Ancient Technology Project for 9th grade Ancient History
Due December 10, 2015
From Mr Nothstine to his 6th period Ancient History class.
Project Objective:
Create a two part project consisting of a hands-on display (or 3D model) of “higher” technology used by an ancient civilization, and a supporting paper.
I want you to think of your display as a teaching tool. The final product needs to show or demonstrate a technology (in whole or part) in a way that allows the observer to better understand the technological capacities of early civilizations.
Project Parameters.
- Your project needs to be an example of technology that was developed and used regularly before 800 AD. This date historically marks the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe (Some sources start the middle ages at 476 AD, but in our class we refer to the period 476-800 as the Dark Ages).
- Your final display needs to fit the following dimensions
24” X 12” X 12” inches.
These dimensions are required because the project needs to be small enough to be stored at home afterwards, small enough to be brought in by bus, and small enough to fit into a plastic bag (in case it rains on the due date). Please follow these dimensions; we need to fit twenty of these projects in my class at one time, and storage will be an issue. Special exceptions can be made, but you will need to arrange it with me first.
- Your display needs to have a clear title with letters about 1 inch high and needs to include the civilization of origin. The display must be self-explanatory and include multiple labels and/or captions to help the viewer understand your display.
- The display can have moving parts, water, and/or motors but these are not necessary for a good grade. Just make sure the project doesn’t leak or leave a trail of dirt, clay, leaves, etc…
- You must also include a one-page paper and an annotated bibliography. The one-page paper explains the technology and its historical context, who used it, how it was used, its importance, and further developments.
This will be a 200 point assignment. The project score will break down to 140 points for the display, 60 points for the paper. The grading rubric is attached.
Possible Project Ideas:
· chainmail coif (hood)
· How to smelt copper or iron (diorama)
· cross section of a Roman road
· a model Hittite Chariot
· a working Shadoof
· Qanat
· Archimedean Screw
· Concrete (broken into component ingredients)
· Rope Suspension Bridge (from the Andes)
· Crane (Greek or Chinese)
· Plough (make and compare 2 different civilizations)
· Grain Mill (water, animal or wind powered)
· Replicate an ancient lock
You can also make a scale model of an architectural element like a roman arch using shaped blocks of stone or wood, or an ancient bridge
There are many, many other ideas you can use, but check with me before you start planning. Please don’t build a catapult or trebuchet. (I’ve got one to show to you already).
This is a big project. You need to start as soon as possible; I am willing to give a little extra credit for projects turned in early.
Ancient Technology Project Rubric
Project due in class on December 10, 2015
Project paper / Points available / Self-graded Score / Mr Nothstine’s grade decision and occasional notes.Your 1-2 page paper needs to accurately describe/explain…
· the technology you have chosen to focus on
· the historical context of your technology,
· who used it
· how it was used,
· its importance / 30
On a second sheet of paper record your bibliography in MLA or APA format. You need 3 or more annotated* sources. I will assume that the bibliography for your paper was also used for your display.
*You annotate a source by explaining how a source was useful to you, or what specific information you gained from a particular source. You should include your annotation directly below the bibliographic entry. / 20
Spelling, Mechanics, and Grammar
This project should be proofread by at least 3 people before it makes it to the teacher’s desk. The paper should flow from topic to topic easily.
· Size 12 font, double spaced
· Title sheet with name, date, class
· Separate sheet for bibliography / 10
Effort and Planning
This project will require a lot of effort and planning. Carefully research and plan what you want to do. Don’t wait to the last minute and expect mom and dad to scramble to find supplies. / 40
The project doesn’t need to me made of authentic materials, but it does have to look authentic and accurately show the technology. / 30
Labels and Title
Don’t assume that people will understand your project. Give it a clear title and label the heck out of it. / 30
Effectiveness as a Teaching Tool
You want everyone who views your project to have an “ah-ha!” moment when you show them something that enlightens them. You can often improve this grade by having a hands-on component to your project, but it isn’t necessary. / 40
Dear Parents,
I've attached some information on an upcoming history project. The project is not due until December 10 (in 49 days), but because the requirements entail building a model or hands-on display I hope your child starts sooner rather than later. If the project requires something mailed from stateside this should be done as soon as possible as mailing sometime takes longer than a month.
In the coming 2 weeks we will be learning about writing a bibliography and how to annotate, we will also have benchmark days where plans, research, and sources will be covered. If your child needs help during the process please encourage them to come see me during seminar or after school. I will be kind, encouraging, helpful, and all that good stuff... but not at the last minute : )
This is a fun project. I've had many students come back to me years after my class and tell me it was a highlight of their year, some still had their project. But it won't be fun at all if it is rushed a few weeks before the due date.
If you have any questions (after reading the attachment) please contact me at ,please do not reply to this e-mail.
Your Name: ______
Ancient Technology Project for 9th grade Ancient History
Project Preparation Sheet
Project Due December 10, 2015
From Mr Nothstine to his 6th period Ancient History class.
What is the name of your project or your project topic:
Please complete this sheet and turn it in on November 10, 2015.
1. Describe why your technology was developed. What purpose did it serve and how did it serve a particular civilization.
2. On the map below, please indicate, with a circle, where the technology highlighted in your project originated. At the bottom of the map please tell me the name of the civilization that first used it and around what year(s) the technology was developed. This last bit of information can be a time fame i.e. (300 – 50 B.C.).
3. In the boxes below, list at least 2 good sources you have used so far to learn about your project. Please use MLA format like we have practiced in class. After each entry please write a sentence or two explaining how each source added to your knowledge of the topic.
4. I would like you to create a google doc and paste the above sources on a page labeled “Bibliography”. You don’t have to share this with me now, but you will be expected to be able to share the page in the near future.
5. The last thing I need you to do (and this is important) is start planning your display. Ask your parents for help. If you need supplies then make sure your parents know what you need as soon as possible. Feel free to contact me for ideas and inspiration. I also know of places in the area that sell all sorts of craft stuff.