File 201-9 Northern Lights School Division #113 Grade 9 Curriculum Reference Guide

English Language Arts
300 min
- Identity
- Community
- Social Responsibility / Comprehend and Respond
CR 9.1 View, listen to, read, comprehend and respond to a variety of texts that address identity, social responsibility and efficacy.
CR9.2. Use appropriate before during and after strategies to construct meaning
CR9.3. Use pragmatic, textual, syntactic, semantic, and other cues to construct /confirm meaning
CR9.4 View, comprehend and evaluate visual and multimedia texts (illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, pamphlets, photos, art video drama.)
CR9.5. Listen purposefully to understand, analyze, evaluate oral information (conversations, discussions, interviews, speeches, direction, train of thought, main points and techniques)
CR 9.6 Read and demonstrate comprehension of traditional and contemporary texts to develop an insightful interpretations and response
CR 9.7 Read independently and comprehend a variety of information texts including expository, historical, news and scientific writing
CR9.8 Read to increase fluency (150+ wcpm orally, 215+ wcpm silently) / Compose and Create.
CC 9.1 Create various multimedia, oral and written texts that explore themes
CC9.2 Create and present an individual researched inquiry project related to a theme or topic in ELA
CC 9.3. Select and use appropriate strategies to communicate meaning, before during and after speaking, writing or representing.
CC 9.4 Use pragmatic, textual, syntactical, semantic graphophonic and other cues to construct and communicate meaning
CC 9.5 Create and present a variety of visual, multimedia presentations to best represent information for intended audiences and purposes
CC 9.6, 9.7 Use oral language intentionally to express a range of information and ideas; to interact purposefully in pair, small and large groups in informal and formal situations.
CC 9.8 Write to describe, narrate, explain, inform, persuade, and interpret
CC 9.9 Experiment with a variety of text forms (e.g. debates, poetry, précis, script etc.)and techniques (e.g., tone, persona, point of view, imagery, dialogue, figurative language) / Assess and Reflect
AR 9.1 Assess personal strengths and needs in ELA and develop goals based on assessment
AR 9.2. Assess own and others work for clarity, correctness and impact. / (MIR) Crossroads
Context 1. All that I Am
Context 2Exploring Final Frontiers, Issues: Do the Right Thing
Context 3: Short Stories: Turning points, : Myths: A world of Tales;
Context 4: Media Mix: Fast Forward
Context 5: Exploring Final Frontiers, Issues: Do the Right Thing / (MIR) Sightlines
Context 1: Look; Look Closely
Context 2: Look Back; Look Closely
Context 3: All units*
Context 4: Look Beyond
Context 5: Look Beyond
(* some selections from each unit relate to the Imaginative/ Literary context)
Each unit should include outcomes from all three goals.
Using the MIR (Major Integrated Resource); there should be one unit each addressing the following 5 contexts: 1. Personal and Philosophical
2. Social, Cultural and Historical 3. Imaginative and Literary 4. Communicative 5. Environmental and Technological
( min. 5 units/year: 3 Thematic multi-genre, 1 Inquiry (e.g. S.S./ Sci. related), 1 Genre or Author Study)
Guided Reading Frustration Levels < 24 - 3/wk
Per Week Instructional Levels 24-25 - 2-3/month
Independent Levels 26+ - 2-3/month
200 min
Based on Math Focus / Unit 1-
N9.3 Rational numbers.
N9.4 Order of operations, including exponents / Unit 2&3
N9.1, N9.2 Understand /operations with powers with integral bases (excluding base 0) whole number exponents. N9.4
N9.5 N9.6 Approximate square root of positive rational numbers that are perfect squares.
SS9.3 Similarity of polygons.
SS9.4 Draw / interpret scale diagrams of 2-D shapes. / Unit 4 & 5
SS9.2 Surface area of composite 3-D objects to solve problems
PR 9.1 Problem-solving patterns using linear equations and verify by substitution.
PR 9.2 PR9.3 Graph / model linear relations; interpolate or extrapolate to solve problems
PR 9.4 Illustrate strategies to solve single variable linear inequalities with rational coefficients. / Unit 6 & 7
PR9.5 Polynomials
PR9.6 Addition / subtraction of polynomial expressions.
PR 9.7 Multiplication/ division of polynomial expressions.
SP9.4 Role of probability in society
SP9.3 Project on the collection, display / analysis of data. / Unit 8 & 9
SS9.5 Line and rotation symmetry.
SS9.1 Effect of: bias, use of language, ethics, cost, time and timing, privacy, cultural sensitivity, on the collection of data. / Unit 8
SP9.1 SP9.2 Chose either a population or sample to answer questions. SP9.3
Social Studies
Roots of Society
150 min / Interdependence
IN9.1 What constitutes a society characteristics / attributes)
IN 9.2 Factors that shape worldviews (time, place, culture, language, religion, gender, economics and education).
IN 9.3 Worldview expressed in daily life of a society.
IN 9.4 Influence of worldview on the choices, decisions, and interactions in a society. / Dynamic Relationships
DR 9.1 Challenges of obtaining information about societies in the past.
DR 9.2 Significance of key historical events in societies.
DR 9.3 Relationship of the natural environment in the development of a society
DR9.4 Influence of past societies on contemporary life in Canada / Power and Authority
PA 9.1 Various systems of governance (characteristics, worldview, historical, rule of law, distribution of power).
PA 9.2 Impact of empire building / territorial expansion on indigenous populations.
PA 9.3 Roles / responsibilities of citizens in contemporary Canada. / Resources and Wealth
RW 9.1 Perspectives differ regarding acquisition / distribution of resources and wealth in societies
RW 9.2 Trade and transportation in the development of societies.
RW 9.3 Technologies of past societies on contemporary society (math, tools, achievements).
150 min / Life Science – Reproduction / Human Development
RE9.1 Transfer of genetics / impact on society past/present
RE 9.2Significanc of cellular reproductive processes (mitosis, meiosis)
RE9.3 Sexual and asexual reproduction in plants / animals
RE 9.4 Human reproduction, reproductive technology / contraception. / Physical Science – Atoms and Elements
AE9.1 Physical and chemical properties of common substances (household, commercial, industrial, agricultural).
AE 9.2 Historical explanations of the structure of matter: Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr model of the atom.
AE 9.3 Classification of pure substances (elements and compounds, nature of the periodic table). / Physical Science – Characteristics of Electricity
CE9.1 Static electric charge and current electricity, including historical / cultural understanding.
CE9.2 Voltage, current, resistance in series/ parallel circuits.
CE9.3 Operating principles, costs, efficiencies of devices that produce or use electrical energy.
CE9.4 Past, current and future methods of small / large scale electrical energy production/distribution. / Earth and Space – Exploring our Universe
EU9.1 Motion and characteristics of astronomical bodies in our solar system / universe
EU9.2 Formation and evolution of our solar system / universe.
EU 9.3 Various cultures, past / present, (FN + M) represent astronomical phenomenon.
EU 9.4 Human capabilities for exploring/understanding the universe, including technologies that support such exploration.
100 min / Understandings, skills and developing confidences: USC Grade Nine Perspective: Promote Health
USC 9. 1 Leadership skills in promoting healthy decision making. / USC 9.2: Comprehensive community approach to safety to enhance well being. / USC 9.3 Stigma associated with non-curable diseases like HIV/AIDS or Hep C. / USC 9.4: .Norms / expectations with romantic relationships. / USC 9.5 Promote Healthy food policies in the community. / USC 9.6 Health, economic and social challenges of addictions (tobacco, shopping, alcohol, gambling, drug). / USC 9.7 Community supports (RE: tragic death and suicide) and help promote supports. / USC 9.8 Healthy living for those with chronic illness. / USC 9.9 Personal insight, motivation / skills to promote sexual health. / SEXUAL HEALTH is required
(USC .4,..9, DM, AP)
Decision Making DM 9.10 The role of health promotion in healthy decision making.
DM 9.9 Health opportunities and challenges to establish personal health promotion goals (apply to each USC topic above) / Apply decisions. AP 9.12 Make three 8 day action plans that demonstrate health promotion related to above topics
Arts Ed
Focus: Taking Action
200 min / CP: Creative Productive Visual Arts (50 min)
CP9.10 Create visual art that raises awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
CP9.11 Select appropriate forms, technologies, images and art making processes to convey ideas about topic.
CP 9.12 Solve visual art problems in new and unfamiliar ways. / CP: Creative Productive Drama (50 min)
CP9.4 How roles are developed and dramatic characters communicate meaning to an audience.
CP9.5 Manipulate strategies / theatrical elements to achieve dramatic purpose.
CP 9.6 Raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth in a collective creation. / CP: Creative Productive Music (50 min)
CP9.7 Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical idea.
CP 9.8 Combine elements / principles of music composition to express unified musical ideas.
CP 9.9 Compose / perform sound compositions to raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth. / CP: Creative Productive Dance (50 min)
CP9.1 Create dance that express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
CP9.2 Use choreographic processes.
CP 9.3 Choreograph duo or small group work.
All units for each strand in Arts Education should include:
CR (Critical Responsive) and
CH (Cultural Historical) outcomes / CR9.1Respond to professional arts individually / collaboratively and create own arts.
CR9.2 Ways that today’s arts can inspire change.
CR9.3 Arts expressions can challenge thinking about values, ideas, and beliefs. / CH 9.1 Role of artists in raising awareness or taking action on topics of concern.
CH 9.2 Use the arts to raise awareness on topics of concern to Indigenous artists.
CH 9.3 Diversity of artistic ideas, styles and media in contemporary arts
CH 9.4 Create and examine interdisciplinary arts
50min/wk / Change and Growth
CG 9.1 One’s own capacity for building a positive self-image
CG 9.2 One’s own abilities to respond positively to change / Connections to the Community
CC 9.1 Plan of career building which reflects life-ling learning using career building information.
CC 9.2 Societal and economic needs influence the nature of paid and unpaid work. / Life and Work
LW 9.1 Seek, obtain, and create work through research successful strategies and apply them to own life.
LW 9.2 Plan for life and work based on one’s preferred future.
