Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week #10


● Call to Order 7:04 P.M.

● Roll Call

  • Kyle Powell, Jennifer Humston, Ryan Rushing, ZenaFadel, JB Saul, Gabriel Riegle, Nathan Balasubramanian, Peyton Jones, Tyler Shaw, Gavin Doll, RahimaHamadi, Emily Bingham, Tyler Eichorn, Joe Bonvillian, Rob Yada, Latoya Warren, Yawen Xu, Alex Snyder, Jonathan Granata, Jeff Wang, Brandon DeFoe, Patrick Scheiderer, Matthew Almazan, Kayla Muncie, Mahesh Veeramala, John Ellis, Aaron Engle, and Corey Yoder
  • Absent: Max McConnell, Kasey Rawlins, and Amanda Turner
  • Late: ZenaFadel

●Approval of the Agenda

  • Additions, Corrections or Deletions to Agenda
  • None
  • Approved X Not Approved ___ Tabled ___

●Approval of the Minutes

  • October 21, 2014
  • Approved X Not Approved ___ Tabled ___

●Student Trustee Reports

  • Fall Break
  • College of Business Coffee Shop Groundbreaking

●Committee Reports

  • Brandon DeFoe (CoLA):
  • Student Legal Services
  • Budget Q&A’s
  • Student Outreach
  • SG Strategic Plan
  • Mission Statement
  • Ryan Rushing (Chief of Staff):
  • SG Strategic Plan
  • Alex Snyder(Student Affairs):
  • Internal Student Affairs Committee
  • Free Printing
  • Water Fountains
  • Kyle Powell (President):
  • CIO search has concluded public sessions

●Member Reports(attached)

  • Executive Board
  • President - Kyle Powell
  • Vice President - Jennifer Humston
  • Chief of Staff - Ryan Rushing
  • Chief Justice - Gabriel Riegle
  • Director of Internal Affairs - ZenaFadel
  • Speaker of the House - Peyton Jones
  • Cabinet
  • Assistant Speaker of the House - Tyler Shaw
  • Director of Academic Affairs - Gavin Doll
  • Director of Campus Culture - Emily Bingham
  • Director of Communications and Marketing - Max McConnell
  • Director of Disability Affairs - Joe Bonvillian
  • Associate of Governmental Affairs - Rob Yada
  • Director of International Affairs - Latoya Warren
  • Director of Student Affairs - Alex Snyder
  • Associate of Veteran Affairs - Jonathan Granata

o Senate

  • Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator - Jeff Wang
  • College of Education and Human Services - Amanda Turner
  • College of Liberal Arts Senator - Brandon DeFoe
  • College of Nursing and Health Senator - Patrick Scheiderer
  • College of Science and Mathematics Senator - Matthew Almazan
  • Commuter Senator - Kayla Muncie
  • College of Engineering and Computer Science - Emily Burns
  • Graduate Studies Senator - Mahesh Veeramala
  • Lake Campus Senator - Corey Yoder
  • Raj Soin College of Business Senator - John Ellis
  • University College Senator - Aaron Engle

●Report Discussion

  • Timeline on Constitution
  • DARS
  • Thanks to Emily Bingham for presenting at Wright State’s ‘Rise. Shine’. Campaign
  • SG website
  • Thanks to John Granata and John Ellis with their work with the new Veteran’s Center
  • GLBTQ Resolution
  • Student Support (UCIE)
  • Fall Break
  • SFC money for food for Housing Fair
  • Stem City
  • Brail
  • Disability survey
  • Art Show (Disabilities)

●Old Business

  • None

●New Business

  • Tobacco Use on Campus - Ryan Rushing
  • Discussion item
  • Introduction
  • University Tobacco Task Force
  • Recommendation to university policy for tobacco - free campus
  • Dr. Abrahamowicz and Dr. Barrett are designing a plan on how to approach this
  • Open Discussion (15 minute cap)
  • Veteran’s League Toy Drive Support - Jonathan Granata
  • Veterans League is starting a toy drive and partnering up with the Huber Heights VFW post 3283. Last year they gave out 287 toys to underprivileged children in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Bused to Huber Hieght
  • Please let John Granata know if you would like to help out
  • Boxes to collect toys on campus

●Public Forum

  • None

●Rowdy Bobblehead Award

  • J.B Saul to Kayla Muncie

●Advisor Reports

  • Dr. Dan Abrahamowicz (none)
  • Dr. Gary Dickstein (none)


  • Adopt A Highway - ZenaFadel
  • Great job to those who helped out on Sunday!
  • Upcoming Events:
  • October 31(12:30pm-2:30pm; Student Union): Abilities United Popcorn Sale for $1.00 - Joe Bonvillian
  • November 10 (1-6pm; Nutter Center): Amigos Latinos Business Summit - John Ellis

●Adjournment 8:46 P.M.

  • Moved by Brandon DeFoe; Seconded by MattAlmazanto adjourn the meeting.

Kyle K. Powell, President


1. Events Attended:

  • Wright State University’s Public Campaign Launch
  • Raj Soin College of Business Coffee Shop Groundbreaking
  • 2014 Multicultural Halloween Celebration
  • Faculty Senate

2. Old Business:

  • Gave a tour with CIO candidate, John Ellinger.
  • Lunch and tour with the last CIO candidate, Craig Woolley. The search committee will be meeting soon to discuss the four (4) candidate’s visits and how to move forward.
  • Was able to sit in several Student Government vacant position interviews.
  • Max and I met with Mark Anderson to learn how to manage Student Government’s new website. I have worked a lot on adding content to the new website.
  • Participated in Student Government’s Adopt-A-Highway cleanup this past weekend along with many other members.
  • Attended the Wright State University public campaign launch for the University. The University’s goal is to raise $150 million dollars. The University is currently over $107 million dollars.
  • I helped organize the TEDx live stream viewing on campus.
  • I was a judge for the 2014 Multicultural Halloween Celebration costume contest.
  • I am working on the Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 1 - Section A.
  • Executive Board meeting.
  • The Student Government Scholarship Benefit Planning Committee met to discuss next semester’s event.

3. New Business:

  • Please contact Max and I if you have any corrections or comments on the new website.
  • The Student Government Strategic Planning Committee will be forming soon.
  • The Executive Board will be deciding a comprehensive format for transition binders.


Jennifer Humston, Vice President

  1. Events Attended:
  2. Student Government Meeting
  3. October 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in 008 Student Union hosted by Student Government (see meeting minutes)
  4. October 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in E156 Student Union hosted by Student Government (see meeting minutes)
  5. Student Government Executive Board Meeting
  6. October 15th, 2014 at 3:00 p.m (see meeting minutes)
  7. October 22nd, 2014 at 3:00 p.m (see meeting minutes)
  8. CEHS Deans Student Advisory Council Meeting
  9. October 14th, 2014 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
  10. Discussion of the Ice Scream Social and events that are coming up on campus and within the College of Education and Human Services.
  11. SG Scholarship Benefit Planning Committee
  12. October 14th, 2014 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  13. Determining of food at the event
  14. Rob Yada will have a meeting with Lee Guild at the Nutter Center to find out the next steps for the event.
  15. TEDxDayton
  16. October 17th, 2014 8:00am-4:00
  17. Monitor the set up in Joshi to make sure there were no technical difficulties for the TEDxDayton event.
  18. Rise Shine
  19. October 18th, 2014 in the Nutter Center
  20. The $150 million fundraising campaign promises to further elevate Wright State’s prominence by expanding scholarships, attracting more top-flight faculty and supporting construction of state-of-the-art facilities.
  21. Interviews
  22. October 20th, 2014 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  23. Shelby Dinkledine, College of Education and Human Services Senator
  24. October 20th, 2014 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  25. Amanda Turner, College of Education and Human Services Senator
  26. CEHS Strategic Planning Committee Meeting
  27. October 20th, 2014 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. in 404 Allyn Hall
  28. Exclusive Planning for the College Meeting
  29. Senate Meeting
  30. October 21st, 2014 at 6:00 p.m (see meeting minutes)
  31. The committee picked the recipients for the scholarship
  32. Multicultural Halloween
  33. October 23rd, 2014 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  34. This holiday celebration combines the traditional Halloween customs of North America with other fall holiday customs celebrated around the world. This includes the African American “Kwanzaa”; the Asian Indian “Diwali”; the Chinese and Vietnamese “Mid-Autumn Festival”; “Chusok,” the Korean Thanksgiving; the Japanese “Bon” holiday; the Nigerian “Yam Festival”; The Mexican “Day of the Dead”; and the Native American Fall Harvest. The Multicultural Halloween is a collaborative effort of several Wright State student organizations and features diversity of music and dance from all over the world, a variety of multicultural foods, cultural quizzes with prizes awarded, face painting, caricature artists, balloon sculptures, and a costume contest for adults and children with prizes awarded.
  1. Old Business:
  2. Continually working on Goal Sheets for the senators. The goal sheets have been turned in and the next step is action steps to each goal.
  3. Working on Research for President and Vice Presidents of Student Governments in the local region and the local states.
  4. Traditions Book
  5. Working with Amanda Farrow for the Raider Traditions Book
  6. Looking to have the completed book out by fall 2015 semester.
  7. Senator One on Ones
  8. Dates are TBD based upon Student Government schedules
  9. I am meeting with each senator personally to help create, make, and implement goals through student government.
  1. New Business:
  2. Dean’s Student Advisory Council Meeting
  3. October 28, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. hosted by the President of the Dean’s Student Advisory Council
  4. SG Strategic Planning Core Committee with Dr. Sweeney
  5. Tue, October 28, 2pm – 3pm
  6. College of Education and Human Services Ice Cream Social
  7. October 29th, 2014 from 6:00 p.m.to 8:00 p.m. in the Wright State University Educational Resource Center
  8. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
  9. November 3rd, 2014 1:30-3:30pm in 138 Fawcett Hall
  1. Administrative Office Report:
  2. N/A
  1. Outreach:
  2. I have been able to speak about Student Government through Alpha Omicron Pi.
  3. Not many people knew who student government was, stood for, or where the office was even located.
  4. Continually using social media to spread awareness about what Student Government is, doing, upcoming events.


Ryan A. Rushing, Chief of Staff

  1. Events Attended:
  2. Ohio Commission on Latino/Hispanic Affairs Awards Gala - 10-17-2014
  3. Rise. Shine. Public Campaign Launch - 10-18-2014
  4. Raj Soin College of Business Cafe Groundbreaking - 10-22-2014
  1. Old Business:
  2. Associate Director for Governmental Affairs Robert Yada and I met with Lee Guld at the Nutter Center to talk about the Scholarship Benefit happening in the spring. Rob and I had very good conversation with Lee who, along with the Nutter Center Catering Director, discussed to us various options that we have with the room, theme, and food for the event, as well as contracting the space. I am waiting on Lee to email me the proposed contract and will give further updates once I get it.
  3. I have formed the Core Committee for Strategic Planning for Student Government and have drafted the materials for it. I have also met with Dr. Sweeney multiple times to go over what I have drafted for him to give tips and guidance. The committee will meet tomorrow (Tuesday, October 28), where I will add to this report when done.
  1. New Business
  2. I met with Aaron Engle, University College Senator, about the Internship Program. Aaron is going to make any edits to the application that he thinks appropriate and then draft an email to send to the contacts that I gathered earlier this semester from members’ previous high school. From there, Aaron and I are going to create a PowerPoint to present during the visits to the high schools.
  3. I am going to be meeting with Aaron Engle (University College Senator), RahimaHamadi (Associate Director of Academic Affairs), and Brandon DeFore (College of Liberal Arts Senator) on seeing of University College serves the purpose effectively and seeing the future purpose of University College itself. It has been seen as a well-intentioned idea, but has been poorly designed and is becoming, if not already, an outdated model. More and more colleges are offering direct-admit status to their freshmen, where the argument is that individual colleges know what is best for their students and will provide them with the appropriate support for academic and career success.
  4. RahimaHamadi and I are working on some research in regards to a fall break where there would be a day or two off near midterms to elevate stress for students, provide an opportunity for students to catch up, and an opportunity to take a break.
  1. Administrative Office Report:
  2. Please keep in mind that the regular meetings are not just set by members of the Executive Board, but by all members in general. If there is an item that a member would like on the agenda, please email ZenaFadel, Director of Internal Affairs, to be placed on the agenda. That said, agenda items do not just need to be resolutions, reports, confirmation hearings, etc. They can be just discussing items on “hot topics” that students are facing that you would like to be heard and discussed.


Gabriel Riegle – Chief Justice – 10/28/14

1)Events attended

  1. Diwali – 10/26/2014 – Asian Indian custom –
  2. A wonderful spiritual celebration of good over evil.
  3. Multicultural Halloween – 10/23/2014 – Many organizations on campus
  4. Volunteered server
  5. WSU Campaign Kick-Off Gala – 10/18/2014 – WSU
  6. Student volunteer and representative of a $150 Million donations goal.

2)Old Business

  1. The E-Board and I are in the process of refurbishing the Constitution and Bylaws..
  2. I am still attending Org meetings across campus.
  3. Created a survey that will be sent to students through WINGS and possibly the WINGS poll tab to gage student interest in a Pre-Law program on campus.
  4. Student Legal Services committee has met and discussed ways to make students aware of the benefits of a firm on campus.
  5. Nathen and I have met with a student and directed the student to Student Legal Services for further advice pending a car accident.
  6. I have researched banner costs and flyer costs for the elections coming up in the Spring.
  7. Nathan and I have interviewed Michael Christopher in regards to becoming a SEC (Student Elections Commission) member.
  8. I’m assisting Nathan with his resolution to change the constitution.

3)New Business

  1. The constitution will be brought to different cultural orgs on campus to see if they would be willing to translate it.
  2. I will be looking into purchasing new materials for elections.
  3. I will be meeting with Dr. Feldmeier, advisor of Pre-Law, to go over techniques to gage student interest for a law program.
  4. Nathan and I will be interviewing Sabrina Nichols to be a SEC member.
  5. The Judicial application due date has passed and three people will be interviewed, have interviewed, or have been confirmed to be a member of the Judicial Branch within Student Government. Other applications are pending.
  6. I will be attending Senate & Cabinet meetings discussing holding public forums.
  7. I will be gathering materials for the SEC to begin focusing on.

Balasubramanian, Lakshmi Nathan- Associate Justice – 10/27/2014

  1. Events Attended:
  2. Interview: Shelby Dinkledine - College of Education and Human Services Senator
  3. New member orientation
  4. Student Legal Service First meeting
  5. Interview - Interview - Michael Christopher SEC Member
  6. Multi-Cultural Halloween
  7. Adopt a Highway
  8. Old Business:
  9. Discussed about the Resolution in Senate Monthly meeting on 10/21/14
  10. Met with Dr.Vance Saunders to discuss about the Internship for Cyber Security Students
  11. Research on By Laws for Election Commission
  12. Student Conduct Appeal Hearing – Appeared as a Panel Member to the hearing
  13. Helped the new Graduate Senator with Report Procedures, Calendar etc
  14. New Business:
  15. Medical Insurance Review – Policy and Coverage for students
  16. A Check for Student Conduct Violation Sanctions and Immigration threats
  17. Associate’s Report (if applicable): N/A
  18. Administrative Office Report:
  19. I am working on a Chat application System that will be used for communication to International perspective students

6. Outreach:

a. Met with Graduate Student Ms. FahimehFallahi, a disgruntled student, to help her out with personal issues


  1. I have spoken to many about joining SG, but a select few, after speaking with them, seem to want to be Associate Justice and Student Election’s Commissions members.
  2. I have emailed past applicants to Student Government about the open positions within the Judicial Branch.


  1. Students in the Medical Field complain about not being fully prepared in the physics courses for the MCAT. A suggestion was made to have a single semester class (instead of the current academic year class) that specifically covers material that is pertinent to the newest edition of the MCAT. If you need more info, I will get you in-touch with the originator of this idea if he/she wants to speak about it.
  2. The Moat has raised a lot of controversy, and students seem to like the tradition that it has instilled, but the university realizes the potential for the space aesthetically. A majority of the students I’ve spoken with are juniors and seniors and wish the moat to stay, but I believe it serves little purpose and should suit better as an overhang space for more tables and an open view of the quad as the younger students I have spoken with have said.
  3. Students have heard about the plans for BACON, but have yet to see any construction or relocation occur. They look forward to an amphitheatre.
  4. A group of students have commented that the light pole near the Alumni Bell Tower does not illuminate the surrounding area quite as well as they would please for they feared the possibility of malice occurring and would like to see the light bulb changed.


ZenaFadel, Director of Internal Affairs

1. Events Attended:

a. Multicultural Halloween (10/23/14): 5:30-8:30pm

i. Volunteered

b. National Network for Educational Renewal Conference (10/24/14)

c. Adopt A Highway (10/26/14)

2. Old Business:

a. Meeting with Gary (10/13/14): 3-4pm

i. Discussed graduation cords, hotel bill from the Advance, and Adobe software

b. Meeting with Max McConnell (10/14/14): 3-3:30pm

i. Discussed Adopt A Highway publication

c. Cabinet Meeting (10/15/14)

d. E-Board (10/15/14) and (10/22/14): 3-4pm

e. Picked up SG cabinet keys and distributed the 3 supply cabinet keys to E-board

f. Internal Affairs Committee (10/16/14)

i. Bulletin board – Finished

1. Will keep updating the board; possibly add a suggestion board

g. CEHS Senator Interview (10/20/14)

h. Senate Meeting (10/21/14): 6-7pm

i. New Member Orientation (10/21/14): 9-10pm

i. Office hours, google, SOPs

j. Meeting with Kyle Powell about SG’s agenda formatting (10/22/14)

k. Meeting with Yawen about report format

l. Student Legal Services Committee (10/23/14): 3-4pm

m. Meeting with Patrick Scheiderer about Internal Affairs Committee (10/23/14)