / BD had spoken to Ellery Blackman between meetings and asked him about his interest in joining a Rotary Club, being a full-time ARG Member or and Aboriginal Consultant to the Group. He said that he would be interested in becoming an Aboriginal Consultant to the ARG. BD recommended that nominated him for the position of Aboriginal Consultant to the ARG. Moved DB Seconded PhS. Unanimously confirmed. / Notify Ellery re appointment as an Aboriginal Consultant / BD
4. / Projects / TheNorthside Youth Program to develop Aboriginal Youth through natural supports, and thus minimizing Drug and Alcohol abuse.
LD and BD reported on progress to date.
  • 21/11/2107 BD met with Martin Smith to clarify concerns that had arisen during the meeting of 16/11/2017. The specific issues covered were:
  • Management of budget preparation;
  • Management of team members;
  • Gaining the support of the local Aboriginal Community;
  • Need for a balanced relationship between the Board and CEO; and
  • Clarity re leadership of the project.
At the conclusion of this meeting Martin requested that he be given an additional week to prepare a budget.
  • 30/11, 4/12, 6/12, and 7/12/2017 BD net with M Smith, Ebenezer Board Chair and G Cole to resolve budget issues, team management, leadership and Aboriginal Community involvement issues. Martin Smith presented a strong case to continue working with Ebenezer Homes. Transitioning to another provider organization would probably divide the Aboriginal Community and be destructive on all concerned, including Rotary. Agreed that Rotary (BD and LeD) would meet with Ebenezer Homes on the morning of 22 February 2018 to review re-worked budget.
  • 9/1 and 12/1/2018 BD followed up both M Smith and G Cole re progress.
  • 18/1/2018 BD and LeD met with Tristan Campbell, Perth Rotary Club to up-date him regarding progress. Tristan thought it would be desirable for the Perth Rotary Club to become involved when a satisfactory budget is available.
  • An evaluation plan has to be developed with Professor Bragg at the University of Western Australia. Professor Bragg is overseas and GC contact to arrange a meeting.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Leonora-Northern Goldfields Region
Progress is as follows:
  • 31/10/2017 DB contacting and writing to Cleanaway to become a project sponsor.
  • 7/11/2017 BD has identified IKEA as a potential sponsor based on their willingness to contribute to similar causes.
  • 9/11/2017 and 22/11/2017 Letter to Stan Perron inviting him to become a project sponsor was successful. He will donate $Au 10,000 to the project.
  • 16/11/2017 Orange Daybreak Club has indicated interest in supporting project. Contact Mike Hennessey when he returns from his overseas travels in February March 2018. Mike Hennessey’s recommendation regarding seeking sponsorship support from a Rotary Club in East Sydney needs to be followed-up when Mike returns from his travels to clarify the Club’s name.
  • 24/10/2017 to present - Requests sent to Districts in the following countries.
  • Philippines
  • Taiwan
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • Canada
  • Bhutan
  • USA
  • India (Still happening)
  • Malaysia (no action yet)
  • Indonesia (District 9455 Foundation and Global Grants Chair, Noel Allen has spoken to D3300
  • 24/10/2017 to present – Interest in project expressed by Districts in the Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Bhutan, India and USA. Bhutan have agreed to contribute $US 2,000 to the project. A California District (since changed to an Alaska District) has expressed strong interest in contributing $US 30,000 in DDF to the project. An Indian District has also expressed interest in contributing but has yet to specify cash, DDF and amount/s. Two other US Districts have also expressed interest in contributing but have yet to specify whether there will be cash or DDF and the amount/s.
  • 16/1/2018 L Hancock has obtained marketing advice prior to contact with the Corporate Sector.
  • 16/1/2018 L Hancock, DB and BD met to draft a common publicity and communication strategy so that audiences are not confused by inconsistent information. Publicity will appear on the Rotary Club of Osborne Park’s website and be the up-dated regularly.
  • PhS asked that an electronic copy of the publicity document.
  • 13/11/2017, 9/1/2018, 10/1/2018, 12/1/2018 and 18/1/2018 Planning of second trip to Leonora to engage with Aboriginal Communities, Health, Education, Police and the Shire Council. Trip scheduled for 20/1/2018 to 25/1/2018.
  • 20/1/2018 to 25/1/2018 BD presented an incomplete written report on the very successful trip to Leonora, elaborating verbally. A full written report on the Leonora FASD Trip is to be presented at the next ARG meeting.
  • In view of the good outcome of the Leonora Trip (and progress re the gaining of a Global Grant Partner) then a final two-year plan can be presented to the Northern Goldfields Inter-Agency Meeting (NGIAM)in Kalgoorlie on 18 April 2018 for endorsement.
  • 19/1//2018 Department of Consumer Affairs have not formally advised Albany Children’s Orchid Foundation of their approval due to the Christmas-New Year Holidays. Dr A Jones advised that he expects to receive the formal approval shortly and he is happy to continue earning interest on the funds until approval is received
  • 19/1/2018 BD has followed-up the Rotary Club of Como regarding their pledge of support. They have advised that their Board decided to support a pre-existing commitment to another Aboriginal organization in South Perth-Manning. BD still has to follow-up Rotary Clubs of South Perth/Burswood, Dalkeith and Scarborough. The Rotary Club of Boulder has decided to contribute by having a representative on the Project Team.
  • Defer Corporate Fundraising until marketing consultant information is available. Also when success in gaining a Global Grant partner is known.
(The following Attachments were tabled with the minutes - 3a Barry Rassin, FASD Fair in San Diego on acquiring a Global Grants Partner; 3b Common FASD Project Summation[DB 16 January 2018; 3c Making FASD History DGE SanDiego, California Fair January 2018)
End Trachoma by 2020 Project
The following progress has been achieved:
  • 18/10/2017 Collaborative work with Jim Orchard (Project Officer with End Trachoma 2020) to develop a draft plan for Leonora involving an Aboriginal training-coaching program to change health care routines in homes (including training on washing people, washing clothing and bedding and removing waste water safely). It incorporates a safe transportable community ablution and laundry facilities for people who are not safe in residential and other permanent facilities because of domestic violence and abuse. The Northern Territory confirms that role models in schools and in communities are important in achieving good project outcomes. Similarly, an APY Lands project in South Australia that use of “Hygiene Kits” also confirms the importance of coaches to drive behavioural change.
  • Julie Atkins to confirm re Balgo contacts.
  • End Trachoma in 2020 has developed a publicity program for Squeeky Clean Kids. Consideration needs to be given to using the successful Hip-hop music campaign utilising films of local communities.
  • Department of Communities and Housing to be contacted regarding housing design and the provision of out-door bathrooms.
  • 9/11/2017 Department of Communities and Housing contacted for audit on water supply: the maintenance of people washing, clothing and bedding washing facilities in homes; and waste water safely measures in Leonora. It would appear that maintenance services were effective in Leonora where most complaints are responded to within an 8-hour time-frame.
  • 9/11/2017 Dr Clare Huppartz contacted regarding pre- and post-incidence figures for Trachoma, Scabies, Impetigo and Rheumatic Fever so that the effectiveness of any project could be assessed. Clare stated that Trachoma data was up-to-date and readily available. Scabies, Impetigo and Rheumatic Fever data was being collected locally and would need to be collated in Kalgoorlie. She saw no issue with releasing this data to support the evaluation of the effectiveness of any Rotary project.
  • 30/11/1017 End Trachoma in 2020 District Champions Meeting held by video link.
  • 20/12/2017 Robert Mullane, Principal Advisor/Manager, WA Aboriginal Environmental Health, contacted BD whilst at the Warakurna community suggesting the piloting of water parks because they have distinct advantages over pool in remote communities. Capital outlay is far less and ongoing costs are also less. However, when BD met with him on 8/1/2018 he was less enthusiastic about the potential benefits of this option.
  • 8/1/2018 Spotless Laundries contacted regarding disposal of used Hospital Towels and Washers. BD has been advised by the Health Department that this Laundry disposed of Towels and Washers after certain time period or uses. Some towels and washers are in excellent condition, and other may have minor stains. Stained items can be used as cleaning rags. Spotless Laundries have yet to respond to BD’s contact.
  • 13/11/2017, 9/1/2018, 10/1/2018, 12/1/2018 and 18/1/2018 Planning of second trip to Leonora to engage with Aboriginal Communities, Health, Education, Police and the Shire Council. Trip scheduled for 20/1/2018 to 25/1/2018.
  • 20/1/2018 to 25/1/2018 BD presented an incomplete written report on the very successful trip to Leonora, elaborating verbally. A full written report on the Leonora Preventing Trachoma Trip is to be presented at the next ARG meeting.
  • In view of the good outcome of the Leonora Trip (and progress re the gaining of a Global Grant Partner) then a final two-year plan can be presented to the Northern Goldfields Inter-Agency Meeting (NGIAM) in Kalgoorlie on 18 April 2018 for endorsement.
  • Feedback from the Water Authority and feedback from the Leonora community indicates that the Water Authority is attending appropriately to occasional high nitrate levels in the water supply and there may not be a need for more sophisticated water purification systems to remove salts from water (i.e. arsenic, uranium, heavy metals, nitrates and salts).
(The following Attachments were tabled with the minutes – 4a End Trachoma by 2020 - Leonora Proposal; 4b End Trachoma by2020 MINUTES District Champions Meeting 29.11.17; 4c Water Authority Leonora Water Paper 93551; 4d Water Authority Leonora Water Paper 95744; 4e Water Authority Leonora Drinking Water1 Paper; 4f
Water Corporation of WA annual-report-2013; (Water Corporation of WA annual-report-2016 is also available from BD); 4g Nitrate WaterQuality Issue–Pandanus Park, Broome (newspaper cutting provided by DB)
Skin Health & Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Western Australian Aboriginal Communities
Where appropriate this issue is being dealt with by the End Trachoma project because many Good Hygiene Practices identical to those required for the prevention of trachoma also apply to skin health and prevention of infectious diseases.
  • Contact with Juliana Custodio needs to occur to plan a visit to Bidyadanga in April-May 2018 to talk to the community.
Yagan Square Project, Rotary Club of Matilda Bay
CJ confirmed the launch date as Wednesday 28 march 2018.
Carol Innis who works for the MRA, has a list of elders whom the MRA is inviting to the Official Opening of Yagan Square. She recommended that the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council be approached to provide Rotary with a list.
When the SWALSC was approached it was evident they did not have up-to-date lists, and recommended that we contact each Elder individually or speak to the MRA.
(The following Attachments were tabled with the minutes – 5a JohnsonC20180111 Minutes of Rotary-MRA Meeting re breakfast at Yagan Square; 5b Yagan Square Sub-Committee28 March breakfast mtg 18-1-18; 5c Schematic Plan Yagan Square; 5d Rotary Club of Matilda Bay-ARG Planning Committee2a; 5e Rotary Club of Matilda Bay-ARG-Invitation to Governor2; 5f Rotary Club of Matilda BayARG-invitation-form2c; 5g Rotary Club of Matilda Bay-ARG-Protocol WA Governor2d)
Kinship Connections Aboriginal Corporation
  • Source volunteers through the University of Notre Dame and St Catherine’s College to be followed up.
Aboriginal Education Materials Project
  • 281 printed and electronic reports have been distributed and 9 hard copies of the curriculum.
  • Encouraging Aboriginals into Teaching careers via scholarships in collaboration with State and Federal Governments. Addressed at meeting with Ken Wyatt, Minister for Aging and Aboriginal Health, Lindsay Dry, Phillip Skelton and Leonie Dobrowolski. Ken was very positive toward the proposal and other projects being undertaken by Rotary District 9455.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project (ATSISPEP) and Conference (ATSISPEC)
  • Feedback provided to the Rotary Club of Scarborough on 14/12/2017.
  • Arrangements to be made for similar feedback to be provided to the Rotary Club of Morley.
Aboriginal Art Projects – Bridges, Buildings & Transport Companies
  • Contact Pascal Felix in Feb 2018 re proposal and progress.
Aboriginal Financial Advisors
  • Year 10 Youth attending Balga High Senior School identified as having strong skills, knowledge and an interest in following a career in this field. Unfortunately, due to changes in leadership at the school and time limitations, opportunity missed for 2017. To be taken up again in 2018.
Writing WA
JB and SB reported on the plan that they are developing at last meeting.
Jane and Sylvia to provide a schematic outline of their proposal for the next meeting.
Tree Planting Project
16/1/2028 Alan provided a comprehensive report on the “Tree Mission”. His work has slowed down whilst completing a Phd on Geo Parks which will help him in the future. He remains the Chair of Avongro based in the Avon River Valley. He said that the organization “Men of the Trees” had changed its name to that of “Trillion Trees”. Until he completes his Phd he is interested in promoting the project through Rotary Clubs and the ARG. / Budget meeting 22 February 2018
Arrange meeting after Budget Meeting on 22/2/2018
Cleanaway & IKEA actions deferred pending Global Grant Application.
Contact Mike Hennessey re his Club’s interest in project – & identify Sydney Club
Provide PhS with an Electronic copy
Prepare report
Arrange presentation at NGIAM on 18 April 2018
Continue liaison with Albany Children’s Orchid Foundation
Follow-up South Perth Burswood, Dalkeith &Scarborough
Continue collaborating with Jim Orchard who is part of Rotary Club of Melbourne’s End Trachoma Team
Awaiting Julie Atkins’ response
Discuss with DC&H
Prepare report for next meeting
Arrange Meeting
Continue to monitor
Arrange visit to Bidyadanga
Planning Committee to continue meeting
Monitor distribution of reports
Nil until Oct 2018
Appointment being organised
Contact Pascal Felix
July 2018
Prepare a half page outline of proposal
Bring-up 1 May 2018 / BD/LeD
BD/LeD/GC/Professor Bragg
5. / Aboriginal Projects conducted by Rotary Clubs – Updating of database. /
  • Website –
  • Funding Methods and Opportunities
  • Summary of Club Projects Past and Present
  • Project Opportunities for Clubs
/ To be prepared
Published inDG’s monthly Newsletter / BD
6. / Aboriginal Consultants to ARG / People who may be interested in being ARG Aboriginal Consultants:
  • Michael Hayden, Whadjuk Noongar
  • Oriel McGuire, Whadjuk Noongar
  • Rochelle Hume
  • Professor Colleen Hayward, Whadjuk Noongar
  • Linda Burrie
/ Meet, brief & assess suitability of interested nominees. / BD
7. / Rotary Conference, Geraldton April 2018 /
  • Invitation to speak sent to Hon Ken Wyatt, Federal Minster for Aboriginal Health. PhS and LeD reported that Ken Wyatt wished to speak at the forthcoming conference but Federal Government and Ministerial commitments were making his attendance impossible. Nevertheless, agreed to prepare a video segment for the conference. PhS and LeD to progress.
  • PhS reported that Ken stated that many Aboriginal people tended to use “we” statements when negotiating with non-indigenous people. He recommended they should be encouraged to use “I” statements.
  • PhS is preparing a follow-up letter to Ken.
  • PhS suggested that the Chair make contact with the EON Foundation.
(The following Attachments were tabled with the minutes – 6a 20180115BriefingNoteForMeetingWithHon Ken Wyatt AM MP. Ed3; 6b 20180119Letter to KWyatt) / Video presentation to be progressed
ARG members to note
Prepare and send follow-up letter
Follow-up / PhS/LeD
8. / ARG Activities Information for Politicians and Government Departments / BD is considering arranging meetings with the following:
  • Hon Mark McGowan, MLA Premier
  • Ben Wyatt, MLA, Treasurer
  • Pat Dodson, Member of the House of Representatives.
  • Roger Cook, Minister for Health
/ Appointment to be sought / BD
9. / ARG Budget /
  • District has approved a budget of $2,000.All expenditure to be approved by CJ.
  • Payment of $139.70 to the Big Picture Factory for a FASD Banner 3000 x 1000mm, Ropes, Eyelets. Tax Invoice #37580 Moved by DB that payment be made. Seconded PhS. Unanimously approved
  • Reimbursement of a portion of Accommodation Costs and Fuel to BJD for costs incurred for travel to Leonora to formally confirm community support for the proposed FASD project – 50% of Accommodation costs $268.00 and Diesel Fuel Costs of $118.48 Total Reimbursement requested $386.48 per attached receipts. Moved by PhS that reimbursement be made. Seconded DB Unanimously approved (excluding BJD)
/ Forward to CJ for payment
Forward to CJ for payment / BJD
10. / Donations-in-Kind /
  • BD arranged to transport School Uniforms to Leonora when he travels on 20 January 2018. The Rotary Club of Osborne Park sourced them from a manufacturer who had produced more than he/she could sell.
  • Need to consult Rotary Club of Mill Point re whether they still have donated linen that could distributed to Aboriginal communities that have a high incidence of Trachoma. BD did not contact them on this occasion because he had a full car-load of School Uniforms.
  • BD contacted Spotless Laundry (the laundry that services hospitals) for second-hand towels and washers. These would be valuable for the End Trachoma by 2020 project. Awaiting a response from the Spotless Laundry. Spotless have a business in Laverton (180 Km east of Leonora). If a Rotary Club were able to sort the towels and washers into the categories of good quality, slightly stained and heavily stained then Spotless might be able to assist regular transportation to Leonora. Some of the heavily stained could be used as cleaning rags.
  • Marie Yuncan may have tents that can be used by Aboriginal people.
  • Aboriginal communities are seeking “old working” television sets.
/ Advertise as Club opportunities in DG 9455 and 9465 Newsletters. / BD
  • Anglican Church Service record honouring Aboriginal Australians on Australia Day tabled by PhS
  • Australian Armed Forces Aboriginal Commemorative Service 26 January 2018 record tabled by PhS
  • PhS recommended Jack Davis’ Book, “Men: the Drifters” to ARG members.
  • BD asked whether Adam Levin had contacted any ARG member. Adam spoke to the Rotary Club of Perth about the “Museum of Freedom and Tolerance WA”. He is a lawyer and does lots of pro-bono work. PhS thought the ARG could benefit from having contact with him. Arrange for him to attend an ARG meeting to speak.
/ To note each dot point
Invite Adam to a future ARG meeting / ALL
Meeting concluded 6.20pm / t
. / Next meeting / NEXT MEETING: To be held at the John and Jane Boxall’s Home, 25 Hardy Road, Nedlands (Cnr Kamimbla Street and Hardy Road)commencing 4.30pm on TUESDAY 27February 2018.
27 MAR 2018 -Jane Boxall’s Home, 25 Hardy Road (Cnr Hardy Road and Kanimbla Street), Nedlands 6009
28 MAR 2018 – Rotary Breakfast: Celebration of Aboriginal Culture at Yagan Square
24 APR 2018 – Jane Boxall’s Home, 25 Hardy Road (Cnr Hardy Road and Kanimbla Street), Nedlands 6009
22 MAY 2018 –Jane Boxall’s Home, 25 Hardy Road (Cnr Hardy Road and Kanimbla Street), Nedlands 6009
26 JUN 2018 –Jane Boxall’s Home, 25 Hardy Road (Cnr Hardy Road and Kanimbla Street), Nedlands 6009

RecorderBruce Dufty