Poole 14-19 Partnership Plan



  • Outline of Poole structure and context2
  • A vision for the 14-19 Phase3
  • Entitlement curriculum statement5
  • Support and Careers Information and Guidance statement6
  • Poole LA 14-19 Strategy (flowchart)7
  • Strategy for the implementation of the 14-19 plan

-Theme One – Achieving excellence for all our students8

-Theme Two – Learner entitlement to a high quality curriculum8

-Theme Three – Building Capacity9

Action Plan:

  • Theme One: Achieving excellence for all our students13-22
  • Ensuring equal opportunities
  • Addressing disaffection
  • Raising standards of achievement
  • Ensuring an effective transition at each Key Stage
  • Improving participation
  • Theme Two: Learner entitlement to a high quality curriculum23-28
  • Providing a range of high quality 14-19 curriculum, ensuring

that all have access to appropriate work related and

vocational education

  1. Providing education and opportunities for personal development

that enable each young person to achieve their potential

  • Theme Three: Building capacity29-31
  • Widening opportunities for all 14-19 learners
  • Increasing flexibility of provision
  • Increasing capacity for the delivery of the Diplomas and for

vocational education


APPENDIX 1: Attainment, opportunity and needs analysis

APPENDIX 1a: Targets for 2008 and 2009 and commentary on 2006-2007 (to follow)

APPENDIX 2: Maintained Secondary Schools in Poole

APPENDIX 3: Poole 14-19 Strategic and Operational groups

APPENDIX 4: Poole Secondary National Strategy Plan 2006 - 2008

APPENDIX 5: Diploma Partners: Roles and Responsibilities (to follow)

APPENDIX 6: Other linked plans, key partners, initiatives and issues

APPENDIX 7: Glossary

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Outline of Poole Structure and Context

School structure

In addition to a PRU and two Special Schools with students aged 14-16 and 14-19, the LA has: two single sex Grammar Schools; three Secondary Modern, two of which are schools facing challenging circumstances, one with a Sixth Form; a 13-18 Comprehensive, a 12-18 Comprehensive and a VA RC/CE 12-18 school. This variety is reflected in the range of attainment at Key Stages 3, 4 and 5 across the LA and compounded by the very different socio-economic circumstances of the schools.

Changes to the age of transfer take place in 2013, and to the school estate in 2011 with ‘Building Schools for the Future’, a joint project with Bournemouth LA.

Summary of the Poole context in comparison with statistical neighbours

Results in Public Examinations at Key Stage 4 in 2007

Results in Public Examinations Post 16 in 2006
A Vision for the 14-19 Phase

To engage all Poole schools and other partners in learning, in the creation of engaging and appropriate curriculum opportunities that:

  • are responsive to the needs of learners
  • reduce gaps in academic attainment
  • promote personal development
  • raise standards within individual schools and
  • by sharing and developing local resources and expertise, raise achievement across Poole.
  • And provide access in a collaboration partnership to all 14 diplomas

This will promote the development of young people with skills, values and attitudes such that they are:

1.1Competent and motivated learners with good communication, ICT and numeracy skills

1.2Able to achieve their full potential educationally and socially

1.3Able to successfully progress to the next appropriate stage of life long learning

1.4Able to work independently and as a team member

1.5Confident and informed decision makers


1.7Emotionally secure and self assured

1.8Active and productive members of their communities.

This has clear links with employers’ needs:

2.1 Willingness to learn “the business”

2.2 Commitment

2.3 Communication Skills

2.4 Numeracy Skills

2.5 ICT Skills

2.6 Intra-personal skills

2.7 Team working and networking skills

2.8 Problem solving ability

2.9 ‘Life long learners’

2.10Time management skills

2.11Flexibility and adaptability

2.12Planning and organisation skills

2.13Motivation and enthusiasm

2.14Showing initiative and being ‘self-starting’


2.16Work experience

2.17Job specific skills, identified locally as: construction; retail; administration and the caring services

2.18Increased vocational provision at levels 1, 2 and 3

(Baalpe/StAR 2004)

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and the intentions of national and local policies and plans:

3.1The Council’s corporate objectives and priorities include the intentions to:

3.1.1support children and young people

3.1.2promote health and well-being

3.1.3transform our Schools for the Future

3.2The Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) includes actions to:

3.2.1Improve health outcomes, school standards and positive behaviour in neighbourhoods where there are more disadvantages and health inequalities

3.2.2Aim higher for children with disabilities

3.2.3Ensure children and young people feel safe in their homes, schools and public areas

3.2.4Promote equality and celebrate and respect diversity for all children, young people and their families

3.2.5Contribute to the development of confident and employable young people who feel valued in our town

3.3The Borough’s

3.3.1Strategy for Social Inclusion

3.3.2Disability, Equality, Policy and Strategy

3.3.3Policy and Strategy for raising the achievement of Traveller and Black & Minority Ethnic Children and Young People

3.3.4Participation Strategy

3.3.5Strategy for Integrated Youth Support Service

3.414-19 developments in School Improvement Plans

3.5The LLSC Strategy for 14-19

3.6Transforming education for 14-19 year olds including:

3.6.1The 14-19 Implementation Plan;

3.6.2greater flexibility in the Key Stage 4 Curriculum;

3.6.3the National Framework for Careers Education and Guidance;

3.6.4guidance for work-related learning;

3.6.5the introduction of Functional Skills;

3.6.6the promotion of collaborative approaches to provision;

3.6.7the development of Diplomas

3.7Other national initiatives including Aim Higher, 14-16 apprenticeships, Success for All and the National targets for participation.

3.7.1by 2015 90% of 17 year olds are participating compared to 75% now

3.7.2more young people will achieve Level 2 and 3 by the age of 19. At least 72% at Level 2 by 2008

3.7.3more young people will complete Apprenticeships at least 75% more by 2008

3.7.4more young people will participate Post 16 – at least 90% of 17 year olds by 2015 and fewer will be outside education, employment and training with a reduction of at least two percentage points from 10% not to 8% by 2010

To meet the needs and future priorities of learners, employers and communities the LA, Poole schools and other partners in learning will work towards the provision of an entitlement curriculum and other experiences that:

4.1 are high quality and delivered by appropriately qualified staff

4.2 are engaging and appropriately challenging

4.3 are broad enough to offer choices

4.4 are flexible, meeting individual needs and aspirations

4.5 develop the skills needed for life long learning

4.6 promote personal development

4.7 promote creativity

4.8 promote equal opportunity and an appreciation of diversity

4.9 offer levels of learning to suit the individual

4.10include entry level programmes focussing on developing life skills, skills for learning and skills for working life

4.11develop sound communication, ICT and numeracy skills

4.12offer a mixture of vocational and academic qualifications at levels 1, 2 and 3 and Foundation

4.13provide access via collaborative partnerships to all 14 Diplomas at levels 1, 2 and 3

4.14provide work-related and enterprise education for all

4.15are delivered in an appropriate environment

4.16include access to recreational and other enrichment activities

4.17involves the community and employers

4.18deliver the national curriculum and qualifications framework

Every young person will study at Key Stage 4:

The choice available to young people will include:

All 14 Diplomas: / At least one course in each of the following areas: the arts; design and technology; the humanities; modern foreign languages; with an opportunity to take a course in all four areas if they wish to.
  • Engineering
  • Society, health and development
  • Construction and the built environment
  • Land-based and environment
  • Manufacturing
  • Public services
  • Travel and tourism
  • Creative and media
  • Hair and beauty
  • Hospitality
  • ICT
  • Business administration and finance
  • Sport and leisure
  • Retail
/ and

and the provision of a range of support that:

5.1 is learner led

5.2 is proactive – intended to prevent disaffection and promote achievement

5.3 is responsive – able to meet individual need/s as they arise

5.4 facilitates independence and personal responsibility

5.5 leads to informed decision making

5.6encourages an awareness and understanding of the needs of others and includes entitlement for all to:

5.6.1high quality delivery of the Diplomas

5.6.2high quality delivery of the Key Stage 4 core curriculum

5.6.3high quality delivery of post 16 education and training

5.6.4high quality teaching that is judged as at least satisfactory or better by Ofsted/ALI

5.6.5high quality pastoral support

5.6.6effective monitoring of performance

5.6.7guidance on learning to learn

5.6.8recognition of individual learning styles

5.6.9mentoring as appropriate

5.6.10education for the world of work

5.6.11health education and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle


5.7 high quality and impartial careers information and guidance that enables young people to:

5.7.1to recognise and record their developing understanding of their learning needs and attainment and to identify and record appropriate pathways and opportunities for success

5.7.2access information via the Area Wide Prospectus (AWP) and a variety of agencies working in collaboration

5.7.3access a variety of work-related education and experiences that widen understanding of post-14 options

5.7.4access subject and pastoral support and guidance to include:

a personal tutor, regular tutorial sessions, individual support at transition points, careers education, and extra support from specialist staff where necessary

5.7.5make informed choices regarding post-14 options and progression routes

5.7.6receive on-going support from the Connexions service

These statements reflect and support the LLSC’s statements for provision.

The LA, the LLSC and the other partners (detailed in Appendix 5) are working together to deliver the national and local implementation plan for 14-19 learners.

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Poole LA 14-19 Strategy and Implementation Plan

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Strategy for the implementation of the 14-19 plan

Theme One: Achieving excellence for all our students

A. We will ensure equal opportunities by:

  • identifying and addressing inequalities
  • meeting individual/group needs

B. We will address disaffection by:

  • early identification of, and planning to address, disaffection
  • providing relevant and appropriate opportunities to learn

C. We will raise standards of achievement by:

  • identifying underachievement
  • developing strategies that raise attainment

D. We will ensure effective progression routes at each Key Stage/age

  • providing high quality information, advice and guidance so that all are able to successfully progress to the next stage of learning
  • developing pathways for 14-19 learners

E.We will improve participation by:

  • integrating impartial IAG within 14-19 developments
  • making more vocational options available in post 16 education and learning
  • increasing young people’s skills and readiness for employment
  • improving attainment, progress and inclusion

Theme Two: Learner entitlement to a high quality curriculum

A. We will provide a range of high quality 14-19 curriculum opportunities ensuring that all have access to all 14 Diplomas and appropriate work- related and vocational education

  • at KS4 and Post 16
  • meeting the statutory entitlement to access all 14 Diplomas
  • meeting the statutory requirements for work related education and enterprise
  • providing access to vocational education

B. We will provide education and opportunities for personal development to enable each young person to achieve their potential by:

  • developing students’ personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS)
  • promoting healthy, caring and productive attitudes and lifestyles
  • providing citizenship, careers, health and drugs education
  • offering opportunities for enrichment

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Theme Three: Building capacity

A. We will widen opportunities for all 14-19 learners by:

  • offering entry level and a mixture of vocational and academic qualifications at Levels 1, 2 and 3
  • facilitating and supporting partnerships to deliver all 14 Diplomas by 2011
  • developing opportunities for vulnerable groups, for those with special education needs and for gifted and talented children

B. We will increase flexibility of provision by:

  • identifying current provision at all levels for 14-19 learners in Poole
  • facilitating access to provision through collaborative partnerships between schools and other providers

C. We will increase capacity for the Diplomas by:

  • developing specialist buildings/accommodation
  • identifying, deploying and using ‘new’ provision and resources
  • developing staff expertise

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Theme One:Achieving excellence for all our students
Activity: A - Ensuring Equal Opportunities
Success Criteria
Identify and address inequalities
  • Agree a Equal Opportunities policy for Poole students as part of 14-19 Consortia developments
/ LA/Students/Schools 14-19 and Consortia groups / By August 08 / Policy adopted by all schools and other providers / 14-19 Partnership funding
  • Complete Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) where appropriate to ensure no individual student or group is disadvantaged
/ 14-19 Consultant/
14-19 Development Group / Sept 07–Aug 10 / All students have equality of access and opportunity. EQIA register reflects assessment of this
  • Implementation of strategies and actions to address inequalities
/ Schools/LA / Sept 07 - ongoing / Improved access to appropriate 14-19 opportunities. Improved performance by targeted groups/individuals
x ref CYPP
Stay Safe (3)
i)Ensure children and young people feel safe in homes, schools and public areas
ii)Take co-ordinated multi-agency action to reduce bullying and discriminatory behaviour
iii)Create a children and young people’s anti-bullying alliance group
Enjoy and Achieve (3) Improve the emotional well-being and resilience of children and young people
i)Help schools to educate children to live in a multi cultural society and target awareness raising around racism and intimidation in schools
(7) Improve the attainment, progress and inclusion of children who have a learning difficulty and/or physical disability
i)Take account of and action the views of children with a disability on service needs

Meet individual/group needs

  • With Dorset and Bournemouth
(a)commission the development of electronic Individual Learning Plans (e-ILPs) for all Poole schools
(b)pilot the use of e-ILPs in four schools / 14-19 Consultant / (a)Sept 06-Dec 07
(b)May – Dec 07 / (a) e-ILPs in place
(b) pilot informs further development / 14-19 Partnership funding
  • Train schools in use of e-ILPs after completion of pilot
/ 14-19 consultant/pilot school staff / Dec 07-Mar 08 / All able to use e-ILPs to inform their learners, planning and progression / 14-19 Partnership funding
  • Fully implement e-ILPs
/ LA/schools / January 08 - onwards / e-ILPs in place in all Poole Secondary, Special schools and the PRU / 14-19 Partnership funding
  • Promote equality and celebrate diversity for al children, young people and families. Take action on the six equality strands and duties of social cohesion
/ LA/schools / Sept 07-onwards / Promoting Equality (PERD)/Children’s Services group monitor this, reporting to Service Unit Head / Within Service Unit budgets
x ref CYPP
Be healthy (1) Aim higher for disabled children
i)Co-ordinate assessment, care planning and commissioning for complex needs
ii)Provide better support for children with challenging behaviour
  • Support the development of the 14-19 curriculum for young people with moderate, and those with profound and multiple learning difficulties by
(a)providing information, updates and opportunities for collaboration at the 14-19 (Special schools) group
(b)Seeking opportunities to commission courses in addition to ‘Learning to Live’ / LA, schools and other providers, LSC
LA, schools, Poole Adult Learning / April 06 - ongoing / Will relate to individual initiatives / LA officer time, school and provider budgets, others as related to initiatives
  • Provide for young people excluded from school, access to a range of appropriate opportunities including work-related education and other opportunities to improve learning and social skills
/ Learning Support Service (LSS), SNS Advisers/Consultants / Ongoing / (a)As in Individual Learning Plans
(b)90% of Y11 leavers from the PRU enter employment education or training / Learning Support Service funding
SNS Adviser time
  • Meet the needs of young people in the care of the local authority (CIC)
/ Council members as corporate parents
CYP Social Care Personnel
Education Support Team for CIC
Designated Teachers of CIC / Ongoing / (a)As in Personal Education Plans
(b)CIC meet or exceed the levels of attainment of children not in care from similar backgrounds and abilities / Officer time
School and other staff time
Vulnerable children’s grant
  • Meet the needs of young people from minority ethnic groups
x ref CYPP
Policy and Strategy for raising the achievement of Travellor & Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Children & Young People / METAS Adviser and schools / Ongoing / (a) individuals and groups meet targets
(b) Schools able to best meet needs of Traveller and BME learners / Service Unit and school function
  • Offer levels of learning to suit the individual
/ Schools and other providers / Sept 07-Dec 11 / Students have access to Foundation level, Level 1,2 and 3 courses / School and provider budgets
  • Ensure KS4 curriculum is sufficiently broad to offer choices and personal pathways for all students in all Poole schools
/ LA/Schools and other providers / Sept 07 - ongoing / Sufficient pathways exist across Poole through individual school action and/or collaboration to allow such personalisation to occur / School resources
  • Ensure Post 16 options are sufficiently broad to offer choices and appropriate personal pathways
/ Schools/LA and other providers / Sept 06 - ongoing / 95% of students satisfied with option choices / LSC, LA after 2011
Success Criteria
  • Develop 14-19 Consortia to support Diploma and Functional Skills delivery
x refTheme Three C / LA/LSC / Jun 08-ongoing / Gateway 2 Success
Timeline and targets for development met / 14-19 Partnership Fund
  • Provide information on Diplomas/ Functional Skills for parents, employers and others
x refTheme Three C / LA/LSC / Jul 08-onwards / To be included in planning / AWI funding
DCFS Information leaflets distributed via schools, libraries, supermarkets etc.
  • Provision of high quality and impartial CIG (x ref Theme One D)
/ Schools/Connexions / Sept 06 - ongoing / As defined by Connexions / Schools/Connexions budgets

Theme One:Achieving excellence for all our students
Activity: B - Addressing disaffection
Success Criteria
Early identification of, and planning to address, disaffection:
  • Improve use of data to monitor behaviour and attendance

Schools*/LA/ Behaviour and Attendance Consultant

/ Sept 04-ongoing / Schools able to determine patterns and to take appropriate action / School resources
  • Share good practice on effective strategies to engage disaffected students
/ Schools*/LA
Behaviour and Attendance Consultant / Sept 04-ongoing / Schools increase range of strategies/action. / Meeting time
  • Develop use of Adults other than Teachers (AoTs) to mentor/coach students actually or potentially disaffected.
/ Schools*/Youth Services/Youth Offending Team/ other agencies / Sept 04-ongoing / At least six schools to be using AoTs by July 09 / School resources
  • Provide training and development groups on behaviour and attendance
/ Consultant for behaviour and attendance / Ongoing / Best practice shared Individual schools better able to promote positive behaviour and improve attendance / Within current resources
  • Provide Stage 1 and 2 Drug Training Programme




/ Key Stage 3 and 4 staff trained in SUST / Within current agency budgets
Provide relevant and appropriate opportunities to learn
  • Access learning opportunities available in the community, with employers, and from other providers
/ Schools/14-19 Consultant / Sept 04-ongoing
/ Increased opportunities available for those at risk of or actually disaffected / Within current resources
  • Develop the curriculum for students attending the PRU

PRU Consultant/ Staff/SNS advisers/

14-19 Consultant/ Youth Service / Sept 06-ongoing /

Core subjects secure. Improved access to other curriculum opportunities


SNS Adviser and consultant time/PRU budget

  • Investigate the possibility of introducing the national re-engagement programme to motivate disaffected learners
/ 14-19 Consultant/ Behaviour and Attendance Consultant / Jan 08 – Sept 09 / Programme used in full or part to inform the development of the curriculum and teaching and learning / Consultants time
Other funding needs to be identified during the investigation and/or in planning delivery
  • With Connexions, support programmes that enable young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) to develop skills that enable them to (re) enter education, training or employment with training
/ 14-19 Consultant/ Connexions / April 07 – ongoing / Targets for reducing the number of NEETs met / Connexions, LLSC and other funding as available
x ref CYPP
Enjoy and Achieve (6) Continue to support improved attendance and behaviour at schools
i)Support schools to implement whole school and linked school attendance policies and processes through the Education Welfare Service and the role of attendance leaders and governors, with designated responsibly for attendance
ii)Support schools in reducing the number of fixed term exclusions through sharing pupils with behaviour difficulties and collaborating about behaviour management, e.g. developing school respite support as at Rossmore Community College
iii)Work with Secondary Heads in developing the role of Learning Support Service (LSS)
Making a Positive Contribution (1) Continue to promote positive behaviour and enable young people to feel safe in Poole
i)Continue to develop self-esteem strategies, social skills and how to manage anger
Making a Positive Contribution (2) Support the Youth Offending Team in improving performance indicators
i)Continue co-ordinating multi-agency work to reduce anti-social behaviour among young people

Theme One:Achieving excellence for all our students
Activity: C - Raising standards of achievement
