______February 2017 ______
Did anyone else notice that the changeover from Christmas to Valentine candy took place before the old year had even gone? Perhaps this reflects a culture that moves from one indulgence to the next, without much thought or rest. Our year has a natural rhythm, but retailers seem determined to accelerate the pace of consumer purchases. Some people decide to ignore holidays like Valentine’s Day altogether, deeming it a commercial racket.
I choose a different response. Any holiday that has love as its basis brings an opportunity to practice the most important part of our calling as Christ-followers. Celebrating Valentine’s day does not need to be expensive or indulgent. It can be a time when we focus on God’s love for us and express our love for God. We can listen to the Spirit’s promptings to show love to people that cross our paths and those who share our lives. It might be fun to surprise people, with or without them knowing the expression of love was from you.
February need not be a month of obligatory tokens of affection. We are free! In that freedom, we can choose to embrace and share love in creative, life-giving ways. May the love of God fill us and overflow in beautiful expressions.
“And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the
Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”
Romans 5:5
Love in Christ,
Pastor Rebecca Sommons
Christian Ed Update
There’s a lot happening on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and January 15 marked a new beginning for the Sunday School year. Matt Sommons and Holly O’Brien are using video material from RightNowMedia for youth, age 12 and up at the parsonage. They began with a discussion of friendships in the electronic age. Pastor Rebecca, Jenny Russell, and Linell Pike are working with a new curriculum for the 4-11 year olds in Joy Hall. And John Hess is facilitating a book discussion with adults in the conference room. Upcoming youth activities are being worked out and we may combine with the youth at Dorset Church for some fun activities as well.
As reported at the 2017 Annual Meeting, the Christian Ed committee will be working on a church safety policy. One of the changes, which can be implemented right away, is having 2 childcare providers available during the church service. The listed service care provider that Lisa Towslee updates will need to see if there are any first graders and below in church that morning. If so, please ask another adult to go upstairs with you to help. I’m one to talk, since I was on duty last week and forgot to take the kiddies upstairs. The up side is that I did not miss the great sermon!
Do you need help shoveling snow, doing some errands, or other household chores? We would like to start a list of what you need and match up one of our youth to help out. Your donation will help with upcoming and ongoing activities. Please email requests to Maurie at r give her a call, 802-779-1846.
(Submitted by Maurie Hill)
he annual meeting this January certainly reflected new hope and joy amidst the member and friends of First Baptist Church! Our committee will be up to its full number of members this year, and look forward to being able to meet more of the needs of our members and friends for visitation and communion.
We are so thankful for our new minister, Rebecca, and her lovely family - all of whom have added so much to the church family. They have given so much encouragement to this church, renewing our enthusiasm for the place we love so much.
May God continue to bless this church, and help us in all that we seek to accomplish,
In Jesus’ precious name.
Carol Lattuga
Pastor Rebecca and Matthew will be away from Sunday afternoon, February 12th until Wednesday, February 15th. On Sunday, February 19th, we will welcome Pastor Steve Jewett to our pulpit!
Church Office Hours 9:30-12:30 AM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Pastor Rebecca’s e-mail address:
Pastor Rebecca’s cell phone: (802) 688-3024
Church office Phone: (802) 362-1555
Parsonage Phone: (802) 362-5335
Please call to request a meeting or visit outside of regular church office hours.
Thursday, February 2: Diaconate: 4:00 PM
Tuesday, February 7: Prudential 5:00 PM
Wednesday, February 8: Prayer Group 7 PM at Lois Squires’ Home
Sunday, February 12: Mary & Martha Fellowship 8:30 AM
Thursday, February 16: Christian Education 5:00 PM
Thursday, February 16: Missions 6:00 PM
Wednesday, February 22: Prayer Group 7 PM at Lois Squires’ Home
February 5: Carol Lattuga
February 12: Cathy Comar
February 19: Barb West
February 26: Judy Koch