CCCSFAAA Executive Board

Minutes by Margaret Mann

May 20, 2014


Margaret Mann, Brian Heinemann, Linda Williams, Kim Westby, Rhonda Mohr, Becky McCall, AndiSchriebman, Dennis Schroeder, Peggy Fiske, Robin Darcangelo, Regina Morrison, Deborah Griffin, Ray Reyes, Tim Bonnel, Margie Carrington, Anafe Robinson, Mike Dear, Jacque Bradley, Ken Lira, Ruby Neito, Tom Bilbruck, Rhonda Mohr

Guests: Bryan Dickason, John Frasier (student representative), Hal Geiogue

Call to order: 8:32am

Review Agenda - Additions and Corrections – Brian Heinemann

Review & Approval: Minutes of March 3, 2014 (Margaret Mann) – approved

Margie Carrington – motion to approve

Linda Williams - 2nd

Treasurer-Elect Report (Dennis Schroeder)

  • We have lots of money – three CDs a little over $300,000
  • Twenty-three people haven't paid yet (14 of which included All Directors)
  • Owe money to chancellor’s office & the hotel (just paid)
  • Working Wells Fargo to get the interest withheld refunded
  • Proposed budget – reviewed
  • Anticipating the net profit from the CCCSFAAA Conference approximate $60,000
  • Lost money in 2013- approximately $40,000
  • Margie Motioned
  • Robin Seconded

Region 1- Becky McCall for Connie Barton

•Feather River College lots of personnel changes.

◦Barbara Cormack left for an extended leave due to cancer & will not come back.

◦2011 draft was over 30%, some of those will be challenged

•College of the Redwoods

◦Won't be moving to a summer schedule

◦Lost senior processor to EOPS got a promotion

◦Salary concessions

Region 2- Robin Darcangelo

•Everyone's busy winding the academic year, starting processing for next year

•Napa is hiring one position working across several departments.

•Jacque Bradley thrilled with her lifetime award.

•Mendocino College is still down one position.

Federal Issues – Mike Dear

  • Letter sent out yesterday – time period to comment for negotiated rulemaking
  • Rhonda & Mike to create a response to Gainful Employment
  • 150% loan stuff – doesn't think it will be a big deal

CASFAA – Robin Darcangelo

  • 1040 Meetings have been held
  • Disneyland tickets if you attend

CSAC Update: Bryan Dickason – (see attached report) highlights below

•Almost done with Competitive Cal Grant Awards – criteria is almost the same but split the GPA a little finer)

•Transfer entitlement awards.

◦Pending awards went from 30K – 17K,so enrollment files are working.

◦Number of Transfer Entitlement awards will be greater than last year.

•Continued to process Dream Act Applications and should have surpassed the number of Dream Act Entitlement Awards for last year.

•Working on skip logic for Dream Act

•Take rate has increased substantially

◦Take rate including all codes is 113%

▪Statutory maximums vs awards with some sort of code in Webgrants

•More than 100% awarded

◦Paid rate now up to 88%

Report went out on 5/2/14 - GSA 2014-14

Forced schools to go through reports but realized the data was incorrect.

Template cuts off verification flag & EFC is hard-coded to zero.

Excel 2013 can't open the template.

Students have gotten messages from people indicating that they need to pay $300 to have their Cal Grant place on hold

Message is on website

Special Alert going out

Region 3 (Regina Morrison)

New practice of hiring Associate Director or Supervisor & Director at the District level

College of Marin is reorganizing and eliminating the FA Director, creating an Associate Dean & combining duties.

Staff is being shifted from one campus to another within the District working on SULA implementation. Trying to get another Region 3 Representative – no volunteers

Region 4 (Deborah Griffin)

Maritza stepped down & Deborah is taking her place. No meeting since the conference

Region 5 (Peggy Fiske)

Had issues with verification, foreign high school, pushing outreach to increase FTEs. Some schools are looking at pulling out of Higher One.

Regions 6 (Sherrie Padilla)

Had to leave as her daughter was having a baby

Region 7 & 8 (Anafe Robinson)

•Lots of personnel changes

◦New FA Directors at LA Harbor, Freight Tech & Coastline College

◦Kim Miles is retiring June 30, 2014. Will have an interim for one year

◦Bob Miranda is retiring.

•Glendale experimental site for loans – restricting Unsubsidized loans for first year students.

•Fullerton is using to verify their students.

•Big discussion on transcripts and repeatability

◦Student gets a D (pass) then withdraws they can get paid a third time.

◦Can only pass it twice & get paid.

•Cannot hold up processing pending receipt of transcripts

Region 9 (Ken Lira)

All schools now have Financial Aid Directors/Deans

John Muskovitch will take over as Region 9

Polled all Directors to see if any schools got SSSP money – none

Polled all Directors to see if any schools got 2% money & 3 of 11 schools received some of that money.

150% - schools with Winter Intersession had problems.

Region 10 (Ray Reyes)

•Summer 7 out of 9 colleges are going to a 4 10 workweek.

•Most schools got a good allocation for SEOG & FWS.

•A few colleges closed due to wild fires.

•Experimental loan sites had lots of difficulty uploading data – but the process was worthwhile.

•Positive feedback on the conference

•Grossmont is going out for Dean of A & R/Financial Aid.

•Cuyameca is going to the same model.

•San Diego City College has a new president.

•Southwestern College was selected for a Federal Audit

◦San Francisco City College & Fresno also selected

▪Went better than anticipated for both

◦Conjecture that they were selected due to a high default rate > 20%

The Chancellor's Office would like to be invited to all Regional Meetings

This is an effort to promote participation from all schools.

Summer Training (Margie Carrington)

•Awarded the CCCSFAAA Hall of Fame Award to Rhonda Mohr

•Northern Campuses are confirmed – Modesto on 7/23 & Sierra College on 7/24

•Southern Campuses non-confirmed – 7/15-7/17

•Cerritos - 7/15

•Mira Costa – 7/17

•Pasadena? - 7/16? - if it doesn't work we go to four

•Use the same format as prior years

•Schools typically absorb the facility cost

•Sessions – Cheryl from USA funds will be available for all sites for 150%

•Verification (Brian will do it) – particularly with parent 1 & parent 2

•Drawings- $100 per site, must be present to win, if pre-sale only for a single site.

•Concerns about misinformation from Federal Trainers (Virginia)

◦Margie will have a candid conversation with the Federal Training Manager (Mark Girardi?)

◦FFERPA, SSSP, Repeat Rule, Cal Grant, customer service (holistic approach), round table discussion by software server, round table on attracting & retaining students through completion, Financial Literacy (Cash Course Implementation).

◦Ask Representatives which are their top five session topics

Brian Heinemann- President's Comments

Elections in February, March/April (Introducing the new Board), and transition meeting (June), July 1 would be the official start of the new Board. Membership year would be April 1- March 30th.

Requires more discussion to define the best calendar

Bylaws – Margie Carrington

Article 1 Address moves with the treasurer – do we want a more permanent address.

Article 2 Lifetime members are approved by the Board – Jacque Bradley has been officially approved as a lifetime member.

Article 3 Lists Financial Aid Regional Coordinators or Financial Aid Regional Representative

Article 4Correct the terms (3 year for president) & to show dates 7/1-6/30

Article6Had difficulty getting a slate last year – do we want to maintain the north/south split. Yes.

Article 7 Changing the year to 7/1-6/30

Final edits to be made by Bylaw Committee.

Send it back to the board via email, and then send a message to the membership.

Preconference (Robin Darcangelo)

Preconference has gotten increasingly expensive. CASFAA has agreed to split the cost. Sunday morning of CASFAA & hoping to get guest speakers.

Lunchtime Comments (Brian Heinemann)

Got hotel points for the conferences that are split with the Conference chair. It wasn't a huge financial gain, but it's a nice perk. Mentioning this to give a heads up to potential Conference chairs

Webmaster Report (AndiSchriebman)

See written report at the end of the minutes

Note – you are expected to upload your reports

Database is not up to date.

Transition Meeting/Conference

Want to do meeting near the coast. Monterey, Half Moon Bay, Tomales, Asilomar- transportation issues have been voiced as a concern. June (transition meeting) – is not a good time to go to the beach. Suggested time for the conference is the week of April 15- does not work as Ellusian

& WASFAA is April 12-April 15.

April 19th week or April 26th. Maybe the week of March 22nd.Regina will be the Conference Chair, Robin will help with entertainment – but not do the whole thing.

Commissioner – Hal Geiogue

Linda Williams – Raising concerns on the IPA

•Term enrollment (unit) reporting by term – definition of a term, timing issues, how a unit is defined.

◦What is the intention of this change?

▪ If we know the problem that this change is attempting to address, we can work together for a solution.

◦Not a great deal of consultation prior to the suggested implementation of the IPA

▪Unlikely that any action will occur until September 2014

◦A Special Alert went out listing how many awards, how many were paid, etc. – data was incorrect.

▪After this was brought to the attention of CSAC, there has been no response.

Schools will utilize the batch upload process as a primary method to report payments, adjustments, and status updates.

About half of schools send batch files for initial processing – but very few use batches to make adjustments and status updates.

Costs the school money to set up & maintain

Not many software vendors are moving this direction

Our IT staff may not have the depth of knowledge or time to maintain batch processing

•Schools must have a separately published policy for notifying students of disbursement options.

◦Why separately?

◦This information is already published.

•If anything is different, it is noted.

•Schools must report payment eligibility within five business days of determining enrollment status and disburse funds to students within five days of funding

◦Business model does not allow us to disburse within five days.

◦Other resources – shifted away from other aid.

•Cal Grant is overly complex; if it could be simplified, it could be easier to administer.

◦Many schools are unable to float the funds.

•Schools must fully reconcile their roster by the end of the term.

◦As defined by the IPA (a code is entered for all students), CCCSFAAA is okay with it

•All payments and adjustments must be reported no later than 30 days the following the term.

◦Stale dated checks

◦Students completing their file late wouldn't get paid.

•Make all disbursements & adjustments no later than August 30th and final reconciliation by September 30

◦Stale dated checks

•Quarter schools may still be midterm.

◦Competition for resources – start of the Fall semester, federal reporting, MIS.

•Would the CSU/UC be able to meet the suggested IPA changes?

•These changes would have been addressed by Grant Advisory Committee (GAC).

•Fund Your Future

◦Wanted to get it up on the website

◦Didn't get the format that we needed

◦Wasn't the most current file.

NASFAA Leadership Conference-Dennis Schroeder

Two ladies from his office attended

It was very educational.

CCCSFAAA & Dennis' Office split the cost.

Newsletter-Brian Heinemann

Are people reading the newsletter?

Not really

Very limited participation

Information is not distributed in a timely manner.

The articles are mostly sponsored.

People are overwhelmed.

Newsletter is discontinued.

Motion to have the fiscal year changed to the calendar year.

Motioned Dennis

Second Linda

Adjournment (Brian Heinemann)2:57pm

Web Oversight Committee Report

CCCSFAAA Executive Board meeting

May 2014


302 Current members (226 renewal memberships, 76 new memberships)

Job Postings: Posted 9 jobs since last FARR meeting in Feb, 12 jobs so far in 2014


CCCSFAAA Spring Conference registration and vendor registration setup and testing

Posted Conference presentations

Posted Conference photos to the photo gallery

Posted web-based training opportunities beginning of each month

REMINDER: Please post your reports, meeting minutes, etc. on the cccsfaaa website! This includes Regional Rep reports as well as committee chairs. Contact me if you can’t figure out how to do it! This is our repository of notes, minutes, history so please do your part!


click on MEMBER CENTER Log in with your CCCSFAAA username and password.

go to ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIONS at bottom of page and click on the appropriate board position ]

ADMINISTRATIVE OPTIONS (restricted access only - opens in a new window)

  • Executive Board/Committee Chair Admin
  • Regional Representatives
  • Membership Database Admin
  • Payment/Finance Admin
  • Event Management
  • Job Listing Management
  • Vendor/Sponsor Management

If you have problems with your login let me know and I’ll be sure you get proper access. I won’t know unless you try!

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Respectfully submitted,



Date: May 20, 2014

To: CCCSFAAA Executive Board

From: Bryan Dickason - CSAC CCCSFAAA Executive Board Liaison

Re: CSAC Update

2014-15 Dream Act Update

30,220 completed applications as of May 17, 2014

• 6,231 High School Entitlement Cal Grant awards for Dream Act applicants as of May 17, 2014

 Dream Act ISIRs (Cal ISIRs) are posted on a weekly basis on the WebGrants Report Download Screen.

 The 2013-14 application will remain open until June.

• More statistics on next page

Pending Legislation

Various bills have been presented in the state legislature during the current session that would affect student financial aid. The following two affect the Cal Grant program but others would affect debit card disclosures an contracts as well as other increases to Cal Grant eligibility. For a longer list of bills, see the attached list.

Dream Act Application Statistics as of 5/17/2014

Section 1: Application Statistics


Application Counts Renewals

On-time (met March 2nd deadline) 26,668 13,725

Late applications 3,552 1,635


Total Dream Applications Submitted 30,220 15,360

Segmental Choice

Segment First Choice Other Choices Total

Community College 17,316 10,644 27,960

University of CA 3,021 8,913 11,934

CA State University 8,752 14,203 22,955

Private 2 Year 6 21 27

Private 4 Year 816 2,600 3,416

For Profit 307 570 877

Hospital Ed. 0 5 5

Section 2: Award Statistics


Awarded / Not Awarded Counts

Awarded Students

High School Entitlement Offers 6,231

Transfer Entitlement Offers 0

Cal Grant C Offers 0


Sub-total 6,231

Not Awarded Students

Processed, Not Awarded 368

Incomplete Dream App 2,687

Dream App Pended, FAFSA Filer 1,109

Complete Dream App, GPA Match 6,914

Complete Dream App, Partial GPA Match 27

Complete Dream App, No GPA Match 9,332


Sub-total 20,437


Total (Awarded + Not Awarded On Time) 26,668

Awards by Segment

Segment E1 E2 Cal C Total

Community College 2,809 0 0 2,809

University of CA 778 0 0 778

CA State University 2,361 0 0 2,361

Private 2 Year 1 0 0 1

Private 4 Year 257 0 0 257

For Profit 25 0 0 25

Hospital Ed. 0 0 0 0


Total 6,231 0 0 6,231

California Student Aid Commission

Exhibit 2

Information Item

Update on Legislation

At the April 10, 2014 Commission meeting Commissioners voted to take positions on several pieces of legislation introduced in the second year of the 2013-2014 Legislative Session. This informational item includes a chart – Exhibit 2.1 – detailing the current disposition of those bills as well as several additional legislative items of interest.

Please note that the disposition of some of these items has not changed since the final months of the 2013 session, with some bills having either been held in policy committee or held on suspense in the Appropriations Committee. The disposition of these bills may change after the May Revise. May 23, 2014 is the last day for fiscal committees to meet and report to the Floor bills introduced in their house. Staff will provide an update on the disposition of all pending bills after May 23, 2014.

Responsible Person(s): Angelo Williams, Legislative Director

Strategic Policy, Media and Communications Division

California Student Aid Commission 1 May 15, 2014

Commission Bill Update

May 15, 2014 EXHIBIT 2.1

California Student Aid Commission 1 May 15, 2014

Bill #

Bill Summary


Last Action


Commission Position

AB 1976

(Quirk - Silva)

Increase the number of Competitive Cal Grants from 22,500 to 50,000.

AsmAprops Suspense File


Asm Hi Ed (10-0)

Aligned with


Policy Principles

1.1 and 2


AB 2160 (Ting)

Requires a grade point average (GPA) for all high school seniors and graduates from the prior academic year at public schools to be submitted to CSAC electronically by a school or school district official.

Refered to AsmAprops


Hi Ed (7-0), Asm

Ed (13-0)

Aligned with Commission

Policy Principles

1.1 and 3


AB 1590 (Wieckowski)

Changes the date CSAC certifies three-year cohort default rates (Oct. 1 - Nov. 1) Substitutes Stafford for Perkins Loan Program as one of the federal student aid programs in which a private or independent institution must participate to qualify for the Cal Grant program.



Ed (12-0), Asm

Apr (17-0),

FLOOR (75-0)

Aligned with


Policy Principles

1.1 and 2


AB 1456

(Jones- Sawyer)

Requires CSAC, with partners, to study the effects of enacting a pilot program allowing state residents to pay for their education (UC, CSU and CCC) by contracting to pay a portion of their future income for a specified number of years, rather than paying tuition and fees to enroll.