Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. In what stage do plants make spores?

a. / gametophyte / c. / photosynthesis
b. / sporophyte / d. / vascular

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by all plants?

a. / cuticles / c. / seeds
b. / cell walls / d. / chlorophyll

3. Which of the following is NOT a similarity between green algae and plants?

a. / the kind of chlorophyll they have / c. / a two-stage life cycle
b. / the presence of a cuticle / d. / their cell walls

4. What is an underground stem from which new leaves and roots grow?

a. / rhizoid / c. / rhizome
b. / fiddlehead / d. / frond

5. What is another name for a fern leaf?

a. / club moss / c. / rhizome
b. / frond / d. / gametophyte

6. What is the tiny, heart-shaped part of a fern that produces both sperm and egg?

a. / rhizome / c. / silica
b. / sporophyte / d. / gametophyte

7. In seedless plants, sperm can only reach the egg with the help of

a. / sporophytes. / c. / animals.
b. / water. / d. / wind.

8. Water loss in a leaf is prevented by the

a. / upper epidermis. / c. / lower epidermis.
b. / cuticle. / d. / vascular tissue.

9. The process of photosynthesis yields which two products?

a. / Sugar and water / c. / Glucose and oxygen
b. / Sunlight and water / d. / Sugar and carbon dioxide

10. In the gametophyte stage, a fertilized egg grows into a

a. / spore. / c. / sporophyte.
b. / gametophyte. / d. / sperm.

11. What are some similarities shared by green algae and plants?

a. / They make their own food, store energy as starch, and have a two-stage life cycle.
b. / They make their own food, are plants, and live in a dry environment.
c. / They rely on insects for fertilization, store water, and make seeds.
d. / They need sunlight, have flowers, and make their own food.

12. The two stages of a plant life cycle are

a. / roots and stems. / c. / rhizome and rhizoid.
b. / gametophyte and sporophyte. / d. / sporophyte and seed.

13. Unlike seedless plants, seed plants

a. / have gametophytes that form within the reproductive structures of the sporophyte.
b. / live in only a few parts of the world.
c. / protect their young.
d. / need water to help the sperm and egg meet.


14. What plants get water and nutrients from rhizoids?

a. / mosses / c. / buttercups
b. / conifers / d. / angiosperms

15. What cell part captures energy from the sun to make food?

a. / chloroplasts / c. / cell membranes
b. / cell walls / d. / vacuoles

16. What do the sperm of seedless plants need to reach the eggs?

a. / water / c. / pollen
b. / wind / d. / birds

Completion Complete each sentence or statement.

17. Because plants make their own food, they are called ______.

18. Plants need which greenhouse gas to survive?

19. Nonflowering seed plants are called ______.

20. Flowering seed plants are called ______.

21. The gametophyte stage of a plant’s life cycle is also known as the ______stage.

22. A ______plant has tissues that can move water to any part of the plant

Diagram Identify the features of the plant cell below

Short Answer Choose any TWO of the questions on the projector to answer in 1-3 sentences.

A Describe the two stages in a plant’s life cycle.

B How is a plant’s size related to its method of transporting water and nutrients?

C What’s the difference between a rhizoid and a rhizome?

D Describe the environmental importance of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

E Describe the four main groups of plants.

F Is algae considered a plant? Why or why not.

G Explain how seedless plants are important to the environment.

H What is one main difference between a fern life cycle and a moss life cycle?

I. Why are algae important members of a community?

J. What will most likely happen to nonvascular plants in a dry environment? Why?



1. B

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. C

14. A

15. A

16. A


17. autotrophic or producers

18. carbon dioxide

19. gymnosperm

20. angiosperm

21. haploid

22. vascular


23. cell wall

24. cell membrane

25. chloroplast

26. nucleus


A. In the sporophyte stage, plants make spores that grow into gametophytes. In the gametophyte stage, male gametophytes produce sperm and female gametophytes produce eggs.

B Nonvascular plants rely on diffusion, which is efficient only in small plants. Vascular plants have conducting tissues, which enable the plant to be very large.

C. A rhizoid is a rootlike structure that holds a nonvascular plant in place. A rhizome is a horizontal underground stem from which new roots and shoots can grow.

D. They are usually the first plants to live in a new area. When they die, they form a thin layer of soil in which other plants can grow. They also prevent soil erosion, are eaten by some animals, and are used for nesting material.


1—Nonvascular plants which do not have a structure for moving water throughout the plant.

2—Seedless vascular plants which are plants that do have a structure for moving water throughout the plant, but have no seeds.

3—Gymnosperms which are plants that have a structure for moving water, have seeds, but do not flower.

4—Angiosperms which are plants that have a structure for moving water, have seeds, and have flowers.

F. Green algae & plants have much in common, such as the same kind of chlorophyll, similar cell walls, make food through photosynthesis, store energy in the form of starch, and have a 2-stage life cycle. These similarities make it appear likely that green algae and plants have a common ancestor, but algae are not a plant. Algae lacks roots, cuticles, and stems.

G. They help form soil, prevent erosion, help form communities, and add to soil depth.

H. The remains of seedless vascular plants that lived and died 300 million years ago formed coal. People mine coal from the Earth’s crust and use it for energy.

I. In the fern life cycle, the gametophyte is one structure that gives off both sperm and eggs. In the moss life cycle, there are both male and female gametophyte, with the male providing the sperm and the female providing the eggs.

J. Algae provide both food and oxygen to an ecosystem

M. Nonvascular plants do not have specialized tissue to transport water from one part of the plant to another, and rely on water in the environment or within other cells. In a dry environment, a nonvascular plant would die, or might evolve to rely on seasonal rains or on underground water.

Name______Botany Quiz #1-Academic

Multiple Choice

1._____ 5._____ 9._____ 13._____

2._____ 6._____ 10.____ 14._____

3._____ 7._____ 11.____ 15._____

4._____ 8._____ 12.____ 16._____








Short Answer


Name______Botany Quiz #1-ADVANCED

Multiple Choice

1._____ 5._____ 9._____ 13._____

2._____ 6._____ 10.____ 14._____

3._____ 7._____ 11.____ 15._____

4._____ 8._____ 12.____ 16._____








Short Answer

