Center for Strategic

Environmental Studies

Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Rebublic of Moldova

GEF PAD grant for preparation of Sustainable Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs) Stockpiles Management Project



Final Version

June 27, 2005


Center for Strategic

Environmental Studies

Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the Rebublic of Moldova

GEF PAD grant for preparation of Sustainable Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs) Stockpiles Management Project



Final Version

June 27, 2005

File no: / TR - 01
Date of issue
Prepared: / RUM, VIB, Field Team
Revised / RUM, TAB
Checked: / TAB
Approved: / TAB

Environmental Impact Assessment Report Page 3 of 165

Fianl Version Technical Appendix

Table of Contents

1 Model check list for field examination program 4

2 Guidance criteria for selection of most “critical” warehouse 11

3 Baseline information at the rayonal level 12

3.1 Anenii Noi rayon 12

3.2 Basarabeasca rayon 17

3.3 Balti municipality, Singerei rayon 20

3.4 Briceni rayon 26

3.5 Calarasi rayon 31

3.6 Cantemir rayon 35

3.7 Cahul rayon 38

3.8 Causeni rayon 43

3.9 Cimislia rayon 48

3.10 Chisinau municipality, Criuleni and Dubasari rayons 52

3.11 Donduseni rayon 57

3.12 Drochia rayon 61

3.13 Edinet rayon 65

3.14 Falesti rayon 69

3.15 Floresti rayon 73

3.16 Gagauz Autonomous Territory Union (GATU) 77

3.17 Glodeni rayon 84

3.18 Hincesti rayon 88

3.19 Ialoveni rayon 93

3.20 Ocnita rayon 98

3.21 Orhei rayon 103

3.22 Leova rayon 107

3.23 Nisporeni rayon 111

3.24 Rezina rayon 115

3.25 Riscani rayon 119

3.26 Soldanesti rayon 123

3.27 Soroca rayon 127

3.28 Stefan Voda rayon 131

3.29 Straseni rayon 135

3.30 Taraclia rayon 140

3.31 Telenesti rayon 144

3.32 Ungheni rayon 149

4 Quick reconnaissance survey of electrical substations 153

5 Laboratory results on environmental contamination with POPs 161

5.1 Soil contamination study in Orhey rayon 161

5.2 Environmental media contamination study for Pascani warehouse 162

5.3 Results of analyses of PCBs in soil and capacitor oil 163


Environmental Impact Assessment Report Page 3 of 165

Fianl Version Technical Appendix


Environmental Impact Assessment Report Page 55 of 167

Final Version Technical Appendix

1  Model check list for field examination program

A. General Information

А1. County

A2. Village / Town

А3. Owner of the storage facility (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  mayoralty

·  local agriculture farm

·  private person

·  not identified

·  other (to be specified)

·  Any relevant information (owner’s name, ownership’s duration, future/presumptive owner, etc.)

А4. How old is the storage facility (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  1-10 years

·  10-20 years

·  20-30 years

·  other (to be specified)

·  Any relevant information (year of construction / reconstruction, etc.)

А5. Was the facility constructed according to a specific design? (to be clarified on site, eventually visually)

·  YES

·  NO

If YES, then:

·  Is design documentation available?

·  Who is keeping it?

·  Have you seen it?

А6. Initial destination of the storage facility (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  Pesticide storage

·  Fertilizer storage

·  Other (to be specified)

·  Any relevant information on facility’s use along the last 10 years (was out of use, was used for other purposes, presently empty, presently used as pesticide storage, etc.)

А7. Design capacity, tons (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

А8. Number of …in adjacent settlements (an estimate is OK)

·  People: ______

·  Households: ______

·  Cattle: ______

·  Sheep: ______

·  Shallow wells: ______

А9. Number/share of vulnerable groups in adjacent settlements (absolute number and % of total population)

·  Aged persons: ______

·  Children and students: ______

·  Chronic patients: ______

·  Other categories: (occupational health problems related to work at the storage facilities) ______

А10. Are there records of loss/illness of cattle/chicken related the facility? (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  NO


·  YES. If YES then provide details

А11. Status of access roads (for trucks) (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  Good

·  Acceptable

·  Poor

А12. Road elements presenting higher risks for trucks access (to be clarified at the mayor office and/or on site)

·  Weak bridges

·  Very poor road

·  Weak roadsides

·  Other

А13. Additional information collected on site, for example

·  does the facility have an authorization?

·  record of past accidents

·  are there guards?

·  information on burying chemicals on site or nearby, in the past

·  record of past emissions / discharges of chemicals from the facility

·  was the territory floodedn.d.a.

·  presence of fire extinction equipment

·  presence of ventilation system

·  hooter

·  telephone

·  connection to electrical grid

·  pesticide register

·  etc.

B. Details on Storage Facility

В.1. Total fenced area (to be determined on site)

В2. Presence of warning and/or identification signs

В3. Other facilities on the premises (to be determined on site)

·  another storage facility

·  pesticide preparations facility

·  area for transport units

·  house for guards

·  open shelters

·  other (to be specified)

·  Any relevant information on facilities (technical status, present use, etc.)

В4. Drainage network (to be determined on site)

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, define its status (fair, destroyed, silted, discharge of drainage water, etc.)

В5. Runoff collection system (to be determined on site)

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, define its status (fair, destroyed, silted, discharge of runoff water, etc.)

В6. Evaporator grounds (to be determined on site)

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, define and describe its technical status:

·  area/volume

·  number

·  state of bottom and walls (concrete, terracotta, or earth / intact, cracks, or destroyed)

·  water insulation

·  other information

В7. Number and capacity (t) of halls within the facility that could be used for pesticide storage

В8. Is there any smell of pesticides on the perimeter of the storage facility?

·  YES


В9. Other information collected on site

B10. Drawing Page (schematically present the key objects)

C. Status of Storage Facility and Access Roads

С1. External walls (visual investigation)

·  concrete

·  limestone

·  bricks

·  wood

·  other (to be specified)

·  Describe technical status ((intact, cracks and their character (few, many, reach the basement, etc.), partly damaged or destroyed, etc.)

С2. Roof and floor (visual investigation)

·  tiles

·  slate

·  ruberoid

·  other (to be specified) ______

·  concrete

·  earth

·  Describe technical status (intact, partly destroyed (e.g. slits, hollows), partly missing, etc.)

С3. Openings (windows, doors, slits) (visual investigation)

·  windows YES

·  windows NO

·  other openings ______

·  doors locked

·  doors not locked

·  Describe their status: (closed, open, iron bars, etc.)

С4. Fence (visual investigation)

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, what is the material:

·  concrete

·  stone

·  metal net

·  wood

·  other (specify)

·  Describe its status: (intact, partly destroyed, etc.)

С5. Road cover near the facility (0,3 km)

·  concrete

·  asphalt

·  gravel

·  earth

·  other (to be specified)

·  Describe road status: (intact, partly/heavily damaged, do they provide space for trucks maneuvering).

С6. Other information collected on site

D. Site Environmental Characteristics

D1. Position of the facility within the landscape (visual investigation + use a small-scale map)

·  plateau

·  upper hillside

·  middle hillside

·  lower hillside

·  floodplain

D2. General slope and its geographic orientation (visual investigation + use a small-scale map)

·  slight (degree)

·  moderate (degree)

·  significant (degree)

·  north exposition

·  south exposition

·  east exposition

·  west exposition

·  (specify if other)

D3. Protection against wind (0.3 km) (visual investigation)

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, then specify:

·  Forest

·  Forest belt

·  Green area

·  Sharp slope

·  Buildings

·  Other

D4. Presence of ravines and gullies, taking the runoff away from the facility (0.3 km) (visual investigation)

·  uphill: YES / NO, if YES, estimate the length______

·  downhill: YES / NO, if YES, estimate the length______

D5. Depth of the first groundwater horizon (within 0.3-0.5 km from the facility) (to be determined on site by investigating the wells, or interviewing the local staff, or from design documentation)

·  0-2 m

·  2-5 m

·  5 m

·  Specify the source of information and provide details

D6. Indirect indicators of shallow groundwater layers (within 0.3-0.5 km from the facility)


·  wetlands

·  specific vegetation

·  other (to be specified)

D7. Risk of flooding the facility (to be determined on site by investigating the wells, or interviewing the local staff, or from design documentation)

·  YES

·  NO

·  Provide details (when, under what conditions)

D8. Soils (downhill 0.3-0.5 km)

·  Clay

·  Clayey loam

·  Sandy loam

·  Sand

·  Dusty

D9. Visible indicators of wind or water erosion (scours, ravines, etc.) within 0.3-0.5 km

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, describe

D10. Land cover vegetation / shrubs within 0.3-0.5 km

·  NO

·  YES. If YES, describe

D11. Specify any other factors (visible or in the opinion of the local staff), which facilitate or make difficult the spreading of pesticides by air, water runoff or infiltration into the groundwater

E. Sensitive / Vulnerable Areas

E1. Land use in the proximity of the facility (within 0,3-0,5 km or more if necessary - visually)

Land Use / Distance from the facility (visual investigation) / Position related to storage facility (uphill, downhill, lateral) / Notes and additional information
Vineyards / YES/NO
Orchards / YES/NO
Arable / YES/NO
Vegetables / YES/NO
Pastures / YES/NO
Low developed area / YES/NO
Wetlands, marshes / YES/NO
Industrial zones / YES/NO
Dwelling zones / YES/NO
Forests / YES/NO
Forest bands / YES/NO
Other (specify)

E2. Localities (visual investigations, interviews with people, maps)

Radius/distance / Locality name / Distance from the facility / Population / Number of grazing livestock (cattle/sheep) / Is the facility and adjacent area being used for passing the cattle/sheep herds or grazing by local households: YES/NO, if YES, give an estimate of the number of animals per day
Within 0.3 km / 1.
Up to 1 km (down-hill) / 1.

E3. Distance to the water bodies, water courses downhill the facilities, maximum 1 km (visual investigations, interviews with people, maps)

Water body / water course / Distance to the facility, km / General water resources use in each water body/course (irrigation, drinking purposes, watering, etc.) / Notes and additional information

E4. Sources of drinking water (boreholes, wells, watering places, and springs) near the facility (visual investigation, interviews with local people, maps)

Distance / Type of water source (borehole, dug well, spring, watering place) / Water source use (drinking purposes, industrial use, watering, etc.) / Use frequency (permanent, rarely, not used) / How many users (number of people) / Notes and additional information
Within 0.3 km / 1.
Up to 1 km (downhill) / 1.

E5. Natural Protected Areas within 1 km from the facility (visual investigation, interviews with local people, maps)

Protected area / Description / Distance from the facility, km / Notes and additional information

Е6. Other data, information, observations and opinions contributing to understanding and analysis of risks from the pesticide facility to the general public, the vulnerable groups (aged people, children, disabled population, poor people), local households, the environment, occurrence of accidents, etc. (use additional sheets, if appropriate)

F. Final Self-Check List

F1. Has all relevant information been collected? Is there any need to contact additionally the authorities, local staff or the population? / YES/NO
F2. Has the facility been mapped? / YES/NO
F3. Have drawings of the facilities on the premises been prepared, with proper descriptionn.d.a. / YES/NO
F4. Has the questionnaire been filled in entirely? Are the answers clear? / YES/NO
F5. What questions have not been answered properly and completely (indicate the item)? Why reliable information was not availablen.d.a. / 1.
F6. Have not you forget any materials or personal stuffn.d.a. / YES / NO
F7. Have you cleaned the shoes and clothes after visiting the facility area? / YES / NO
F8. List of persons met and interviewed
Telephone, fax, etc.: / 1.
F9. Name of the person who undertook the field investigation and filled in the questionnaire: / 1.
F10. Date of the field investigation (day/month/year):

2  Guidance criteria for selection of most “critical” warehouse[1]

Storage facility / Assessment criteria
Formerly stored a large amount of pesticides / Presently stored a large amount of pesticides / Poor technical status of the facility / Close settlement(s) / There are records of poisonings of humans and livestock in the past / Proximity of important water sources (wells, boreholes, water intakes) / Proximity of water courses and water bodies / There are records of accidents and fires in the past / Adjacent area is heavily polluted / The facility is partly dismantled for re-use of building materials / People consider it very risky / There are records of illegal burying of pesticides near the facility

3  Baseline information at the rayonal level

3.1  Anenii Noi rayon


There are 46 settlements in rayon Anenii Noi, including one central town. The distance between Chisinau and Anenii Noi, the capital of the rayon, is 42 km. The total area is 892 km2. The agricultural land occupies 66680 ha (74,6%), including 52446 ha of private (78,6%). The number of population is 82 000. The number of urban population is 8400 (10,2%); the number of rural population – 73600 (89,8%). The major international motor road is M14 (Lipcani-Odessa); the nation-wide road – R2 (Chisinau-Tiraspol). There is also a railway crossing the territory of rayon Anenii Noi which connect Chisinau and Odessa towns ( Ukraine).