COUNCIL MEETING 7 December 2010 (Continued)

PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: Councillor Dr G Lodge

COUNCILLORS: I D Edmondson, Mrs E A Green, G R Parker,

E B Mansfield, S Cobb, C W Metcalfe, A Birdsall.

IN ATTENDANCE: Avis Thomas, Clerk to the Council

Jo Mottershead Deputy Clerk to the Council

P C Liz Hartley

Two members of the public

C93 APOLOGIES - Apologies were received from Councillors D N Mackay, Miss M Middlemiss and R H Sweeting.

C94 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - There were no declarations of interest.


The Chairman thanked Mr Harrison for his kind donation of a painting of the Ark presented to the Council earlier in the evening.

Mr Scrancher raised the following issues:-

·  Elderly residents were experiencing problems with snow and ice on pavements on the Woodlands Estate.

Councillor Metcalfe reported that due to a CEF initiative (One Place), TTC were in the process of working in partnership with Stutton Parish, SDC and NYCC to introduce further gritting of footpaths within the town to include paved areas in the Woodlands Estate.

There were due to be discussions between all parties on Thursday 9 December.

·  Grit bins had not been filled on the Woodlands Estate.

Councillor Metcalfe reported that it was Parish and Town Councils responsibility to fund the filling of their own grit bins through NYCC, Stutton Parish had declined to pay for the provision and had agreed provide their own grit.

Councillor Cobb was concerned that street cleaners were not clearing ice and snow from pavements in the town.

Councillor Metcalfe reported that street cleaners were working with the recycling collection teams to help with the backlog due to the bad weather.


C97 POLICE – PC Liz Hartley wished to thank the Council on behalf of Inspector Richard Abbott for the excellent organisation and success of the Christmas Market.

Reported incidents in the town had been low as follows:-

·  One arrest outside the White Swan public house.

·  Two incidents of burglary, one of which had resulted in the arrest of a Leeds resident.

·  The arrest of two men involved in metal thefts.

Councillor Cobb asked if the town would receive extra cover over the Christmas period.

PC Hartley reported that there would not be extra patrols but any extra cover needed would be provided by Selby Police.

C98 BUDGETS - Following on from the preceding Finance and General Purposes Committee, the budget provision for 2011/12 was recommended as £111,382 a 3.7% increase for band D properties.

RESOLVED - That a budget provision of £111,382 for 2011/12 be accepted.

ACTION – Clerk to complete all relevant paperwork regarding the precept.


C99.1 – Applications - The following planning applications received from SDC were discussed and observations made:-

·  45/10 – The resurfacing of Central Car Park to include the formal delineation of 143 car parking bays 3 disabled bays and 4 motorcycle bays and including amendments to access and egress junction and drainage work.

RESOLVED - Councillors welcomed the application, although the following concerns were raised:-

- Although members recognised that Blue Badge holders could park on yellow lines in the town, it was felt that the positioning and number of disabled parking bays needed further consideration. It was suggested that 2 bays be marked out close to the Vicarage Lane exit and a further 2 near the slope leading to High Street.

- Although members understood the reasons for not including a WC block within the plans they would like a provision to be considered in future years. It was noted that in the past an agreement had been made regarding the construction and maintenance for a new toilet block.

C99.2 – The following Granted applications received from Selby District Council were noted:-

·  26/10 - John Smith’s Old Brewery, High Street, Tadcaster – upgrade of site’s external lighting provision.

·  32/10 - 2 Willow Rise, Tadcaster LS24 9LG – proposed alterations including dormers to the side and rear.

·  33/10 - 30 Marlborough Drive Single Storey side extension.

·  34/10 - Willow Farm, Doncaster Road (A162 London Road) Proposed change of use, extensions and alterations to existing agricultural building and neighbouring dwelling to business use (B1).

·  37/10 - Angel and White Horse , 25/29 Bridge Street, Tadcaster – Listed Building Consent for alteration to external door. Internal alterations and new chimney.

·  38/10 - Angel and White Horse, 25/29 Bridge Street, Tadcaster – Restoration and installation of historic chimney and reconfiguration of entrance lobby

99.3 – The following refused application received from Selby District Council was noted:-

·  36/10 - Coach and Horses, 16 Commercial Street, Tadcaster – Retrospective application for proposed works to existing Public House to form restaurant with new glazed atrium and boundary wall.

99.4 – The following consultation on planning application received from NYCC was noted:-

·  46/10 - Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the certificate of Lawfulness for existing TCU Prefabricated Unit 1412 on land at Tadcaster East Community Primary School Grange Avenue.

C100 GALLOWS HILL – The Chairman updated members regarding a meeting held with Selby Groundwork where “Play Builder funding” (a Government Grant) and plans for further play equipment for 8 to 13 year olds were discussed. £20,000 had been allocated for Gallows Hill in Tadcaster.

The meeting had been positive and further consultation with all parties and local residents were to be arranged in the near future as the project would need to be completed by the end of March 2011.

The Clerk reported that Groundwork were in the process of arranging the consultation in Rosemary House on the 15 or 16 January 2011.

ACTION – Clerk to keep members informed regarding details of the consultation to be held in January.


C101.1 - County – Councillor Metcalfe reported on the following

·  Brammal Construction had agreed to fund the provision of a bus shelter and raised kerbs outside the Popplewell Springs development on Leeds Road to the value of $5,000.

·  He reported that as part of cost cutting measures 24 of the 42 Libraries in North Yorkshire (including Tadcaster) would have to look at alternative ways to be run or they could face closure. It had been suggested that volunteers in the local community or interested groups could manage the facilities. This had proved successful in some towns in the County.

Councillor Parker explained that librarians would need professional qualifications, although Councillor Metcalfe reported that no formal qualifications would now be needed, because support from NYCC would still be given.

He reported that there was to be a three month consultation period and representatives from North Yorkshire would attend the CEF meeting to be held in January as part of the process.

There were still a lot of unanswered questions regarding government funding cuts and he would keep TTC informed.

RESOLVED - All members agreed that they were against the closure of Tadcaster Library.

C101.2 - District – Councillor Metcalfe reported that the SDC Council Office in Tadcaster was to be moved to the Library from the 4 January 2011, Library staff had been trained to deal with SDC issues.

C102 APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The following Council minutes were approved as a correct record:-

Council Meeting held on 2 November 2010.

The minutes of the following Committee meetings were approved as a correct record:

Environment held on 16 November 2010.

Publicity & Amenities held on 23 November 2010.

P49 Members agreed that the Christmas market had been successful, all involved were thanked for their efforts.

Finance & General Purposes held on 23 November 2010


103.1 PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS – The Council approved and signed the cheques presented for payment at the meeting as follows:-

1 / 7152 / Enterprise / 631.66 / 110.54 / 742.20
2 / 7153 / NYCC (Road Closure) / 205.00 / 35.88 / 240.88
3 / 7154 / Yorkshire Audit / 275.00 / 0 / 275.00
4 / 7155 / Petty Cash / 79.68 / 4.36 / 84.04
5 / 7156 / P Collier / 142.50 / 24.94 / 167.44
6 / 7157 / Mrs A A Thomas / 1,040.87 / 0 / 1,040.87
7 / 7158 / Mrs J Mottershead / 738.04 / 0 / 738.04
8 / 7159 / Mrs J Ibbotson / 507.97 / 0 / 507.97
9 / 7160 / P.O.L / 658.74 / 0 / 658.74
10 / 7161 / Yorkshire R I Golden Rail Band / 150.00 / 0 / 150.00
11 / 7162 / Cancelled
TOTAL / 4,429.46 / 175.72 / 4,605.18

C103.2 The following payments were approved:-

7133 / Petty Cash / 76.07 / 0 / 76.07
7134 / Ricoh UK Ltd / 144.67 / 25.32 / 169.99
7135 / Ricoh / 11.97 / 2.09 / 14.06
7136 / Viking / 310.19 / 54.28 / 364.47
7137 / Darren Simpson (Window Cleaner) / 155.00 / 0 / 155.00
7138 / Wheatley Dyson / 132.86 / 23.24 / 156.10
7139 / Mrs A A Thomas / 916.53 / 0 / 916.53
7140 / Mrs J Mottershead / 719.41 / 0 / 719.41
7141 / Mrs J Ibbotson / 463.87 / 0 / 463.87
7142 / P.O.L (Tax & NI) / 577.77 / 0 / 577.77
7143 / Mrs A A Thomas LCN Mailer (domain names x3) / 46.00 / 8.05 / 54.05
7144 / Enterprise / 631.66 / 110.54 / 742.20
7145 / Metrosigns 2000 / 13.00 / 2.28 / 15.28
7146 / The British Legion (Poppy Appeal) / 18.00 / 0 / 18.00
7147 / Petty Cash / 51.61 / 0 / 51.61
7148 / Mrs A A Thomas / 109.80 / 0 / 109.80
7149 / Distinctive Catering (Remembrance Day) / 200.00 / 0 / 200.00
7150 / Petty Cash / 89.38 / 0 / 89.38
7151 / SLCC (Finance 2nd edition book) / 14.75 / 0 / 14.75

C103.3 – Signatories for the New Corporate Bond Account – Three members signed the necessary papers for the new corporate bond account.


C104.1 – The following items of correspondence were noted and actioned accordingly: -

·  YLCA White Rose Update – Local Referendums to Veto Excessive Council Tax Increases – new rules will not include local councils; Updating Payment Methods – Outdated methods of payment will be abolished and new rules introduced in 2011.

C104.2 - The following items of correspondence were tabled at the meeting:-

·  Selby & District DIAL Newsletter – November 2010.

·  Selby & District Community Safety Partnership Newsletter – November 2010.

·  Came & Company PC Insurance Parish Matters Newsletter – Autumn 2010.


·  An article regarding the donation of a painting of The Ark to be included in the March edition of the Town Newsletter.

·  An article regarding maintenance of Viaduct Walk to be included in the March edition of the newsletter.

C109 RESOLVED – That the items discussed in Part II be ratified and approved